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nikolai79 - Feb 1, 2006 5:46 am - Hasn't voted

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Thanks a lot :-D

Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Feb 1, 2006 11:59 am - Voted 10/10

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very nice page

Las coordenadas dichosas:



sacadas de mi mapa de alpina digital para oziexplorer (aunque no sea muy correcto decirlo están para descargar en e-mule los mapas de Alpina modernos con calibración para GPS que son una gozada para hacer las excursiones y buscar coordenadas de cimas)

La ruta yo tengo el magnífico libro de Atela de Picos que podría ser un apaño pero no me suele gustar poner rutas que no conozco sin haberlas intentado una vez al menos o tener información muy cercana al menos. Si quieres te complemento la información que pongas con los datos del libro. La trepada final es II- pero expuesta (total de la ruta Fsup, o sea que como el Aneto más o menos).

Esta montaña es famosa por el dichoso corredor norte, el más famoso de Picos de Europa y el más largo de España (nivel D, 900 metros). Podrías mencionar algo más de ésto si quieres.


nikolai79 - Feb 1, 2006 3:53 pm - Hasn't voted

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Muchas gracias por las coordenadas... las ha clavado jeje.

Si tienes más datos sobre el Friero pásamelos en el foro y trato de completar la página. Hay cosas que me tendrás que explicar... no soy un experto

Muchas gracias

John Climber

John Climber - Feb 1, 2006 1:25 pm - Voted 10/10

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I'll only make two remarks:

1. over coordinates, what I do is: I go to whatever page of a nearby peak already existing in SP and that has already the interactive map... Then I 'move' over the map till I find 'my' peak...This requires some experience with map reading. Then I zoom in on the top of the map (actually Google earth) and I click on that point. Somewhere on the marges of the window of the interactive map appears the coordinates of THAT point. I write them down and I add them to my page. So many problems over coincidence/ accuracy of coordinates with the interactive map are solved this way...simple and effective! ;-)

My second remark: this page is absolutely perfect....nothing to be ashamed for. In fact maybe I would suggest a 5 stars rate for this one (sorry Josh, but I think a 5 stars rate could be an improvement at SPv2, just to be used for extraordinary good pages/photos, and this page is a good example of.



nikolai79 - Feb 1, 2006 3:55 pm - Hasn't voted

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5 starts is too much, I did my best because I love this mountains... and I miss them a lot as well.

But thank you


TodoVertical - Feb 1, 2006 2:19 pm - Voted 10/10

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Excelente elección y estupendo trabajo

Un saludo,



nikolai79 - Feb 1, 2006 3:57 pm - Hasn't voted

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Gracias, oye es tu chico de 5 años el que sube Almanzores o me equivoco???


TodoVertical - Feb 2, 2006 2:12 am - Voted 10/10

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Si, es Jon aunque tiene tan sólo 4 años todavía.
Te gustará leer esta historia de su escalada a la pared de Santillana en la Pedriza.

Un saludo,


Rick B

Rick B - Feb 3, 2006 6:17 am - Voted 10/10

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Nice page! No worries!

One thing, I would not say "forget the radio". Do you know for sure that the phone works when the weather is bad? Of course, it's better than nothing and a good suggestion. I usually leave my phone at home since I don't have reception anyway. But just if you have a radio as well, don't swap it for a phone. Take both :-)

Ah well, that's just nit-picking, it's a great page. Welcome to Summitpost!




nikolai79 - Feb 5, 2006 5:56 pm - Hasn't voted

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Yes you´re right, both it´s better. I´ll change these words soon.


nikolai79 - Feb 5, 2006 5:57 pm - Hasn't voted

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Thank for your vote!

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