A savage pines forest at the Kohlberg ...

A savage pines forest at the Kohlberg ...

The Kohlberg massive is hiding very savage, picturesque and remarkable rocky formations (in pink sandstone of the Vosges). Those rocks are very deeply hidden, in a very dens and wild forest of pines. The forestian environment is still today, perfectly preserved at the Kohlberg : this is due to the fact, that the site is totally unknown and unfrequented by the humans (hikers or climbers) ! The Kohlberg is so known, as one of the best preserved and isolated rocky formations, all over the Northern Vosges country ... Not bad, because it becomes very difficult today, to find like so sites ! We are becoming always more and more numerous on the planet and our environment is transforming himself, for becoming too and too polluted and degradated ! For saving our planet and for protecting and valorizing our natural and savage jewels, we have to react and to do something concret immediately, as fast as possible ! So everybody, action, please ... We are waiting for you !
on Mar 5, 2008 6:38 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 385956


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