The southern Pollestal, with Polleskamm on the left and Geigenkamm on the right

The southern Pollestal, with Polleskamm on the left and Geigenkamm on the right

The small Polleskamm ridge, on the left, joins the long Geigenkamm ridge at the Polleskögel, a couple of small peaks. The dark one, just right of center, is the Pollesfernerkopf (3015m). The snow at its base is only left over from spring - there is no glacier anymore. A little further back and to the left, but still right of center, is the Nördlicher Polleskogel (3035m). The snow filled basin on its left still harbors a small glacier, the Pollesferner. The Südlicher Polleskogel cannot be seen because it's lower and behind the Nördlicher. The higher glaciated peak left of center is further away, well behind the Polleskamm. It's the Innere Schwarze Schneide (3367m), on the Weißkamm ridge. For an annotated version, click on the image below:
Annotated panorama of the southern Pollestal
30 June 2012.
on Apr 11, 2013 8:15 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery,  Panorama
Image ID: 845953


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