Almost to the top

Almost to the top

Annie working her way up to the summit with Guye Peak in the background.
Brian Jenkins
on Jul 17, 2006 7:58 pm
Image ID: 208230


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lcarreau - Sep 9, 2007 5:40 pm - Hasn't voted

Remember this from the Crest Trail!

I remember doing a solo hike on this section of the Crest Trail in 1985. I hiked to the base of Mt. Thompson to Ridge Lake, located to the east of where your photo was taken.
Mt. Thompson was hiding in clouds on that particular day. Suppose you had a great view of it on your outing. Beautiful photo!

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Sep 9, 2007 7:16 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Remember this from the Crest Trail!

Yeah, this was the view of Thomson we had that day. Was great! Thanks for your comment.


lcarreau - Sep 11, 2007 1:42 pm - Hasn't voted

YEAH! Thanks for your link...

Brian - was just checking out your gallery. Very impressive. THANKS for linking me to your Thomson photo. The confusion was that Beckey had always spelled it with a 'p!' WHATEVER! Looks like Puget Sound climbers really have their work cut out for them. (Lot's of class 4 stuff going on out there!)AND so accessible via the PCT. THANKS again for your awesome & inspirational pics!

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