osatrik - Jun 29, 2009 2:42 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 1987
First Ascent??
Well, no!! But evidently the first ascent documented on Summitpost.org! My daughter Vanessa and I hiked to the summit while on our 3-state (PA, MD, WV) highpoint trip in May, 1987. Maryland/Backbone Mountain was our 20th highpoint in first 21 months of our quest which ended in 2009 after I reached my 49 state high points. .
dwhike - Jun 25, 2009 11:39 am Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2009
HP #14
Dodged raindrops on the way up but the sun broke at the top rewarding us with beautiful views. The nearby state line monument was an interesting side trip.
bjyoder - May 25, 2009 12:13 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2009
I got the idea to climb the highest fifty points in the US so I decided to find a list online and lo and behold! Highpointing is a hobby! Sweet. I drug my girlfriend to the top of Backbone days later, and she was making fun of me the whole time until she saw the mailbox with the certificates and logbook inside. Now she's into it too!
LMatallana - Apr 4, 2009 12:23 am Date Climbed: Mar 15, 2009
Amazing Race
Justin Boyle HP #8, Luis Matallana HP #9
5 of 6 HPs for the weekend.
It is easier finding the trailhead (on the left) while traveling southbound on US 219. We missed it going northbound and had to turn around.
Outdooraholic - Dec 1, 2008 9:46 pm Date Climbed: Dec 1, 2008
Highpoint #4
Found the trailhead on the side of 219 past the little church. Started out following the red blaze markings on the trees which mark the National forest boundary, Luckily ended up on the right trail, the red 'HP' markers. About a foot of snow on the ground but a great hike! Backbone was my 2nd of 3 highpoints for the day.
After spending a few weekends at Deep Creek Lake, I started looking for some new places to hike and stumbled across a webpage about highpointing. It peaked my interest and the rest is history. Backbone Mountain was my first highpoint. My 7 year old daugther also made this summit with me.
BCJ - Aug 30, 2008 8:13 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2007
Lots of deer
Climbed at about 3am and saw dozens of glowing eyes in our headlamps from all the deer. Kind of creepy.
kavak - Aug 22, 2008 10:11 am Date Climbed: May 14, 1998
From Rte 219
This was part of a trip to climb the state highpoints in the region. I had just finished Spruce Knob in West Virginia and was making my way north. Enjoyed the singing Black-Throated Blue Warblers along the way. I don't seem them in Colorado.
Chinigo - Aug 13, 2008 11:33 am Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2002
HP #5
I (with my wife (Tracy) and son (Alex), then almost 2 yrs old) did this as part of our first family HP trip.
I put Alex in the Kelty kid-carrying backpack and we climbed to the summit. Not much of a view, as I recall, but we met the Elliotts (who maintained the trail) on the way up - nice people.
Redwic - Aug 5, 2008 8:30 am Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2008
Enjoyable Hike
This is a nice hike through beautiful woodland to reach the highpoint. The HP, itself, looks different than the rest of the route, but that's not too surprising because many HPs are like that. This was the second of seven HPs (plus Washington, D.C.) I would reach in two days' time. HP #26 for me.
wildfam - Aug 2, 2008 10:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2008
Nice Hike
Up and down in an hour-plus; nice trail. Driving by I almost missed the trailhead, but once located it was easy enough to follow the trail. View from the summit was a bonus. So was a quick stop at the smallest church.
After stopping at the smallest church in the lower 48 states I went right past the trailhead. After a few miles I turned around and found it. Then again I blew right by the trail off the logging road, but realized that pretty quickly and turned around. Finally made the summit, turned around and headed to Spruce Knob.
2skinners - Jun 3, 2008 5:24 am Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2008
HP # 10 Done almost, then done again
Climbed on May 27th, and mistook the MD/WV border for the actual highpoint. Then got home and realized I actually did not make it to the top. Climbed again with my wife this time and made the extra 200 yards or so to the real highpoint. Beautiful day, relaxing hike. Glad to have it done for real.
WoundedKnee - May 27, 2008 12:28 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 2008
Nice hike at dusk
End of a long day. Actually got some decent views up top.
Cascade Scrambler - May 18, 2008 11:01 am Date Climbed: May 17, 2008
Nice little hike
This was a sweet little hike. Nice scenery. HP #7 for the Mrs, HP #9 for me.
Zac Finley - Apr 22, 2008 2:28 pm Date Climbed: Mar 26, 2008
#2 on the day
Made the short walk up the summit after driving from West Virginia's HP earlier the same morning. Nice views at the summit with a awesome certificate in the mail too. And the thick wire gate at the trail head was down, so you could drive up the dirt road a ways when i did this.
jimegan - Feb 7, 2008 12:46 pm Date Climbed: Nov 13, 2004
Mike Swiz - Feb 4, 2008 11:58 pm Date Climbed: Nov 27, 2007
nice walk
Did this hike while spending thanksgiving in deep creek with my family.
weeds19 - Dec 24, 2007 5:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 27, 2001
Cold day
I drove over while in DC for work. It's always good to get out of the city.
eric-griz - Nov 9, 2007 8:22 pm Date Climbed: Nov 16, 2001
osatrik - Jun 29, 2009 2:42 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 1987
First Ascent??Well, no!! But evidently the first ascent documented on Summitpost.org! My daughter Vanessa and I hiked to the summit while on our 3-state (PA, MD, WV) highpoint trip in May, 1987. Maryland/Backbone Mountain was our 20th highpoint in first 21 months of our quest which ended in 2009 after I reached my 49 state high points. .
dwhike - Jun 25, 2009 11:39 am Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2009
HP #14Dodged raindrops on the way up but the sun broke at the top rewarding us with beautiful views. The nearby state line monument was an interesting side trip.
bjyoder - May 25, 2009 12:13 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2009
#1!I got the idea to climb the highest fifty points in the US so I decided to find a list online and lo and behold! Highpointing is a hobby! Sweet. I drug my girlfriend to the top of Backbone days later, and she was making fun of me the whole time until she saw the mailbox with the certificates and logbook inside. Now she's into it too!
LMatallana - Apr 4, 2009 12:23 am Date Climbed: Mar 15, 2009
Amazing RaceJustin Boyle HP #8, Luis Matallana HP #9
5 of 6 HPs for the weekend.
It is easier finding the trailhead (on the left) while traveling southbound on US 219. We missed it going northbound and had to turn around.
Outdooraholic - Dec 1, 2008 9:46 pm Date Climbed: Dec 1, 2008
Highpoint #4Found the trailhead on the side of 219 past the little church. Started out following the red blaze markings on the trees which mark the National forest boundary, Luckily ended up on the right trail, the red 'HP' markers. About a foot of snow on the ground but a great hike! Backbone was my 2nd of 3 highpoints for the day.
Avenger2354 - Oct 21, 2008 9:00 pm
HP #1After spending a few weekends at Deep Creek Lake, I started looking for some new places to hike and stumbled across a webpage about highpointing. It peaked my interest and the rest is history. Backbone Mountain was my first highpoint. My 7 year old daugther also made this summit with me.
BCJ - Aug 30, 2008 8:13 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2007
Lots of deerClimbed at about 3am and saw dozens of glowing eyes in our headlamps from all the deer. Kind of creepy.
kavak - Aug 22, 2008 10:11 am Date Climbed: May 14, 1998
From Rte 219This was part of a trip to climb the state highpoints in the region. I had just finished Spruce Knob in West Virginia and was making my way north. Enjoyed the singing Black-Throated Blue Warblers along the way. I don't seem them in Colorado.
Chinigo - Aug 13, 2008 11:33 am Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2002
HP #5I (with my wife (Tracy) and son (Alex), then almost 2 yrs old) did this as part of our first family HP trip.
I put Alex in the Kelty kid-carrying backpack and we climbed to the summit. Not much of a view, as I recall, but we met the Elliotts (who maintained the trail) on the way up - nice people.
Redwic - Aug 5, 2008 8:30 am Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2008
Enjoyable HikeThis is a nice hike through beautiful woodland to reach the highpoint. The HP, itself, looks different than the rest of the route, but that's not too surprising because many HPs are like that. This was the second of seven HPs (plus Washington, D.C.) I would reach in two days' time. HP #26 for me.
wildfam - Aug 2, 2008 10:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2008
Nice HikeUp and down in an hour-plus; nice trail. Driving by I almost missed the trailhead, but once located it was easy enough to follow the trail. View from the summit was a bonus. So was a quick stop at the smallest church.
redmond - Jul 13, 2008 7:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2008
Slightly lost but succesfulAfter stopping at the smallest church in the lower 48 states I went right past the trailhead. After a few miles I turned around and found it. Then again I blew right by the trail off the logging road, but realized that pretty quickly and turned around. Finally made the summit, turned around and headed to Spruce Knob.
2skinners - Jun 3, 2008 5:24 am Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2008
HP # 10 Done almost, then done againClimbed on May 27th, and mistook the MD/WV border for the actual highpoint. Then got home and realized I actually did not make it to the top. Climbed again with my wife this time and made the extra 200 yards or so to the real highpoint. Beautiful day, relaxing hike. Glad to have it done for real.
WoundedKnee - May 27, 2008 12:28 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 2008
Nice hike at duskEnd of a long day. Actually got some decent views up top.
Cascade Scrambler - May 18, 2008 11:01 am Date Climbed: May 17, 2008
Nice little hikeThis was a sweet little hike. Nice scenery. HP #7 for the Mrs, HP #9 for me.
Zac Finley - Apr 22, 2008 2:28 pm Date Climbed: Mar 26, 2008
#2 on the dayMade the short walk up the summit after driving from West Virginia's HP earlier the same morning. Nice views at the summit with a awesome certificate in the mail too. And the thick wire gate at the trail head was down, so you could drive up the dirt road a ways when i did this.
jimegan - Feb 7, 2008 12:46 pm Date Climbed: Nov 13, 2004
Mike Swiz - Feb 4, 2008 11:58 pm Date Climbed: Nov 27, 2007
nice walkDid this hike while spending thanksgiving in deep creek with my family.
weeds19 - Dec 24, 2007 5:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 27, 2001
Cold dayI drove over while in DC for work. It's always good to get out of the city.
eric-griz - Nov 9, 2007 8:22 pm Date Climbed: Nov 16, 2001
Mary LandEarned myself a certificate.