Route marker at the trail junction between Elferspitz and Zehnerkopf

Route marker at the trail junction between Elferspitz and Zehnerkopf

The trail junction is real close to Zwischenköpf, a small hump next to the saddle between the Elferspitz and Zehnerkopf. The Elferspitz lies to the southwest, the Zehnerkopf to the north. Trail 8 starts out descending to the east but soon turns. It leads to Schöneben, passing the Zehnerkopf on the west. Trail 9B to the south soon curves a bit to the right, following the Elferspitze northeast ridge to the summit. In the opposite direction, in 100 m or so, trail 9 leads to a fork. On the left, trail 9A follows the length of the Zehnerkof south ridge. It's exposed in places, and you'll probably want to use your hands if you go there, since this route goes a little beyond mere hiking. The more frequented and decidedly easier right fork, trail 9B, drops into the valley and passes the Zehnerkopf on the east side before reaching Schöneben. 21 Aug 2014.
on Jan 27, 2016 10:55 am
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 964430


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