Take Back the Rainbow, 5.10

Take Back the Rainbow, 5.10

2nd Pitch- 30m- 5.10/ This is the most sustained pitch of the day. Pull the roof and run your gear as far right as possible. Long sling it so your belayer can easily flip the rope to the outside. I damn near got pulled off at the crux way above because the rope got caught in a 3” cam even though I placed it wide and out to the right. Follow the flake/crack up to the top where a fixed belay/rap chain (2011) awaits on a large ledge. The crack is deceiving from below. It looks much wider than it really is. I placed mostly small cams with a few odd medium pieces. The crux was about 2/3rds up where you have to face climb for a move or two as the crack shallows out. Take Back the Rainbow, 5.10, 8 Pitches, Bridge Mountain, Zion National Park, May, 2011
Dow Williams
on May 24, 2011 11:10 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 717932


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