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CClaude - Feb 6, 2015 11:18 pm - Hasn't voted

So very sorry about the bind

I know his situation. I had two surgeries within 12 mos but two calander years, and even though I have VERY good insurance, I was still stuck with $12K+ in bills, because when you have a neurosurgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, and 2 other doctorts assisting in the surgery, inevitably one or more will be out of network, and whemn you are told you need surgeery now or you may never walk, you don't think about asking if the assisting doctor is in-network... I am so very sorry


jacobsmith - Feb 7, 2015 3:58 am - Voted 10/10

Insurance is such a joke

The insurance industry is the biggest scam in America today, bigger than investment banking, bigger than for-profit education, bigger than congress. They are literally profiting from people's misfortunes - the less they help their customers the more money they make. Maybe if more people saw it this way we could vote out the people who wouldn't let us have free healthcare like Canada and most of Europe and our most financially insecure would not get screwed over. Anyways, that's my little rant on the topic. I really hope it works out, our country may be fucked but I don't think our people are quite that far gone yet.


StartingOver - Feb 9, 2015 11:22 am - Hasn't voted

Have you consulted a lawyer?

I'm no fan of insurance companies either, and sometimes it takes legal involvement to get them to pay for what they've promised. I am an attorney but this is not really may area, so I don't know if there's a possible case to be made or not. But it couldn't hurt, if you think there is a legitimate chance for coverage. The situation is complicated by the involvement of Medicaid, as the U.S. government is virtually impossible to sue. Nevertheless, it can't hurt to scour every single insurance document to make absolutely sure the denial of coverage is legitimate under the contract docs. A lawyer is the best person to do this.

In the meantime, my thoughts are with both of you. I know Josh will get through this ordeal. And, he is still very young, and will likely grow from this admittedly horrific experience to become an even better person than he already is. Given his amazing contributions here, he is sure to be a success no matter what area he decides to pursue.


gimpilator - Feb 24, 2015 6:15 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Have you consulted a lawyer?

Yeah, insurance companies are the worst sometimes. Josh and one member of my family have been extremely diligent in their fight against the insurance company as well as the search for possible legal action. They spoke to several legal advise people who worked in Canadian/USA law and everyone said that there was no way Medicaid would pay for this particular situation. Thank you for your suggestion.

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