Poison Oak, Evil Beauty

Poison Oak, Evil Beauty

Poison Oak, the hikers bane. I have seen people in absolute misery after being exposed. This plant is native to the West Coast of North America and is wide spread. It can take weeks to heal the skin irritations and people have been hospitalized. But sensitivity varies widely. Some people develop a tolerance and can walk right through a patch of it with no problems. But my wife is so sensitive that when I am around it, she can get it from my clothes. In Southern California, as the weather warms up and thing dry out, Poison Oak starts putting on a show. It has fall like colors in late spring and early summer. Latin Toxicodendron diversilobum
on Jun 20, 2009 12:30 pm
Image ID: 522990


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silversummit - Jun 20, 2009 10:59 pm - Voted 10/10

Count this as your public service

for the day! Good picture of a true nuisance in the world!

My cousin ended up in the hospital when my dad was burning poison ivy while she was simply walking in the yard. The smoke caused her eyelids to swell shut. Thank goodness for prednisone!

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