South Sister Climber's Log

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cfast - Oct 3, 2010 11:36 pm Date Climbed: Oct 2, 2010

with our 9yr old daughter  Sucess!

Our first time on S.Sis. summit. Started at Devils Lake TH and went slow with our daughter and son. She just turned 9 and was a real trooper all the way. Counted 200 people on trail, wasn't too crowded for a gorgeous day. Slippery,sloppy scree from false summit to top, especially coming down. Similarities to Mt.St. Helens summer climb with a lot of bouldering. Glad I had ski poles, knees aren't what they used to be! Difficult but fun for the old folks and youngest, a piece of cake for our teenager!

Troy B

Troy B - Oct 3, 2010 6:03 pm Date Climbed: Oct 2, 2010

South Ridge  Sucess!

Last minute decision to head to the Cascades for the weekend led to a summit of South Sister. Basically this time of year it's a hike up the South Climb route. Left early and passed two groups on the way up to have the summit to myself at sunrise. I was amazed at the number of hikers heading up as I hiked out.


thexcat - Sep 8, 2010 11:01 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2010

South Ridge  Sucess!

Drove 10 hrs from Mtn View, slept in car 3-4 hours a couple miles from TH and left at 5am. Car to car in ~5.5 hrs at a very fast pace (for me). First to summit, but saw dozens of people on the way down. Saw all the way to Adams in the North and Bachelor in the South.


Coyotzin - Aug 21, 2010 7:43 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2010

hot steep monutain  Sucess!

we started in the morning thabout 8000 feet up the mountain my dad saw someone that he know from high school. and ween we rechthe top the crater was stillcavered in snow. on the way down poeple asked me how old iwas i said, "i'm 8".


Curtissimo - Aug 16, 2010 3:37 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2010

with my 8 year old boy  Sucess!

Made it up with my 8 year old we weren't the fastest but he did a great job. No snow on trail steep but the exposure was never great we started in dark at 5AM and made true summit by 10:30. It's a circus maybe but we didn't see a soul on the trail until 2.5 hours into our trip and I ran into Peter Carey from my High School. You cannot camp to trailhead there is no camp there but nearby camps a few miles away or hike up 1.75 miles to camp at lake. Lake looked beautiful that was no nasty climber's camp one lady swimming looked nice. People camped on summit too said it was very windy.


Derv - Aug 9, 2010 6:24 pm Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2010

Smoke Free...Almost  Sucess!

Departed Devils Lake trail head about 6:45 AM and was on the summit by 11:30 AM. Mosquitoes were not bad and there was very little snow along the trail. Thought we might have issues with smoke from the Rooster Rock fire but the only smoke we encountered was from the loser smoking a cigarette at the tarn just below Lewis Glacier.

mamela - Aug 9, 2010 12:43 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2010

Climbed South Sister with our dogs  Sucess!

We climbed South Sister with our dogs yesterday, a 9 year old Australian Cattle Dog and a 3 year old Australian Shepard/Border Collie mix. We had bought rough wear booties for them for the top part where there is scree (sharp and pointy gravel/sand that is abrasive) but unfortunately we forgot them in Portland. We thought they did great but they were very tired on the way up and had some difficulty on the scree both up and down. Today we noticed that it had taken a toll on their paws. I guess dogs are stoic so we didn't know they were in pain. Their pads were cut in a few places and the bare skin inside their paws was raw and painful for them. Our Aussie/Collie is avoiding the gravel in our backyard now so we can tell it definitely bothers her. Our Heeler has fur inside his paws so he had more protection but still has a few torn pads. Anyway just wanted to post some info on this since there wasn't much on the topic when we were initially searching. I would really be wary of taking dogs to the top without booties and not on very hot days. It wasn't that hot and they were still very tired at times and searching for shade to lie down in. Also make sure booties fit well and go for a test walk to see if they stay on. One friend's dog did great with them and another's kept falling off. There were other dogs on the climb but if we ever decide to do the climb again we likely won't take the dogs.


JGHarrison - Jul 25, 2010 10:18 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2010

From Devils Lake  Sucess!

Beautiful hike....snow free. not too many mosquitos.


gimpilator - Jul 20, 2010 9:11 am Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2010

Two Volcanoes In One Day  Sucess!

Robbin and I did the south ridge from Devil's Lake and afterward we had some energy left over so we drove across the street and did Mount Bachelor too. Over 7600 feet of vertical gain in a day. Not bad


kraymes - Jul 13, 2010 12:03 am Date Climbed: Oct 7, 1985

South Ridge  Sucess!

With the Pool brothers. We left the beer garden in Eugene drove to the trail head: Randy drove - they were different times, what can I say. Hiked until we passed out. Woke up hungover and took the trail to the summit. Good Times.


mrchad9 - Jun 10, 2010 2:37 am Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2007

South Ridge  Sucess!

Like most every peak in the Cascades the views are fantastic. The perfect conditions for solid footing on the trail up and standing glissade down. The Bend area is one of my favorites of all places.


Holk - Feb 24, 2010 2:36 am Date Climbed: Feb 12, 2008

My First Mountain  Sucess!

I'd climbed up along Diamond Peak's ridge with my dad as a wee youngin, but the South Sister here I consider my first real alpine ascent. I did it with my friend Ross in 2007, but he didn't make it all the way up, so we went again in 2008 and he bagged the summit with me that time around. I can hardly wait to climb the Middle and North!


Bombchaser - Feb 4, 2010 10:33 am Date Climbed: Feb 1, 2010

Didn't Reach Summit

Attempted to reach the summit from Dutchman Flat via snowshoes. When I got to Devils Lake it started snowing. By the time I got to 7250 feet it was snowing steady and I could not see the mountain. I set up camp and spent the night. The following day the weather cleared, but was warming quickly. I saw one avalanche on the south face. I decided to turn back. Maybe next time I will start closer instead of trying to do the 24 mile round trip, very challenging and strenuous.


SKI - Dec 30, 2009 10:22 pm Date Climbed: Feb 3, 2009

Winter Rewards  Sucess!

Holy hell what a bad day. 20-hour epic, 5 cliffbars and two nalgenes to get me through alone. Earned that epic summit shot for sure.


Snowslogger - Dec 28, 2009 12:59 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 1992

Safer than the drive  Sucess!

A good solo climb, easier than passing the semi on Hwy 97!


jyojt - Dec 8, 2009 1:21 am Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2004

solo  Sucess!

nice little walk up


alpinedon - Nov 21, 2009 7:47 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2002

2nd time  Sucess!

This was my second ascent of South Sister, this time with my friend James H. What I most remember about this climb is the picture I snapped of Broken Top with the sun rising behind it (my top-rated picture on SP)


alpinedon - Nov 21, 2009 7:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 1999

1st Time  Sucess!

This was one of my first true 'big mountain' experiences. I went solo, and spent a cold night huddling in the car. Headed out in the morning and took 5.5 hours to reach the summit.


jamesmh - Nov 17, 2009 12:54 am

Many times  Sucess!

A Cascades classic.


RussThaw - Oct 10, 2009 7:05 pm Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2009

easy hike up  Sucess!

M.C. Rinehardt, Cindy Thaw, & myself hiked up from Devils Lake Campground Trailhead. Cloud shrouded the summit with wind, but had a fun time hiking another Oregon valcoano. thanx to M.C. for coming along !

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