Square Top Mountain Climber's Log

Viewing: 1-20 of 85

mattpierce - Aug 8, 2008 4:05 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2007

from Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Nice view


jpvt - Aug 2, 2008 2:03 pm Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2008

guanella pass

a late start and thunderstorms had us turning back just below the summit


csmcgranahan - Jul 21, 2008 11:10 pm Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2008

Trifecta  Sucess!

Summited Square Top Mountain, Argentine Peak and Mt. Wilcox on a bluebird day from near the Guanella Campground. Saw lots of mountain goats on the west ridge and wild flowers were everywhere. Still a little snow here and there but it can be avoided.


habaceeba - May 31, 2008 10:18 pm Date Climbed: May 30, 2008

Beautiful Day  Sucess!

This was a great bluebird day to hike ST's NE Ridge. Nice season opener for me.


Gahugafuga - May 4, 2008 10:22 pm Date Climbed: May 4, 2008

N Couloir Ski Descent  Sucess!

Skinned from Guanella Pass Road to the bench above Silver Dollar Lake. Bootpacked the North "Couloir" to the summit ridge at 13,600' then Hiked talus to the summit. Skied from the summit ridge (not the summit) all the way back to the car.


peakrat76 - Apr 27, 2008 11:27 am Date Climbed: Jul 17, 1982

From Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Climbed with two work buddies from the Fire Department. Chased from the summit by intense lightning and hail.


MountainHikerCO - Feb 28, 2008 10:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2002

Guanella Pass  Sucess!

This was my fourth climb of Square Top. MountainHikerette finished up the fourteeners in 01, so in 02 we did several thirteeners.


MountainHikerCO - Feb 28, 2008 10:53 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 1988

I came back  Sucess!

Square Top was the first mountain I ever attempted back in 1983. We were turned back by lightning. Later that summer I climbed James Peak to make it my first summit. I still wanted to climb Square Top so I came back for it and was successful this time.


MattK - Dec 28, 2007 6:11 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2007

Square Top  Sucess!

Wife, dog and I. Enjoyable outing. Hiked from Guanella Pass.

Foxy Long Bottoms

Foxy Long Bottoms - Oct 4, 2007 10:33 am Date Climbed: Oct 3, 2007

Yep  Sucess!

I thought I summated this one already. Turns out I was on the wrong mountain. I ended up on Squaretop this time. Ran into some cute guys with lolly pops on the way down. That made my day.

Eric Holle

Eric Holle - Nov 22, 2006 4:40 am

Route Climbed: Guanella Pass Date Climbed: November 21, 2006  Sucess!

Climbed Square Top with Argentine, Wilcox and Otter mountains. Such an amazing day.

royswkr - Sep 22, 2006 2:38 pm Date Climbed: Sep 14, 1999

From Guanella Pass  Sucess!

4 mtn goats on summit


ElliottDavis - Jun 26, 2006 4:00 am Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2003

Honda Civic meets SUV  Sucess!

My Honda and I got to the Guanella Pass parking lot and saw 12 SUVs. Who needs 'em?!? They all did Bierstadt and Evans; I hiked Squaretop and met only ptarmigan. Napped in the chilly sunshine and had an excellent day all around.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - May 8, 2006 2:51 pm Date Climbed: May 7, 2006

Guanella Pass (ascent), North Couloir (descent)  Sucess!

Skied about 20' from the summit.


Kiefer - May 5, 2006 11:27 pm Date Climbed: May 5, 2006

Guanella Pass Loop  Sucess!

I intended to cross over Square Top to summit Argentine Peak but only made it this far. The clouds were too dark, big and patchy. Maybe should try the west ridge (Argentine).


shknbke - Mar 27, 2006 4:54 am Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2006

Square Top/Argentine  Sucess!

Climbed Square Top & Argentine from Guanella Pass on a stellar early spring day. This was the most snow I have seen up here in 3 visits to the area. I climbed the east ridge to avoid any avy danger. The traverse across the willows wasn't bad.


Kiefer - Mar 23, 2006 2:40 am Date Climbed: Mar 21, 2006

square top  Sucess!

The morning stared out beautiful and sunny with plenty of fresh powder from the previous nights storm. It clouded up in the afternoon and got cold. I went from a t-shirt and no hat or gloves in the morning to a full Burton ski jacket, gloves, fleece hat AND hoodie & ski goggles by 2:00pm.
It was a good, long, strenous day though.

Mountain Jim

Mountain Jim - Mar 4, 2006 9:09 pm Date Climbed: Apr 19, 1967

From Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Total ascents = 5. Good early season 13'er, as long as avalanche condtions are minimal.


markhyams - Mar 3, 2006 4:42 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 1998

from Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Short and sweet. My buddy even went swimming in one of those alpine tarns you pass on the way.

Larry V

Larry V - Jan 15, 2006 10:02 pm

Route Climbed: northeast ridge, Guanella Pass Date Climbed: January 14, 2006  Sucess!

Climbed with fellow SP member, Woodie. There were two other climbing parties on the mountain besides us. Nice views of Grays and Torreys. It was an unusually warm day, with record high temps in Denver, and about 25F on the summit at 10:45 a.m.

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