OfflineA Little About Me
I'm a hiker, backpacker, cyclist, and Cub Scout leader. If I'm not in the woods on a weekend I feel like the weekend is wasted.
15 years ago I climbed everything I could find but now carpal tunnel from my day job has left my grip too weak for climbing. I am teaching my kids to climb and they really enjoy it. My daughter is a natural and has made it straight to the top of every gym wall she's ever tried, even with overhangs involved. I can't wait to get her onto real rock.
My Images
My Trip Reports (1)
- 12 Bears in 24 Hours on Hazel Mountain Hazel Mountain
My Articles (1)
Climber's Logs I've Signed (5)
Mountains & Rocks (5)
- Clingmans Dome Southern Sixers
- Hawksbill Shenandoah National Park
- Bearfence Mountain Shenandoah National Park
- Stony Man Shenandoah National Park
- Hazel Mountain Shenandoah National Park
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Reviews I Posted/Reviews Posted to my Gear
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