Mass Wasting

Mass Wasting

Mass wasting, also known as slope movement, is the geomorphic process by which soil, regolith and rock move downslope under the force of gravity. Types of mass wasting include creep, slides, flows, topples, and falls, each with their own characteristic features, and take place over timescales from seconds to years. Mass wasting occurs on both terrestrial and submarine slopes, and has been observed on Earth, Mars, and Venus. This was a small mass wasting episode in the Mojave Desert of southern Nevada. Continual toppling of sandstone will eventually result in these rock formations transforming themselves back into sand. March 16, 2008
on May 9, 2008 3:52 pm
Image Type(s): Bouldering,  Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 402483


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