Good Bye to a Sweet Friend

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Location Lat/Lon: 38.05542°N / 122.5991°W
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Nov 30, 0000
Activities Activities: Hiking

Good bye my sweet friend

Late day moon over the west Marin hills
Moon over the west Marin hills at dusk
The hundred year old griffin
The griffin on Lou's gave
I trudged up to the ridge carrying a shovel. It was a balmy afternoon and I was stopping to take breaths up the steep thousand foot slope. There was something in my backpack. Hadn't anything to eat that morning and little to drink. As I left the van a couple coming down ask me if I was looking for gold in the hills. I told them I was on my way up to bury my cat. They offered condolences but I knew Lou was happy.
Big Rock Ridge was a place he had felt from me over the years when I came back from many hikes up there.
He was no longer blind, suffering arthritus or unable to pee with no kidneys left.
The day before I left him lying on my bed in the sun. He was sprawled out hardly able to move. I told him I was going for a hike. I had already blessed him with holy water and holy ash from the sanctuary of my Spiritual Teacher Adi Da Samraj and surrounded him with orchids that day and the day before.

It was a great bright afternoon in the west Marin Hills as I roamed about the rocky plateau taking pics. Called my sister and told her he was still hanging on when I left. I had considered putting him down if he suffered much longer but knew he was in a quiet safe home environment. Not in a strange hostpital with all kinds of vibes flying around. When I got back he was right there on the bed. I told him I was back like always. When I touched him there was no life signs. He waited until I was gone to leave this world and that was just fine.

My life with Lou

 Lou on the deck
A young wilder Lou
Lou on the rug
Lou blissful on the rug
Lou was always resigned to my trips to the high county. He knew when I got my stuff together and headed out that he would be alone for a few days with someone to feed him. After all those trips I would come back to a bright being ready to soak up the glow of the Sierra Nevada. I would shower him with love and make sure he was happy with a fresh bowl of food. He was content to rest in my home coming as the days and years past.

He was 7 when I moved into the flat below my landlord. A robust 20 pound fiesty mofo with striking fir and cute white feet and paws. He started showing up on my deck demanding attention. He was the landlords pet but this big cat wanted something from me. He hung with me for a year before I even fed him anything. The landlord gave him over to me because it was natural. One time early on I was holding him and he lashed out and tore into my arm! I flung him across the room! He didn't come back for a few days.
I mean this dude was a powder keg!

One day I got home and he was down by the steps. I reached down to pet him and he just molded to my energy like he was part of me. I knew I had a true friend at hand.
As time passed he got mellower and softer and sweeter. He could always jump up to the bathroom sink to lap water. Then he had to climb into the tub to drink from the fosset there when he couldn't jump up. Finally he drank from a bowl and it was so sweet to watch him take water.

Eleven more years had passed.
He weighted 8 and a half pounds the last time I took him to the vet.

True friends never left your heart

Last shot of Lou before I left for the hike
Last photo of Lou
Lou s body with a photo of Adi Da Samraj
Lou's body at the burial site with a photo of Adi Da Samraj holding a chihuahua

Us humans are inflicted with ego mind. It keeps us clinging to the hopes, dreams and desires that have now basis in Reality. The mountains and ridges are always there. But our animal friends offer unconditional love because they take this place with a grain of salt and have no problem accepting the inevitable.

While they are here they have something to teach us.

The motor of the universe

The kicked back Lou
When I put my ear on Lou's belly I would hear the deep motor of the universe. That's some serious purrin'!


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Noondueler - Dec 3, 2012 2:13 pm - Hasn't voted


Thanks Harryk. Yes, Lou was that kind of special friend it is very easy to love.


lcarreau - Dec 3, 2012 9:48 pm - Voted 10/10

Cat's in the Cradle ...

"And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man on the moon ..

When you comin' home, Dad ?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then, son ..

You know we'll have a good time then ..."


Noondueler - Dec 4, 2012 5:47 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Cat's in the Cradle ...

Thanks Larry. The Duck would appreciate that.

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