The Fist from the col between...

The Fist from the col between...

The Fist from the col between Mount Smuts and the Fist. The routes up are either the narrow gully in the shade just to the right of the tallest part or the one just to the right of that. The one in the shade is the route I chose as safest. 3/4 of the way up the notch you will want to turn left up another gully to the summit. Lots and I mean lots of loose rubble here. You will have to move close together or go up a safe distance apart if in a group. Helmet highly recommended. I did it solo and small rocks were ringing off of my helmet on the return. I also dislodged tonnes just moving about the summit ridge. Glad there was no one else there. July 13, 2005. William Marler Nikon Cool Pix 5000.
William Marler
on Aug 12, 2005 9:57 am
Image ID: 119872


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