Cornucopia Additions and Corrections

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DWhite - Dec 29, 2007 2:07 pm - Hasn't voted

Darrington Gear

It's great to see people getting out onto the Darrington rocks and enjoying themselves! There's alot of misinformation that has filtered in over the years however. I think its important to state that nowhere in Darrington are 60-meter ropes essential equipment. There are a very few pitches that can be linked together but there are no individual pitches or rappels that require 60 meters of rope. In almost every case climbers with two 60-meter ropes will be managing and carrying 20 meters of extra rope all day on the off chance of linking a pitch or two somewhere. This is the climber's choice of course, but if you've got a pair of 50-meter ropes, you are good-to-go in Darrington!

Cheers to all!
David Whitelaw

Martin Cash

Martin Cash - Dec 31, 2007 3:25 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Darrington Gear

Thanks David, you are absolutely correct. I went back and edited the gear recommendations.


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