"Transcending Towers of Cathedral.."

"Words are very, unnecessary; They can only do harm." Formed of both red sandstone and dark lava, the steep spires of Arizona's Cathedral Rock soar near vertical from the Earth. Cathedral Rock is most definitely considered an upflow vortex, helping the individual (visiting the site) meet with the divine and experience a transcendence most people can only dream about. During my short time on Cathedral, the sun was shining on my face, and I had to remove my dirty red bandana to wipe the sweat from my forehead. In doing so, what little "spiritual energy" I had been feeling probably fell silently to the ground and was carried off by red ants and small rodents. In the meantime, my wife was swimming with friends in Oak Creek, and I had to expend my last remaining energy for returning to the Crescent Moon Picnic Area to polish off bratwurst and five liters of water. Of course, it was entirely my fault, because from the very beginning I had been intent on "Setting The Controls For The Heart of The Sun." June 18, 2009
on Jun 21, 2009 12:58 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery,  Humor
Image ID: 523110


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