starting to thaw

starting to thaw

this is upper Red Pine lake.
on Jun 12, 2007 1:03 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 300725


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lcarreau - Sep 19, 2007 3:07 pm - Hasn't voted

Great photo, Sean...

How beautiful - you're so very modest. I did a hike in this area in the late 1970's. Looks like global warming hasn't impacted the area TOO much. HOW DID THE ROCK END UP IN THE LAKE? Did it get here under its own power ???
(I didn't remember it from before.)
LOVE all your Utah photos - where is The Sundial located? Have to look it up! THANKS !


seanpeckham - Sep 20, 2007 5:14 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great photo, Sean...

Thank you, I'm so very pleased you like the photos. And I'm glad that the breeze picked up again; I missed my first chance to capture these ripples. What time of year were you in this area? Possibly in late season the level is low enough that the rock is above shoreline, plus the entire lake is not visible from some parts of the shore. Either ice-age glaciers or recent avalanches could explain the rock's location. Warming is indeed affecting the area, unfortunately: it normally receives 500 inches of snow per year and in early June this lake should still be buried. I've hiked in much deeper snow in mid-July here. That said, this year was anomalous even considering global warming (I hope).
The Sundial is in Mill B South Fork of Big Cottonwood Canyon, looking spectacular from Lake Blanche but puny from everywhere else!


lcarreau - Sep 20, 2007 8:53 pm - Hasn't voted

Great GEOLOGICAL insight!

I proceeded up the trail from Tanner's Flat in August of 1979. I remember coming to a lower lake, then proceeded "cross-country" to the UPPER one. YES, it was late in the season - we can only HYPOTHESIZE that the ROCK was already there, perhaps close to the shoreline. YES, I'd say that glaciation had a significant impact on this area. I don't have documentation on recent avalanche activity, but know that this area receives quite a few. You referred to the Sundial as PUNY - do you have plans to take on some larger & higher peaks?
My hat's off to you! Hopefully, this global warming stuff is just BLUSTER. Be careful, out there! I remember the northern Utah peaks receiving MORE than their fair share of LIGHTNING in the summer & SNOWSTORMS in the winter. Please enjoy God's creations! AND thanks for making me THINK !!! (We didn't have digital cameras or cell phones back then!) Such is life - TAKE CARE !!!


seanpeckham - Sep 21, 2007 2:44 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great GEOLOGICAL insight!

Yes, these lakes would not exist were it not for glaciation towards the end of the last ice age.
When I called the Sundial puny, I was not being pejorative, but commenting on the remarkable nature of the peak: being surrounded by higher ones (Monte Cristo, Dromedary, Sunrise, etc. -- from the top of which Sundial is barely noticeable), yet looking so impressive from below and being so exciting to scramble to the top of.
Yes, I have goals to climb higher peaks, but so far I'm focusing on the Wasatch 11ers (attempting North and South Thunder this weekend, weather permitting), with occasional trips to the Uintas and other nearby ranges; as time goes on I hope to range farther out and climb higher and more diverse mountains.
I am not a creationist, but I agree with your sentiments: the natural world is beautiful, the process of how it evolved to its present state is fascinating, and it cannot be appreciated too much!

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