Ben Lomond Climber's Log

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shphilby - Sep 8, 2009 11:37 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2005

Route Climbed: from North Ogden Divide  Sucess!

Took 9 hrs up and back with a lot of playing.


Stansbury - Jul 24, 2009 1:58 am Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2009

Ben Lomond  Sucess!

A very nice day hiking in this area. Parked at the saddle, did Inspiration Point and Willard Peak, too. I saw several mountain goats at the far south end below Ben Lomond peak.


Digiclimber - Apr 2, 2009 11:28 am Date Climbed: Sep 8, 2008

Many times  Sucess!

I have lost count of how many times Ive done this peak, beautiful, fun hike. This one time I climbed to Ben Lomond, Willard Peak and Inspiration peak in one day from North Ogden Divide, it made for a very long hard day, I think it was around 24 miles.


punchline - Mar 11, 2009 8:41 am Date Climbed: Mar 1, 2009

Made It!  Sucess!

Great snow conditions on our second real attempt. Nice day trip from our backyard.


seanpeckham - Mar 1, 2009 11:47 am Date Climbed: Feb 28, 2009

Up Cutler Ridge, down Northeast Face  Sucess!

Great mountain! Sunny day with a breeze in the morning that disappeared after noonish. Snowpack on the ascent mostly frozen solid with some dust on top, which had been moved around by the wind, and was sensitive in the pockets where it had piled up a bit. It made the shoulder too slippery for skinning, so we booted that part, and watched a group zoom past us with ski crampons. There was a giant day-old double-crown wind slab avalanche under Willard Peak. The summit ridge had softened in the sun and become grippy enough for skinning. We shared the summit with several other parties, it was a very unexpected zoo. The northeast face was an awesome descent, and the snow there was finally pretty good (not too crusty under the dust) for most of the way into Cutler Basin. Had a snowmobile encounter after that, fortunately the only one of the day. Got kinda lost at the bottom with Nordic park roads going in circles, and climbed a fence with my skis on to escape.


byates - Dec 5, 2008 11:13 am

Twice  Sucess!

Via North Ogden pass when I was twelve, then via north fork Park a few years ago.


apachedino - Aug 30, 2008 11:02 pm Date Climbed: Aug 30, 2008

Crazy Cutler Loop  Sucess!

See Willard entry. Crazy loop starting at Cutler Flats hitting Willard 1st somehow then Ben and then down to Cutler again. Class 4 bushwacking for several sections, but shaved plenty of miles off. Whole loop in 7 hours.


LonePeakFreak - Jul 5, 2008 10:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2008

Willard Peak and Ben Lomond  Sucess!

Managed to get my Maxima about 3 miles up the dirt road from Mantua, then biked up to Willard Basin. Stashed the bike in the trees and climbed Willard Peak, then over to Ben Lomond and back. Total distance just over 20 miles, took about 7.5 hours round trip. The bike ride down from the Basin was worth the effort to take it up earlier in the day.


tp - Feb 14, 2008 10:49 pm

Done it a couple times  Sucess!

Long hike. But fun!


tannerpuma15 - Aug 31, 2007 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2007

long day  Sucess!

One of the most prolific peak along the wasatch front and the hike and trail were extraordinary. It's also a great trail run for the die hards.


soccerman - Jul 14, 2007 10:11 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2007

North Ogden DivideTrailhead  Sucess!

Hot day but not too bad with an early start. Hit Ben Lomond and then headed over to Willard Peak and then back. It's long, but that trail isn't very steep at all, so it's fast moving.


madsjim - May 26, 2007 9:43 pm Date Climbed: May 19, 2007

Skyline Trail  Sucess!

Climbed it from the Skyline trail. It was a nice hike up and it didn't seem to be as long as I thought it would be be, propably 5 hours total to the top. The summit is awesome and is quite prominent.
Eventhough it was nice getting up, it was the worst descent of my life. My feet hurt and I kept rolling my ankle, argghhh! I will not do this trail again, I would take the backside instead.


Outdoorpartner - Oct 5, 2006 6:27 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2005

Don't cheat  Sucess!

I climb this every spring from North Fork. I meet people who "cheat" from Skyline drive.


pbogen - Aug 3, 2006 6:15 pm

Route Climbed: skyline  Sucess!

This is a long, but very gradual hike. We did this in mid-June and the final trail to the summit was still completely buried in the snow. We got off the trail and did a scramble to the summit, which was quite fun. Outstanding hike!


mtn_pika - Jul 27, 2006 10:36 pm

Route Climbed: Skyline Trail  Sucess!

Climbed in Summer and Winter of 2005. Abundant wildflowers, dragonflies and butterflies in summer, though if you're looking for solitude, winter is best. Unfortunately, there is a tremendous amount of erosion, especially along the last portion of the trail, caused in large part due to motorcycles and horses being allowed on the trail. The noise and smell of motorcycles, as well as having to incessantly dodge horse crap definitely takes away from this mountain's potential serenity.


KirtDavis - Jan 26, 2006 8:38 am

Route Climbed: from North Ogden Divide Date Climbed: June 28, 2005  Sucess!

Great hike this is in my back yard and have always wanted to go to visit old Ben.

It took us 9 hours round trip, but we wasted a lot of time about half way there to eat lunch and take in the views.


mountianeer1080 - Dec 23, 2005 2:34 am

Route Climbed: The easy route you know Date Climbed: 9/5/05  Sucess!

Great hike, this time I took a friend Von ( 2nd backpacking trip for him). We got a late start I guess got up to about the 4 mile point where you can clearly see the peak. There is a nice little campsite that we stayed at. Setup camp and then took off for the peak. I was trying to tell Von it was just as far as we had just hiked. I think looks were deceiving to him. Anyway I got up to the peak about half an hour before Von. Just had to get the pace on, we had radio's if anything went wrong. He got up there right about the time the sun was completely down and it was almost dark. We took some pics, signed the log book and headed back to camp. Got back to camp at about 9:45 pm, cooked some food and listened to some "Crazy Talk" on the AM station. This is a great hike with an excellent view. Plan on doing it the day after christmas. This time I'm going to hit Willard peak as well. Check out my site if you want.. I put a little story about some of the stuff I've done in the past few months.


mountianeer1080 - Jun 22, 2005 6:31 pm

Route Climbed: from N. Ogden divide Date Climbed: 6/21/05  Sucess!

Definitely a beautiful view from the top. The trail was nice and not very steep, I'm sure it will be a lot better when all the snow melts. I just step kicked up the face when I lost the trail, but you can go up the ridge to the south around the snow. It took me 3.5 hrs to reach the summit from the bottom and 2 hrs coming back down. Next time I plan on hitting willard peak as well. I would recommend this trail for anyone.


HighCountry - Jun 21, 2005 7:39 pm

Route Climbed: SKYLINE tRAIL Date Climbed: 06-20-05  Sucess!

What an amazing trail! My dogs had fun chasing the mountain grouse all over. Saw A large male ans small juvenile mountain goat on the summit. They were kind enough to let me take a few great photos. Then saw a mountain lion up on a cliff on the way out. Got some nice shots of it as well. Never seen a cat in the wild!! Lots of snow still. Beautiful summit!


mountaingazelle - Apr 30, 2005 5:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 29, 1996

Ben Lomond  Sucess!

Ben Lomond is a great mountain. It is always a good workout because of the length of the trail. I have seen a lot of moose on the mountain. I don’t remember details about when I first hiked these routes. North Fork Park and Cutler Basin in Fall of 1995. North Ogden Pass in June and September of 1996. Willard Basin in July 1997. I have climbed Ben Lomond many times since then.

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