

Those seeking the thrill of a rapid passage above water once trying to tackle a tempestuous river (in this case a stream) definitely enjoy using a lifeline to assure safe and rapid passage which in this case amounts to the thrill of crossing the stream in a more expeditive manner observing the waters from a perspective which the daring enjoy . Click on the image to expand it... While such lifelines aren't common , they remind us that in wilder settings such a means of passage is to consider as a feasable alternative to more risky crossings on foot. Here like everywhere else the activity has become more of an attraction to draw the adventurous couch potatoes in their quest for bolder undertakings once considering the proliferation of sites giving an added measure of excitement with amusement park activities that include everything from sheer decents on a rope crossing terrain to more mondain tree stepping from several feet above ground...
on Dec 21, 2010 4:03 pm
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 686483


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