Frolicing  On The Shores of Haldun ?

Frolicing On The Shores of Haldun ?

Nope, I wasn't "frolicing" on the "Shores of Haldun," for crying out loud !!! This is the current view, looking south from Bachelor Cove on AZ's Roosevelt Lake. As you can see, the lake is 101% (full capacity) at the moment. The powers that be (Salt River Project) are required to release water from the dam in order to maintain the water's level. You'd be surprised how much water these Saguaro cactus collect on a daily basis. The Saguaro cactus can soak up to 200 gallons of water (when available) and it can make this supply last for one year. A Saguaro's root system is shallow and close to the surface; roots travel far from the base to COLLECT as much precipitation as possible. Its estimated that the roots extend outward from the plant about half its height and to a depth of four feet. Gila woodpeckers/gilded flickers and cactus wrens bore holes in the cactus, making the cactus an excellent home for several types of animals. April 9, 2009
on Apr 12, 2009 1:21 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery,  Humor,  Water
Image ID: 505527


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