Grandeur Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 21-40 of 165

danegarreau - Jun 25, 2017 2:28 pm Date Climbed: Apr 8, 2016

Mount Grandeur  Sucess!

4/8/2016---Mount Grandeur: Utah----8,299’
We truly went through the 3 seasons on this hike…it was incredibly windy and cold the first half of the hike, then oddly enough the higher we climbed and more exposed we got the sunnier and warmer we became. Roughly the last 200’ vertical feet were in the snow, which was absolutely awesome!! I have to do another hike in the snow soon!!

I’m sad to say that neither Scott nor I were in good enough shape for this hike. I’m not sure if it was the altitude, or if it was just the previous 6 days of hiking catching up to us, but we were hurting pretty bad and almost called it quits halfway up.
o Begin at 5000’ and end at 8299’
o Approximately 3300’ of elevation game over 2.5 miles
o 5 miles roundtrip


BKiser90 - Jun 22, 2017 11:16 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2017

True to Its Name  Sucess!

Crazy high temps in the valley made us escape to the mountains. Hadn't done Grandeur yet and decided to head up. Great trail with wonderful views. No wonder it is a Salt Lake staple.

childersc - Oct 30, 2016 10:33 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2016

Beautiful View  Sucess!

Beautiful view at the top. Trail was not too steep but definitely a workout. Took an hour and 22 minutes to get from the trailhead to the summit.

Rocky Alps

Rocky Alps - Oct 21, 2016 12:25 pm Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2016

Churck Fork  Sucess!

Hiked up with my son Matthew to get him started on working towards some of the bigger summits in the Wasatch. He did fine, and taking our time with snack breaks it took us four hours. It was cold for the first half of the hike in the trees (most of the leaves had already fallen off, but there were a few patches of fall colors remaining), but perfect conditions higher up when the sun came out. There were nice views to the south of the peaks from Gobblers Knob to Mount Olympus.


yadahzoemtn - Jan 4, 2016 9:40 pm Date Climbed: Feb 16, 2015

YoYo  Sucess!

I call it the yoyo when I go up the West Face, down Church Fork and up again.
03/01/15: Just Church Fork this time.
04/18/15: West Face
10/31/15: Just Church Fork this time.
12/04/15: West Face
03/12/16: via Church Fork
03/20/16: West Face
03/26/16: West Face
05/09/16: West Face
07/19/16: West Face
09/27/16: West Face
11/18/16: Up Church Fork down the West, up the West, down Church Fork (Yoyo)
11/19/16: Via Church Fork
12/09/16: Via Church Fork
12/10/16: Via Church Fork
12/16/16: Via Church Fork
12/17/16: Via Church Fork
12/22/17: Via Church Fork
01/20/18: Via Church Fork
05/11/18: Via Church Fork
09/03/18: Via Church Fork
10/06/18: West Face
10/21/18: Via Church Fork
10/22/18: Via Church Fork
10/23/18: Via Church Fork
10/24/18: Via Church Fork
10/25/18: Via Church Fork
12/20/18: Via Church Fork
01/01/19: Via Church Fork
01/19/19: Via Church Fork
01/26/19: Via Church Fork
02/08/19: Via Church Fork
03/16/19: Via Church Fork
05/18/19: Via Church Fork
06/21/19: Via Church Fork
06/24/19: Via Church Fork
08/23/19: Via Church Fork
11/30/19: Via Church Fork
12/14/19: Via Church Fork
12/30/19: Via Church Fork
02/06/21: Via Church Fork
02/13/21: Via Church Fork
02/19/21: Via Church Fork
02/25/21: Via Church Fork
03/01/21: Via Church Fork
03/02/21: Via Church Fork
03/08/21: Via Church Fork
03/22/21: Via Church Fork
04/22/21: Via Church Fork


landonflo - Jan 3, 2016 6:47 pm Date Climbed: Nov 28, 2015

Great winter hike  Sucess!

Had a great hike up with my wife and her brothers.


Moogie737 - Nov 1, 2015 2:29 pm Date Climbed: Oct 21, 2024

All routes  Sucess!

#251. 10-31-15. Somehow my previous 250 times were erased. But #251 on Halloween will have to suffice as a new beginning. This time via Church Fork. W Yz. Spectacular fall morning. #252 12-4-15. Mit Yz Up west, down CF. Icy. #253 12-8-15 w/ Brent. #254 1-26-16 W/ Brent 22 degrees. #255 2-16-16 W/ Brent. Icy & dicey. #256 3-12-16 Via Church Fork w/ Brent & Lana. #257 3-26-16 Birthday summit in cold winds. #258 4-12-16 W/ Brent. 2+15 up. #259 4-22-16 Solo. 1+28 up on a warm breezy morning. #260 5-9-16 W/ Lana. Pleasant cool spring morning with gentle breezes and dark building cumulus clouds. 1+58 up. #261 6-21-16 W/ Brent 1+58 up. #262 8-16-16 1+46 up. #263 9-27-16 W/ Lana via C.F. #264 10-10-16 Solo via CF. Up 1+20. #265 & #266 11-18-16 W/ Lana via CF up, west down, etc.) 2" new snow. #267 12-9-16 W/ Lana. Via CF. 3" new snow. #268 12-10-16 W/ Lana via CF. 2" new snow. 2+12 up. #269 2-16-16 w/ Lana, 2+28 up before violent frontal passage with hail and lightning. #270 12-17-16 w/ Lana & Julie 6" new snow, 2+40 up. #271 1-27-17 W/ Lana. 3+09 C.F., snowshoes all the way, 1' untracked powder from the saddle. Moose sighting. #272 1-30-17 Solo. Elk herd sighting. 1+48 up in spikes all the way. #273 2-2-17 Groundhog Day climb. 1+47 up. Cold wind from half way point. Found Kara's lost gloves. #274 3-21-17 w/ Brent. Big south winds. 1+51 up. Went down to CF saddle and back up, too. #275 3-28-17 Solo. 1+44 up with 5" new snow and 1 1/2' drifts. #275 5-1-17 Solo. Hard snow along final 350' vertical to the summit. 1+37 up. #276 5-9-17 Solo. No more snow on trail from west. 1+29 up. #277 5-15-17 W/ Brent. 1+48 up. #278 6-10-17 Solo. 1+23 up. #279 7-18-17 Solo 1+26 up. #280 9-11-17 Solo 1+29 up. #281 11-10-17 W/ Brent via CF. #282 11-20-17 Solo. Miserable ice on 3/4 of trail. 1+54 up. #283 12-7-17 Solo 1+44 up on grainy snow mixed with ice. #284 12-22-17 W/ Yadahzoe. 90% packed snow but very cold. From C.F. #285 12-25-17 Solo. West side in 3"-8" new snow. Arduous. Some drifts 2'+ deep. #286 1-3-18 Solo. Much icy snow. #287 1-20-18 W/ Yadazoemtn. Via CF snowshoes all the way & breaking trail in up to 12" of white fluffy stuff. #288 5-11-18 W/ Lana via C.F. Cool rain, abundant spring flowers. #289 9-3-18 w/ Lana & Brent from C.F. #290 10-22-18 w/ Lana via CF. Misplaced beanie. #291 10-23-18 W/ Yadahzoemtn. Awesome morning & I found my lost beanie! #292 10-24-18 W/ Lana. CF route. #293 10-25-18 W. Lana via CF. #294 & #295 11-1, 11-2-18 Solo. Rain/snow on 11-1. CF. #296 11-25-18 W/ Lana. 1+58 up. #297 12-01-18 W/ Lana via CF 6" new powder. #298 01-01-19 W/ Lana. Expedition boots. 10 degrees. 2+28 up. 12 others on summit. #299 01-04-19 W/ Brent. Last hike before Vinson trip. #300 02-08-19 W/ Christine, Brent & Lana. 2+30 up. #301 03-16-19 W/ Lana. Absolutely incredible snow levels. 2+15 up. #302 05-18-19 W/ Lana. 4" of new snow on top! Crazy. #303 06-24-19 W/ Lana. Beautiful verdant climb. 1+50 up from CF. #304 08-23-19 W/ Lana. 2+05 up west side. #305 09-19-19 Solo. 1+27 up via CF trail. #306 12-14-19 W/ Lana 3+01 via CF. #307 12-21-19 W/ Lana 2+17 up. Spikes. #308 12-23-19 Solo 1+40 up, spikes.CF. #309 12-24-19 W/ Lana 2+07 up, spikes. #310 12-26-19 Solo, Snowshoes all the way, 2+21 up. 1st of twofer. #311 12-26-19 W/ Lana and Jenny, 2+21 up, fresh snow. #312 12-30-19 W/ Lana & Nala (dog), 2+11 up. #313 01-01-2020 W/ Lana & Chris J., 2+20 up (blizzard on top). I wore SS, 2"-4" fresh snow. #314 01-06-2020 Solo. West route. 1+45 up. 3" new snow up high. #315 01-07-2020 Solo. CF route. 1+34 up. Solid snow. #316 01-09-2020 Solo. 2"-3" fresh snow CF, 1+39 up. #317 01-11-2020 W/ Lana. 2+09 up CF trail. #318 01-13-2020 W/ Lana. Snowshoes up in 2"-3" of new snow and heavy drifting. #319 01-16-2020 Solo. Snowshoes up and down, especially down in untracked powder from the summit to the saddle. Tons of snow. #320 01-20-2020 MLK Holiday. Solo. CF route, 1+45 up, spikes all the way up. #321 01-21-2020 W/ Lana. Spikes all the way, 1+52 up. #322 01-22-2020 W/ Lana. 2+15 up, spikes kept balling up as it snowed most of the way. Really cold on top in whiteout conditions. #323 01-28-2020 Solo, west side, 2+00 up. Spikes and posthole snow above the 3-pro g stump. #324 01-30-2020 Solo, CF route, spikes, 1+37 up. #325 02-05-2020 W/ Lana. 2+41 up w/ microspikes only. #326 02-10-2020 W/ Lana. Spikes only, 2+06 up. #327 02-11-2020 W/ Lana, spikes and 1+58 up. Spectacular (cold) morning. #328 02-17-20 W/ Brent, much trail breaking. 2+58 up CF trail. #329 02-19-20 W/ Lana. 1+53 up. #330 02-20-20 Solo, 1+47 up. #331 02-24-20 W/ Lana on hard-packed icy trail CF. #332 02-26-20 W/ Lana & Brent #333 03-02-20 W/ Lana. Fresh snow, 2+35 up. #334 03-26-20 Birthday hike w/ Lana. Snowshoes and plunge down east side. Got a bit off trail! #335 04-13-20 W/ Lana. Very cold, plenty of weird snow above the saddle. #336 04-14-20 W/ Lana. 2+13 up, stayed on snow in microspikes all the way to the saddle. #337 04-15-20 W/ Lana 2+32 up in light snow. #338 05-04-20 Solo 1+31 up. #339 05-07-20 W/Lana 1+59 CF trail. #340 05-11-20 via CF. #341 05-12-20 W/ Lana. #342 05-20-20 W/ Lana. 1+49 up via CF. #343 05-25-20 Solo. CF trail, 1+30 up. #344 06-06-20 W/ Lana, CF, same week as Mt. Jefferson #345 06-15-20 W/ Lana 1+53 up via CF. #346 06-17-20 W/ Lana, CF route, 2+00 up. #347 06-22-20 W/ Lana, CF route, 1+53 up. #348 06-25-20 Solo, west route, 1+33 up. #349 07-08-2020 Solo, west route 1+37 up. #350 07-13-20 Solo via west route, 1+38 up. #351 08-03-20 W/ Lana via CF. #352 08-10-20 Solo 1+29 up via CF. #353 09-07-20 via CF w/ Lana #354 09-09-20 via CF w/ Lana #355 via CF w Lana #356 09-21-20 via CF w/ Lana. #357 10-14-20 W/ Lana & Brent via CF. #358 10-21-20 W/ Lana & Brent via CF. #359 10-26-20 W/Brent via CF. 20° - Brrr. #360 11-09-20 W/Lana, light snow, zero viz on top. #361 11-16-20 W/Lana & Brent, spikes all the way. 2+02 up. #362 11-18-20 W/Lana. 30-35 mph SW winds! #363. 11-26-20 W/Lana 2+11 up for Thanksgiving. #364 12-04-20 W/Lana via CF. 2+11 up. #365 12-14-20 W/ Lana. 2+13 up with 2" fresh snow. #366 12-21-20 To witness the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, solo.1+53 up. #367 12-23-20 Solo, 1+58 up. #368 12-25-20 Christmas hike w/ Lana, 2+04 up, with dogs. #369 02-06-2021 W/ Lana & Brent. Lots of snow; we wore ss as a precaution. Via CF trail. #370 02-13-21 W/Lana. Mod snow 2+32 up. #371 02-19-21 W/ Lana. Serious trailbreaking from the 2nd saddle in 12"-18" of fresh snow. Serious! #372 02-25-21 W/Lana. Bluebird day, great snow on the trail. #373 02-26-21 Solo. Via CF, 1+49 up. #374 03-01-21 W/ Lana. CF route 2+06 up. #375 03-02-21 W/ Lana. CF. 2+06 up. #376 03-08-21 W/ Lana 2+14 up. #377 03-12-21 W/ Brent 2+04 up. #378 03-22-21 W/ Lana. Snowshoe down to the saddle. #379 04-05-21 W/ Lana & Brent. 1+50 up. Spikes from saddle. #380 04-08-21 Spikes from saddle. #381 04-09-21 W/ Lana & Brent Spikes above saddle. #382 04-19-21 W/Lana & Brent, spikes. #383 04-21-21 W/ Lana. Spikes. #384 04-27-21 W/ Lana 2+11 up. #385 05-10-21 W/ Lana & Brent. #386 05-14-21 W/Lana #387 05-17-21 W/ Lana & Brent 1+50 up. #388 05-20-21 W/Lana, CF, 1+53 #389 05-22-21 Solo, west route, 1+41 up. #390 08-23-21 W/ Lana & Brent. Via CF. #391 08-25-21 W/ Lana & Brent via CF. #392 09-13-21 W/ Lana & Brent. #393 09-20-21 W/ Lana & Brent. #394 10-06-21 W/Lana. 1+55 up. Fall color bonanza! #395 10-11-21 W/Lana & Brent. Trail-edge snow above saddle. #396 10-20-21 W/Brent. Gorgeous post-storm day. Spikes from the saddle. CF trail. #397 10-28-21 Solo. Sloppy trail.
#398 11-10-21 W/ Lana. Snow from saddle up. #399 11-15-21 W/ Lana. P.M. hike, almost 60 degrees! #400 11-17-21 W/ Lana. 23 degrees at start. #401 12-01-21 W/ Lana. Inversion warm w/ haze. #402 & #403 12-13-21 W/ Lana. Up west side (icy icy), down to the CF saddle and back over the top and down the icy west side with horrendous south winds buffeting us on the upper half of the descent. Met Barbara, violinist with the Utah Symphony. #404 & #405 12-17-21 W/Lana. 3+20 to the first summit in 6"-8" of snow and a windchill in the teens. Like the 13th. #406 12-19-21 W/ Lana. Getting above the building inversion but still cold! #407 12-20-21 Solo. Gave out some almond roca for Christmas presents. Good time to top 1+39. Blizzard shoes - fantastic. #4008 12-22-21 W/ Lana. 2+10 up on a trail packed with rock hard ice 50% of the way. #409 12-24-21 W/Lana. 3"-4" loose new snow. Hand out Christmas truffles. #410 12-27-21 W/Lana. 2+43 up in 2" fresh snow but howling winds 14-25 mph. #411 12-29-21 W/Lana. 2+21 up with ideal trail conditions: packed fresh snow but loose enough to allow sliding on the descent. #412 01-03-22 W/Lana. Perfect trail conditions. 2+11 up. #413 01-07-22 W/Lana. My "Covid" hike. Felt lethargic the entire time, and apparently with good cause! 2+33 up. #414 01-21-22 W/Lana. 2+25 up #415 01-31-22 W/Lana. 2+17 up with horrible trail conditions on the switchbacks. #416 03-08-22 W/ Lana. Fresh snow, tracked irregularly. Trench on road. Slow today. #417 03-28-22 W/Lana. 2+27 up, terrible ice conditions on the lower trail. #418 04-13-22 W/Lana. 3+17 up, 8"-12" untracked snow from the saddle. #419 04-15-22 W/Lana. 2+36 up, dogs, fresh snow and snowing on top moderately. #420 04-22-22 W/Lana. 2+07 up. #421 04-23-22 Solo 2+19 up, snowing hard from 3rd saddle. #422 05-11-22 W/Lana. 2+06 up. #423 05-15-22 W/Lana. 1+57 up. Hoped to see the blood moon lunar eclipse but were crushed when a thick cloud bank obscured the entire area where the moon was to be positioned. #424 05-27-22 W/Lana. 2+09 up, very warm. #425 06-01-22 W/Lana. 2+14 up with a bum r. knee and mud everywhere from Monday's storm. #426 06-11-22 Solo.1+40 up while nursing a recovering from knee inflammation. #427 06-17-22 W/Brent. 1+50 up. #428 06-25-22 Solo, west trail, 1+50 up, pretty flowers. #429 07-15-22 W/ Lana & Brent 1+59 up, rain on descent. #430 08-05-22 W/Lana & Brent. 1+56 up, sprinkled. #431 08-11-22 Solo. CF. 1+53 up. Sore knee. #432 08-31-22 W/Lana. 2+11 up. Very warm in spite of early start. #433 09-07-22 W/Lana. 2+06 up. Very early start. #434 09-15-22 W/Lana & Callie the dog. 1+59 up. #435 09-16-22 W/Lana & Callie. 2+10 up. #436 10-21-22 W/Brent. Warm B4 storm. #437 10-24-22 Solo. CF, 2"-4" fresh snow. 2+15 up. #438 10-26-22 W/Lana. 2+09 up. #439 11-01-22 W/Lana. South winds! 2+09 up. #440 11-11-22 W/Lana. 2+35 up - all snow entire way. 21 degree start. #441 11-23-22 W/Lana 2+25 up. #442 12-05-22 W/Lana 3+06 up-terrible trail. #443 12-19-22 Solo, west route. Up 2+02, spikes TH to TH. 18° #444 12-21-22 Solo, CF, packed snow all the way 1+57 up. #445 12-23-22 W/Lana. Great trail, truffles for passers by, 2+45 up. #446 12-28-22 Solo. Snowshoes, 1st tracks all the way from CF. 2+52 up. Scattered snow showers the entire way. Down via east face. #447 12-30-22 W/Lana. Snow packed. 2+10 up. #448 01-02-23 W/Lana. Snowshoes all the way, 4"-8" new snow. 4+45 up. #449 01-11-23 W/Lana 4+25 up. #450 01-16-23 W/Lana. 3+25 up. #451 01-18-23 W/Lana 3+00 up. #452 01-20-23 W/Lana 2+40 up. #453 01-23-23 W/Lana 3+25 up. Wind.#454 01-27-33 W/Lana. 2+55 up, ss. #455 01-30-23 W/Lana 2+55 up W/Lana. Start hike temp 1°. #456 02-02-23 W/Lana. West approach to Grandeur, then the Millcreek ridge to Elbow Fork trail and back to spotted car at winter gate. #457 02-06-23 W/Lana. 3+32 up. #458 02-13-23 Solo, west side. Icy trail. #459 and #460 02-17-23 Solo from west side, down to CF saddle and back up and over. Fine snow. Spikes very good. #461 02-18-23 W/Lana. CF. #462 02-21-23 W/Lana. Blizzard on top. 2+09 up. #463 02-24-23 W/Lana. 4+40 up (serious trailbreaking). #464 03-04-23 W/Lana 2+26 up. #465 03-06-23 W/Lana 4+25 up. #466 & #467 03-09-23 W/Lana. Down to saddle and back up, trailbreaking, snowshoe boot pack ruined by clown. 3+37 up. #468, #469 & #470 03-13-23 W/Lana A triple whammy, Lana used crampons 2nd and 3rd climbs from saddle. #471, #472 & #473 03-16-23 W/Lana. Same as the 13th with blue skies and winter-like temps. #474 03-20-23 W/Lana. SS up, crampons (lana) down. New snow. #475 & #476 03-21-23 W/Lana. Another fresh 3" snow but boots and later crampons for the summits. Nice day for a change. #477 & #478 03-23-23 W/Lana. SS all the way for a double. 3" new snow at TH, 6" on the ridge to the summit. 29 degrees! Spring is here? #479 03-27-23 Solo. Day after 79th birthday snowshoe. Broke trail the entire way. 6+05 up. #480 04-01-23 W/Lana. April Fool's hike from the west. Tons of snow. 3+45 up. #481 04-05-23 Solo. Deep new snow, followed skin tracks in self defense. 4+06 up. Jen Day on top. #482 04-08-23 Solo. 3+08 up using spikes and mostly a nice boot pack. Wore trusty snowshoes all the way down. #483 04-10-23 W/Lana. West route, up in 3+33 in lots of snow. #484 05-26-23 W/Lana. CF - no snow! #485 06-02-23 W/Lana. 1+58 up, sprinkles of rain. #486 06-08-23 Solo. From actual TH. 1+39 up. #487 07-21-23 Solo, CF road, 1+44 up. #488 10-16-23 W/Lana. 2+12 up. #489 10-23-23 Solo. 1+50 up. #490 10-27-23 W/Lana. 2"-3" new snow, icy in spots, very cold. 2+17 up. #491 11-08-23 W/Lana. CF, fresh snow. #492 11-13-23 W/Lana Recovery hike, muddy. 2+35 up. #493 11-15-23 W/Lana. Lots of mud above the saddle. Nice morning. #494 11-20-23 W/Lana. 2+30 up, new snow. #495 11-22-23 W/Lana. 2+28 up. Lotsa frozen snow & mud. Spikes from saddle. #496 12-04-23. Solo. Slush and melting snow made it awful. 3+10 up. #497 12-09-23 Solo, new snow, Blizzard shoes, 16 degrees. 2+11 up. #498 12-12-23 Solo. Blizzard shoes, a lot of ragged ice in parts, 1+39 up. #499 12-15-23 W/Lana. 2+31 up, Lana recovering. #500 12-20-23 W/Lana. 2+39 up, spikes all the way, some dirt, unseasonably warm. #501 12-27-23 W/Lana. 2+31 up. #502 12-29-23 W/Lana. Unseasonable warm. 2+32 up. #503 01-03-24 W/Lana. 2+27 up. Muy icy. #504 01-15-24 W/Lana. 2+21 up, 1" fresh snow. #505 01-08-23 W/Lana. SS all the way. Cold: 12 degrees. 2+46 up. #506 01-10-23 W/Lana. SS entire way. 3+15 up. #507 01-12-23 W/Lana to saddle. Much wind, SS all the way, 3+04 up. #508 01-19-24 W/Lana. CF with SS from saddle. 4+00 up. #509 01-31-24 W/Lana. Packed snow entire way. 3+41 up. #510 02-01-24 Solo. West face, 2+10 up, spikes over the Blizzard shoes. #511 02-05-24 W/Lana. Spikes up & down. Really windy and cold above 7,800'. #512 02-09-24 W/Lana. CF, broke trail in 6"-10" snow from above SBs, snow falling much of the time. 4+32 up. #513 02-16-24 Solo. 2+28 up in wind and falling snow. SS down. #514 02-17-24 W/Lana. 2" new snow. SS down east face. 3+31 up. #515 02-21-24 W/Lana. 3+02 up, wind & snow/graupel. #516 03-06-24 W/Lana. 3+12 up, new sticky snow. #517 03-25-24 W/Lana, the birthday girl. SS all the way. Crazy snow. 4+12 up. #518 04-02-24 W/Lana. Default from failed attempt of Church Fork Pk. #8 in my 80in80 quest. #519 05-15-24 W/Lana. Some snow in patches above saddle. #520 08-07-24 Solo (Lana w/ some of route). Way too warm today but needed e.g. #521 08-09-24 Solo like the 7th. Up in 2+33. #522 08-12-24 W/Lana from upper parking lot. 2+01 up. #523 10-16-24 Solo. Bluebird morning - storm coming. 1+53 up (this after doing RMCP the day before). #524 10-19-24 Solo. Lt. snow yesterday. 1+53 up. #525 10-21-24 W/Lana. 2+22 up.


vanman798 - Aug 4, 2015 6:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2015

West Slopes  Sucess!

Took me about 130 minutes to reach the top on a hot August day via the West Slopes. Took about 100 minutes to get down - it pounds the knees on the way down wished I brought trekking poles.

J. W. Hall

J. W. Hall - Jul 27, 2015 4:57 pm Date Climbed: Nov 26, 2013

Go To for Locals  Sucess!

Nice to have this close for locals; easy access, nice work out, proper summit at the top. Go up the West, down to Church Fork; back up Church Fork and down the West for the Grandeur Double.


kris247 - Jul 2, 2015 3:17 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2015

From Church Fork  Sucess!

Easy walk-up, but a little too far for a before-work hike.


ridings82 - Jun 26, 2015 10:11 pm Date Climbed: May 23, 2016

Various Ascents  Sucess!

I've climbed Grandeur peak several times - from deep snow to hot summer conditions.

Western Slope: 02/14/2015, 03/16/2015, 09/27/2017

Church Fork: 09/06/2012, 04/24/2015, 06/09/2015, 02/27/2016, 05/23/2016, 04/29/2017, 11/18/2017


Tonka - May 26, 2015 10:10 am Date Climbed: May 23, 2015

Just beat the rain.  Sucess!

We had grand plans for our first trip to SLC but the weather sucked and limited us to shorter lower routes like this. We still had fun and this quick trip left us in the clouds with no view but we got out. It was Memorial weekend so even with the bad weather the trail was BUSY. Rain started right as we got back to the car.


elijahgregory - May 11, 2015 3:55 pm Date Climbed: Apr 11, 2015

Grandeur Peak  Sucess!

Eventually would like to do Burch Hollow -> Church Fork ridge -> Grandeur->Church Fork trail->Pipeline trail loop.


jgreeneruns - Apr 13, 2015 3:24 pm Date Climbed: Apr 6, 2015

Finally!  Sucess!

After living in Utah and looking at this peak for 9 months, I finally grabbed some friends and summited! My legs were tired after 2 full days of activity previous to this mountain, but was up and down in about 3 hours.


utahguy058 - Apr 12, 2015 8:45 pm Date Climbed: Apr 6, 2015

For a nice meander   Sucess!

Did this from Churchfork. The parking and picnic grounds were closed. A group of three of us headed up to the summit. It was a nice gradual trail to the top. Nothing terrible about this hike my friends! Also the views were rather gorgeous. I cuddled with a strange dog and saw lots of kids on spring break. Thanks Grandeur!


PrinceOfNorway - Mar 20, 2015 2:27 pm Date Climbed: Mar 19, 2015

Cute up the Church Fork  Sucess!

This one is short and sweet. It is a great after work jaunt through the woods. I went up in the afternoon and it was nice and shady most of the way up.

Great views all around, would highly recommend. The trail isn't too steep either and allows for a pretty good trail run if that is your thing.

Bryce - Mar 17, 2015 6:19 pm Date Climbed: Feb 15, 2015

fun winter hike  Sucess!

Slick in the picnic area, but fun the rest of the way.


runbyu1 - Mar 16, 2015 5:10 pm Date Climbed: Feb 28, 2015

Ran up in the Snow  Sucess!

2/4/17 Suffered up the West Face in snow and mud slop in an hour ten, and ran down to Church Fork.

2/28/15 Ran up from Church Fork with my awesome wife. It was snowy the entire way and bitter cold and windy on the summit. We had a great time though!
Headed straight over to Wire to do that quickly to get in shape for Cactus to Clouds route of Mt. San Jacinto!


asaking11 - Mar 14, 2015 4:34 pm Date Climbed: Mar 14, 2015

Nice Workout  Sucess!

Nice super steep hike, it's a great workout. I did it round trip in 2 hrs.


SabineInUtah - Feb 27, 2015 1:44 pm

Nice training hike close to SLC  Sucess!

Hiked up Grandeur a number of times in all seasons ... it is a good hike close to SLC to train for higher peaks. Great for a short weekend hike when you don't have the time to spend a full day to bag a peak. Great for a family hike with young kids.

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