The Lobspitzen and the Silvretta Stausee

The Lobspitzen and the Silvretta Stausee

... from early on the trail to Hohes Rad. The Lobspitzen feature several summits. The highest one is the Hintere Lobspitze (2873m), but that one isn't visible since it is behind the Mittlere Lobspitze (2799m), the rock tower just left of center. Further left and further away is the Verhupfspitze (2957m). And on the far left, the tiny summit close to the edge with the large snowfield on its left, is the Sonntagspitze (2882m). 19 July 2013.
on Aug 16, 2013 6:04 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery,  Water
Image ID: 862116


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