White Mountain Peak Climber's Log

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Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Jul 19, 2002 5:59 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: July 19, 2002  Sucess!

Hiked with brother Ron. To make it more challenging I had no food or water (though I carried a liter). I think Josh called this high-altitude deprivation training. :)

5hrs CTC. Trip Report

The road was in fine shape. We took a Grand Am rental averaging about 30mph (that was almost more exciting than the climb). Weather was quite fine as well, after 5 days of thunderstorms in the Mammoth area.


ocelot - Jul 9, 2002 10:51 pm

Route Climbed: 4X4 road up the SE face Date Climbed: June, 2002  Sucess!

I hiked this stark peak with a lively group of 11 ham operators, peak baggers, and hi-techy-witty types from San Diego and southern CA, NV and IN. We had heavy hail, snow, lightning and thunder on summer solstice. Camped out on a high plain just above the observatory and Barcroft facility. Breath taking view of the east escarpment of the Sierra from the top.


mdostby - Jun 30, 2002 9:25 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: June 30, 2002  Sucess!

Climbed with forjan. We climbed Boundary Peak the day before. Had great weather. My 4th summit of White.


darinchadwick - Apr 2, 2002 6:07 am

Route Climbed: Standard dirt road Date Climbed: September 2000  Sucess!

We just had to make this easiest of CA 14ers more of a challenge, I mean people mountain bike to the summit for cryin' out loud. So we invited our two friends B & R to come with us. No big deal, except they also have a 1.5 and 3 year old. Too big to carry, too little to hike on their own. This made the humble climb up White mountain a true adventure. Balancing was tricky in the high winds, and you don't dare slip and tumble with someone else's kid on your back.

I don't know if it was hypoxia or shock, but the kiddies were very well behaved. They looked pretty dopey and strung out on the summit, but then again, we all did after packing them all the way up there. Next time, I'll stick to the mountain bike.


Shawn - Jan 19, 2002 2:57 pm

Route Climbed: Standard from locked gate Date Climbed: 9/13/2001  Sucess!

One hell of a "day hike", see my trip report for the full scoop. The summit was very nice and the view was spectacular even though it was a bit hazy off in the distance. A very memorable "first" 14er for us. Be prepared and enjoy!

TonyM - Dec 28, 2001 2:35 pm

Route Climbed: Service Road Date Climbed: November 26th, 2000  Sucess!

Climbed solo over Thanksgiving weekend, 2000. An unusual peak and quite different than any of the other 14 thousand foot peaks just a few miles away in the Sierra proper. Needed 4 wheel drive to get to the gate that year in late November. Hiked past the research station and bivi'ed in the snow at 13K feet to test out my new 20 degree Feathered Friends lightweight down bag and bivi sack. Froze my ass off all night.

The next morning was spectacular once the sun came up and warmed the clear air. Saw a huge (herd or flock?) of Big Horn sheep on the road higher up on the mountain. They all approached me in what looked to be a battle formation until quite close. I could just see the headlines: "Hiker mauled by sheep gang in apparent retribution slaying."

Stayed on top for a long while and soaked up the sun and the beautiful views of the eastern Sierras'. Proceeded back down to Bishop with a sudden craving for lamb chops and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.


nader - Dec 26, 2001 4:47 pm

Route Climbed: Service Road Date Climbed: August 1994  Sucess!

Was hoping for great views of Sierras, however, clouds got in the way


Elwood - Nov 4, 2001 4:47 pm

Route Climbed: Normal Trail Date Climbed: Sept. 95  Sucess!

I agree with 2ndage, to make it a more comfortable hike, if time permits. Stay an extra night well below Barcroft gate. My wife thought that this mountain contained the most viscious marmots she'd seen. Ha! Maybe something to do with the lab.? This was the first time I've seen the Sierra from the east, at such an altitude, & was quite impressed.

jacevedo - Sep 17, 2001 12:51 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: 8/3/01  Sucess!

Spent the night at Barcroft Gate to try to get acclimated. Mountain biked up to the final summit switchbacks and hiked up the last several hundred yards. Took 7 hours roundtrip since my climbing partners got a real bad case of altitude sickness. The weather and views were fantastic.


mdostby - Aug 29, 2001 4:39 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: 8-25-01  Sucess!

Perfect day for a hike. 74 degrees on the summit.

adk46r - Aug 15, 2001 12:37 am

Route Climbed: Jeep trail Date Climbed: 8/3/99  Sucess!

Generally easy trail to the summit. However, since access is so easy, many people experience altitude sickness. As a note to future CA 14er record challengers, I can think of two ways to shorten this hike: (1) Use mountain bike -- you can either ditch this at the base of summit, or I have heard of some people being able to bike all the way up. (2) Once a year, the locked gate is opened for an open house (for 2001 this date is 9/2/01), so you can drive up to Barcroft station, saving 4 miles round trip. see http://www.wmrs.edu/openhouse/Openhouse01.htm.


Josh - Aug 8, 2001 5:08 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: August 3, 2001  Sucess!

This was the eighth summit of my CA 14er speed climbing tour! Check out the trip report here.

2ndage - Jul 23, 2001 11:13 am

Route Climbed: Standard jeep trail Date Climbed: July 20th  Sucess!

Niether the distance or trail were a problem, but the altitude was a challenge for me eventhough I camped at Barcroft gate the night before. If you have the time and know that altitude is an issue for you, I recommend spending and extra day above 8000. It took me almost 5 hours to the top and less than 3 hours back.


Josh - Jul 15, 2001 4:38 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: July 9, 2001  Sucess!

Early morning jog to the summit. The rocks were a little icy from the previous evening's thunderstorms. Car-to-car time: 2 hours and 52 minutes


Josh - Jun 26, 2001 9:24 am

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: June 25, 2001  Sucess!

Jogged most of the "trail." Great views, but not too exciting.

No single part of the dirt road that goes up to the parking area is very bad, but the road is so long that it's bound to do some damage to most passenger cars.

I got a flat tire on the way down. I had a spare with me, but I didn't have a jack. So, I stuck rocks where the jack was supposed to go, dug underneath the flat tire with my ice axe until the car's weight was on the rocks, and then was able to change the tire. Good times.


Josh - Jun 19, 2001 9:36 am

Route Climbed: Service Road Date Climbed: 16JUN01  Sucess!

A 4WD vehicle is a must to traverse the twenty or so miles of dirt road from Schulman Grove to the closed gate. My friend's Passat received a beating on that road - it's a wonder why they paved a few hundred yards in the middle near Patriach Grove and not the entire length?

Nonetheless, a great day hike. No shade whatsoever, wear sunblock, and bring lots of layers. It gets cold at the top and also in the shadows of the hills when the sun begins to set. Bring lots of water. I brought 70 oz. and a water bottle up and finished off the 70 oz. round trip.

Although some may say this is an easy trail to walk on, I disagree. The Whitney Trail is a sidewalk compared to this trail!

Since it is a dayhike, be prepared for the elevation and become acclimated before you climb. My four hours of camping at the Grandview campground didn't cut it. Take your time and you'll enjoy the hike a lot more.


John - Jun 15, 2001 5:45 pm

Route Climbed: 4WD Road Date Climbed: September 24, 2000  Sucess!

Slept at Patriarch Grove of Ancient Bristlecone Pines for a great sunrise before hiking to the summit. Easy stroll to California's 3rd highest peak. I met and hiked with Richard Stevenson and his son Rich which made for some good conversation. We had the summit to ourselves for about 20 minutes before heading down.


mdostby - Mar 24, 2001 8:26 pm

Route Climbed: normal route - the old jeep trail to the summit Date Climbed: various times  Sucess!

A great day hike.

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