OfflineA Little About Me
Love mountaineering, trad climbing, sport climbing, boulderring, backpacking and pretty much everything in the mountains
My Images
Climber's Logs I've Signed (26)
Mountains & Rocks (19)
- Mount Teneriffe Mount Si Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA)
- Mount Hinman Alpine Lakes Wilderness
- Alta Mountain The "Home Court" 100
- Mount Si Mount Si Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA)
- McClellan Butte
- Little Annapurna Enchantments
- Revolution Peak The "Home Court" 100
- Rattlesnake Ledge
- Index
- Leavenworth Area Climbs Leavenworth Crags
- Peshastin Pinnacles Leavenworth Crags
- Granite Mountain (Snoqualmie) Alpine Lakes Wilderness
- Mount Adams Cascade Volcanoes
- Mount Rainier Cascade Volcanoes
- Russian Butte The "Home Court" 100
- Mount Stuart Washington Top 100
- Snow Creek Wall Enchantments
- Ingalls Peaks The Teanaway
- Mount Baker Cascade Volcanoes
Routes (7)
- East Ridge Ingalls Peaks
- North Ridge Mount Stuart
- South Spur Mount Adams
- Coleman Deming Glaciers Mount Baker
- Pearly Gates Leavenworth Area Climbs
- Outer Space Snow Creek Wall
- Emmons-Winthrop Glacier Mount Rainier
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