Kilimanjaro Climber's Log

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vmutongi - Mar 30, 2016 11:38 am Date Climbed: Feb 22, 2016

Marangu Route  Sucess!

Did the Marangu route in 5 days to the summit. It was awesome. Details are listed in my blog below:


royanderson - Nov 11, 2015 6:32 pm Date Climbed: Oct 15, 2015

Lemosho Route  Sucess!

Climbed with Zara Tours (highly recommend them) followed by 5 day Safari including 2 days in Serengeti (the best 2 days, others pale in comparison). Was at the peak for sunrise.


Joeyroo - Oct 21, 2015 7:31 pm Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2015

Weather Cooperated  Sucess!

Rongai Route

Worried the clouds would have blocked the view and that the high winds would make things miserable. Fortunately summit day was clear and not windy. Made it to Uhuru at 0700.


corsair - Aug 29, 2015 3:34 pm Date Climbed: Sep 26, 2007

Machame Route  Sucess!

First 5k+ summit. Climbed with friends and Christal Zoo guides, then a great safari in Tarangire and Serengeti. Our guides were great, going "pole pole" and acclimatizing our party well with side trips to the lava tower and Barranco wall. 6AM summit was a cold, windy one.


Iantexas - Aug 20, 2015 12:22 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2015

Lemosho Route Climb  Sucess!

Great trip with National Geographic Adventures. 17 in the group, all 17 reached the summit. The ascent took 6 days, the descent 2. Great weather, great support.


teddycricket83 - Aug 9, 2015 2:34 am

African Dream Come True  Sucess!

Climbed with the whole family. My brother was the youngest (at least legally to summit) as he summited on his birthday at age 11, which was the youngest age allowed to climb (at least at the time)


atavist - Mar 10, 2015 3:18 am Date Climbed: Mar 6, 2015

breaking rules  Sucess!

Mar 4
Arranged the climb within 2 hours after arriving in Moshe from Nairobi. Originally I was quoted $695 for a 3-day climbing package on Marangu (gate to Horombo, Horombo to Kibo, Kibo to summit to gate). I doubt the agent believed I would be able to actually make it. Shortly after paying, the agent realized that the park requires payment for at least 5 days so the fees increased to $1000+. He tracked me to my hotel and I paid the balance.

Mar 5
Pick up from hotel at 8:45am and drive to Marangu gate. Registration at the entrance took some time, then I finally started the leisurely hike up to Mandara and eventually arriving at Horombo. Despite every team is required to have their own cook, it seems there is a single kitchen because all the guests had basically the same meal (which was ample and tasty). There was some difference in condiments and side dishes such as fruits.

Mar 6
I was feeling good so when I left camp I thought I might skip Kibo and go straight for the summit. I actually went off trail and made straight for Barafu camp, which is on the Machame trail, where I had lunch. I arrived at 5pm so it took less than 4 hours to the summit (Barafu-Uhuru) and an extra one hour down to Kibo.

Mar 7
Easy day from Kibo back out to Marangu gate. I was hoping to take a different route off the mountain but it was against the regulations. I'd already been reprimanded for taking a route that 'was not on my itinerary' and 'climbing without a guide', so I figured I should behave at least one day while I was on the mountain. Besides, Marangu is actually very scenic as it gradually ascends thru the montaine forest, moorland and alpine desert, etc.


Hiker4life - Feb 28, 2015 8:49 pm Date Climbed: Oct 7, 2008

Marangu route  Sucess!

Did the climb in 5 days/4 nights. Started from the Kibo huts at midnight and made the summit at 6 AM in the dark with my guide John from Zara tours. It was cold & windy at the peak, so only stayed for about 5 minutes. Hiked back down to the Mandara huts and crashed early. Easy walk out the following morning back to the Marangu trailhead.


Rapparee - Nov 16, 2014 9:42 am Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2014

Kibo  Sucess!

Went with seven friends and Kilimanjaro Brothers. Stayed in Moshi and went via the Machame Route. Made me respect altitude a lot more as while I escaped with only headaches I saw a lot of people puking, not able to sleep and just generally feeling shit.

I would go back to Tanzania in a heartbeat!


yadahzoemtn - Nov 2, 2014 3:13 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2014

Machame Route  Sucess!

All thanks goes to Zara Tours and my wonderful hiking companions: Greg, Kelly, Santosh, and Mara. Go team "Loco".

jason_dee - Sep 10, 2014 2:45 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2014

7 Day Machame  Sucess!

Came & conquered w/Tro Peaks Adventures! What a great experience!


yuval - Aug 30, 2014 4:28 pm Date Climbed: Jan 28, 2010

Lemosho Route  Sucess!

Great climb, great route.
Took my dad for his first mountain and both summited succsessfuly! What a feeling at the top...


ThorsChosen - Apr 9, 2014 12:14 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2003

Machame Route  Sucess!

Fun and scenic 6 day trek to the top. The last day was a bit of a challenge because of the altitude. Had a fun three day safari afterwards at Ngorongoro crater.

colinlee - Mar 4, 2014 3:02 pm Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2014

Made it  Sucess!

what a blast loved every minute of it


ScottyP - Mar 3, 2014 11:48 pm Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2014

Machame  Sucess!

Five day machame with Zara. Great day but way too many people!!


Marmaduke - Mar 4, 2014 3:40 am

Re: Machame

Congrats!! Another down, nothing but the best to ya'

Cloud Ocean

Cloud Ocean - Jan 30, 2014 2:25 pm Date Climbed: Aug 31, 2012

Rongai route, 'unsupported'  Sucess!

Climbed over 6 days. I climbed 'unsupported' with no porters or cook. Guide was mandatory. Preparing and hauling all food, gear, water and setting my own climbing schedule made the hike very rewarding. I made the decision to climb to the summit in daylight, which worked out wonderfully. I left Kibo Huts at 7:20 a.m. and reached Uhuru peak at 12:25 p.m.


chris.mueller - Dec 26, 2013 7:12 am Date Climbed: Dec 25, 2013

Perfect climb  Sucess!

Climbed via Lemosho route. Well organized by Ashante Tours.

Ted Bauer

Ted Bauer - Dec 3, 2013 7:08 pm Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2012

Machame Route

Did 6 days on the Machame Route. Every day was easy but the last one. Reaching Stella Point was the hardest thing I have ever done. Can't say the trip was a failure without the true summit, but won't say that I am not disappointed in how everything turned out. I did everything wrong on summit day. Over ate the night before, did not drink enough and went way to fast even though I was asking to slow down. Tried to do it on the cheap, and it was an expensive lesson. One tip on the tips. Make certain you determine what they are prior to commencing the climb. It will save a lot of headaches afterward.


project360 - Oct 25, 2013 5:01 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2010

Climbing in the zone!  Sucess!

Great trip. great new friends, funny to see my pack heading past me the entite way. Be sure to donate everything you bring!

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