Seven Gables Climber's Log

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ljwoodw - Aug 23, 2022 9:52 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2022

South Slope from Gemini  Sucess!

After climbing through the cliff band, we liked the Class 2-3 climbing above. Rocks seemed pretty solid and the moves were enjoyable. We didn't quite top out on the ridge, but traversed just below it, passing through a rabbit hole on the south side (memorable as this was, I'm surprised other comments didn't mention it - they must have stayed on the SE ridge proper). We had some trouble figuring out how far to descend before starting the "Class 3 Chimney" - there seemed to be two chimneys, one about 50 feet below the other. The higher chimney seemed to require a tough stemming move pretty much right away (we could have done it but assumed that such a move was not Class 3 and thus off route) so we tried the other one, which also got pretty stiff towards the top. In hindsight, the first, higher chimney was probably correct - we never saw that landmark overhanging pile of rocks.

Anyway, we enjoyed the climb, not so much the scree and talus descent back to the Bear Lakes basin after descending the north ridge. Yuck!


Romain - Jun 24, 2022 11:28 am Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2022

South Slope  Sucess!

Trip report. The chimney at the top is stiff class 3. Nice traverse from camp at Vee Lake to Seven Gables Pass, up the South Slope, down the West Ridge and then down the steep gully between the main summit and Peak 12,640 (which we also climbed - great views). Great day of Sierra mountaineering.


kleberr - Sep 24, 2021 11:36 am Date Climbed: Sep 21, 2021

South slope and north ridge from Big Bear Lake  Sucess!

Great traverse of Seven Gables - lots of smoke and almost no views


Rockawilliam - Jul 27, 2020 12:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2020

North Col from Vee Lake   Sucess!

After reading the description for the south route, I decided to try the north col. The route was straight forward and only required a small amount of 3rd class towards the top. I'd recommend moving over to the west ridge in a slow rising traverse after reaching the col. The summit views are spectacular, completely enveloping you with wilderness and jagged peaks. Vee Lake and the surrounding area are also gorgeous and exploring this area is highly recommended.


wmolland - Sep 23, 2016 11:19 pm Date Climbed: Sep 17, 2016

From Sandpiper  Sucess!

The vegetation above sandpiper lake was entertaining to navigate. After that, it was a fun cruise to the summit with a few third class moves to the very top. Stellar!!


Fairweather - Aug 8, 2016 11:00 pm Date Climbed: Jul 26, 2016

North Ridge from SG Lakes  Sucess!

Awesome summit. 2nd day of 5 day trip with Todd.


urnotreal - Nov 11, 2014 9:57 pm Date Climbed: Aug 21, 2013

From Bear Lakes  Sucess!

My favorite day of a 35 day romp in the Sierra. After being stopped short by weather on the two days prior, we got over Feather Pass and set up camp at Big Bear Lake. Then, with more storms threatening, we took off for the peak at around noon. We were respectful and willing to turn around at any time, but in the end, we were standing on the summit at 3 pm with storms raging everywhere except where we were standing. I don't know why, but the mountain wanted us up there that day. One of those experiences that will stay with me forever.

slugbutt - Aug 25, 2014 7:26 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2014

East Face?  Sucess!

I decided to attempt to find and climb the route described as the class 3-4, East Face Route on this page. Due to the dearth of information on this route, I can only assume whether or not I was on it. It is my belief that I started on the East Face route, as about 200 hundred feet up the first steep section I found an old rusted piton sticking out of a crack.

After the first section of class four (which I believe is without a doubt actually class 5 in several places) I entered the class three section. As my nerves were shot and I felt like surviving, I believe I got off route when I chose the shortest available route to the ridge above me. Near the end of my bid for the ridge, the climbing again became class 4.

Regardless of whether I was ever on the route, the entire east face excluding the scree chute between the north and south summit of Seven Gables is a serious undertaking. I am fully confident in stating that this is not a route to be attempted unless you are fully prepared to move through vertical terrain that requires several moves to get through.

For anyone attempting this route, I recommend you bring along a rope, protection, and a partner.


seano - Sep 9, 2013 8:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2013

From Gemini  Sucess!

Up the SW sand-slope, with a bit of a 3rd class finish on day 6 of a backpack. Trip report.


mengbo - Oct 6, 2012 12:21 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2012

West slope from Sandpiper Lake  Sucess!

2-day backpacking trip. On second day, I climbed this one together with Gemini


rone - Sep 10, 2012 2:45 pm Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2012

up from Seven Gables Lake  Sucess!

Packed into Seven Gables Lake from Bear Creek Trailhead with Jay, Franz, & Christian. A long but beautiful walk. Lotsa water in the creeks. Summited the south route the next day (24th). Surprisingly harder than it looks, but its mostly hiking with a bit of rock scrambling over the increasingly large blocks rock towards the top. Fabulous views!


bechtt - Aug 30, 2012 8:25 am Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2012

SE Ridge  Sucess!

Loop hike from Sallie Keyes that included Senger and Gemini. This route (loose sand everywhere) was distasteful until the very top where it got really interesting. Not knowing the layout of the top, I passed on the cl.4+ knife edge below the summit and did something similar to mrchad -- which turned out to be interesting as well. Returned via the west slope to Sandpiper, Marie and finally Selden Pass.


mrchad9 - Sep 6, 2011 3:37 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2011

SE Ridge  Sucess!

Up the southeast ridge during a weekend spent at Marie Lake. Fantastic campsite and really enjoyed this route. Topped out at the knife edged ridge, then over to the west chute. Dropped down a bit and went up what seemed to be a class four chimney (it was more of a face really). The class three chimney looked like it was probably just a few feet to my left. Cool overhanging summitblock.


calipidder - Sep 2, 2010 9:40 pm Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2010

Target Peak of trip attained!  Sucess!

The biggest goal of an 8-day backpacking and peakbagging tour out of Pine Creek. We camped at Big Bear Lake and studied the east-facing chute. Looked like vertical snow at the top. Fortunately all was passable class 2, no problems. Great climb, had a blast. Snow helped us in the chute (both up and down), and the talus was solid and good once we started up the final stretch to the summit. Nice class 3 summit block. Love the views from here, right in the center of it all.

Panorama video from the summit:


boyblue - Jun 1, 2010 7:25 pm

From Sandpiper Lake  Sucess!

Climbed in September, 1982; unsure of exact date. I was on a long backpack trip through the region- this was one of several peaks bagged. Also tagged the north summit on my way back down.

OregonGal - Jun 22, 2009 4:04 am

I was 13 my brother 12  Sucess!

Not sure of the exact date, It was in the summer dad and his partners of New Growth Forestry Service, teamed up with a few Hoedads and Marmots for summers of '79-'80 to rebuild John Muir Trail from Florence Lake to Seldon Pass (i think..) We had base camp in the Sally Keys Lakes. Dad and his friend Mike Bresgal decided to climb Seven Gables and my brother John ( a year younger than I) and I went with them. It was tough, but the view and the thrill of signing the book at the top... well, we stayed up a while and made it back to camp after dark. Wish i had a camera, the sheer drop off one side and the tumbled boulders to climb thru at the top surprised me. I always wondered what happened to the book...but I am in there! Erica :-)


dervin - Sep 22, 2008 10:57 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2008

S. Gables, and SOA  Sucess!

Beautiful country. I need to go back and climb one of the gables.

kevin trieu

kevin trieu - Aug 26, 2008 4:59 pm

Beautiful!  Sucess!

One of the most spectacular places in the Sierra. One of the most memorable trip with Pookie.


panweilin - Oct 25, 2007 3:11 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2006

An SHR bonus peak  Sucess!

As a bonus peak of our 9-day SHR backpacking trip. Stayed at Ursa Lake (one of the Bear Lake) the night before, traversed to Vee Lakes then Severn Gables Lakes, scrambled up from the saddle to the north of peak.


hikinedd - Sep 5, 2007 12:12 am Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2007

West Slope  Sucess!

Changed trailheads at the last minute from Florence Lake to Bear Diversion; great decision. From Bear Diversion it's 13.5 miles along Bear Creek all the way, mostly shaded with some gorgeous waterfalls, pools and the biggest Aspens I've ever seen. Camping at Sandpiper Lake put us a mile and a half closer to Seven Gables than if we'd camped at Marie Lake. From Sandpiper we climbed the west slope.

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