The main routes of Monte Bianco (Only)

The main routes of Monte Bianco (Only)

1) = Cresta del Brouillard versante E: V. Bressoud, René Dittert, W.Marquart and Francis Marullaz, (Jul 28th, 1933). Difficulty: III/D Length: 1.000m. 2) = Pilastro di sinistra: Ryszard Kovalewski, Janusz Maczka and Wojciech Wroz, (Aug 13-14th, 1977). Difficulty: TD/VI°. 3) = Pilastro Rosso: Walter Bonatti and Andrea Oggioni, (Jul 05-06th, 1959). Difficulty: IV°+/V+°/VI°/A1/A2/TD+ Length: 400m total length for picco Luigi Amedeo 650m. 4) = Pilastro Centrale, parete S (via Polska): Andzey Dworak, Marek Groschowski andv Wojcieck Jedlinski, (Aug 16-17th, 1971). Difficulty: V°+/TD+ Length: 350m total length for Cresta del Brouillard 600m. 5) = Hypergoulotte: Benoit Grison and Lionel Mailly, (Apr 20th, 1984). Difficulty: ED+/EX- Length: 600m. 6) = Pilastro di destra (via Bonington): Chirs Bonington, John Harlin, Robert Baillie and Brian Robertson, (Aug 21-22th, 1965). Difficulty: VI°+/A2/TD+/ED- Length: 300m total length for Cresta del Brouillard 600m. 7) = Sperone SE: Patrick Gabarrou and Alexis Long, (Jul 20-21th, 1983). Difficulty: VII°/TD+/ED Length: 700m. 8) = Sperone del Brouillard: B. Bougé, R. Ducournau, J. Franchon and R. Mizrahi, (Jul 13-14th, 1975). Difficulty: IV°/V°/V°+/TD Length: 700m. 9) = Canaloni SE Innominata (via Innominette): Patrick Gabarrou and Alexis Long, (Jul 09th, 1985). Difficulty: V°/TD Length: 700m. 10)= Cresta dell'Innominata: Adolf Aufdenblatten, Adolphe Rey, Henri Rey, S. L. Courtauld and E. G. Oliver, (Aug 19-20th, 1919). Difficulty: III°/IV°/D+ Length: 1.000m. 11)= Fianco E cresta dell'Innominata: Henri Agresti, Jean-Marie Galmiche and Francis Leduc (Aug 18th, 1973). Difficulty: IV°/V°/V°+/A1/TD Length: 700m. 12)= Parete S (diretta Bonatti-Zappelli): Walter Bonatti and Cosimo Zappelli, (Sep 22th, 1961). Difficulty: TD Length: 850m. 13)= Pilone Centrale di Frêney (via classica): Chirs Bonington, Don Whillans, Y. Clough and J. Duglosz, (Jul 27-28-29th, 1961). Difficulty: V°+/A1/A2/ED Length: 800m. 14)= Parete S del Pilone Centrale (via Jöri Bardill): Jöri Bardill, Michel Piola, and Pierre-Alain Steiner, (Aug 10-12th, 1982). Difficulty: V°+/A2/ED-/ED+ Length: 800m.
Antonio Giani
on Mar 9, 2016 4:51 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 966908


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