Cattle on Brushy Peak Loop

Cattle on Brushy Peak Loop

A cautious cow watches me as I head up Brushy Peak on the loop trail. Windmills dot the hills in the background. February 2013
on Feb 26, 2013 12:19 pm
Image ID: 840246


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Noondueler - Feb 28, 2013 11:41 pm - Voted 10/10


In my experience some stand and stare. Other times my passing triggered a near stampede. And one time the bunch of 30 or so were so curious they aggressively surrounded and followed me so closely I couldn't wait to get out there!


mrchad9 - Mar 3, 2013 11:19 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Cattle!

Tell me about it! When I went at night one started to follow me and I bugged out of there. Then a big group of them later started slowly following me along.

I don't know what their intentions were but a group of cows heading your way in the dark does not look friendly! Made me nervous!

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