Monsoon Storm Watch

Monsoon Storm Watch

This is a cool granite boulder found along E. Granite Dells Road about 5 miles southeast of Payson, Arizona. I was coming back from a hike in the Stewart Pocket area. Suddenly, I saw several Mule deer browsing south of the road, and I got out of my vehicle to find them. Wouldn't you believe it? Just as I was getting close to the deer for a picture, a dirt bike (motorcycle) zips by on the road. Scares them completely off into the wilderness! By the time I got back to my vehicle, some drops of rain began falling from a summer monsoon thunderstorm. July 13, 2008 (Why does it feel like Friday the 13th?)
on Jul 13, 2008 8:18 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 421010


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