Mount Adams Climber's Log

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lukic - Feb 20, 2007 10:27 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2001

First Cascade Volcanoe

Took an overnight trip up the south spur by myself.

highice - Jan 30, 2007 9:18 pm

to ourselves  Sucess!

long approach since we couldn't drive to the trailhead. did the adams gl. route. greeted by falling seracs at the start right next to us, we decided to climb fast and never stopped to drink or eat (very dumb not to drink)but had it all to ourselves.


nodbod - Jan 16, 2007 5:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2006

Up the South Spur  Sucess!

Up the South Spur in one push from the car. We left Seattle at 9PM, got to the TH by 2 and was at the top by noon I think? I cant remember, it was a while back. It was fun, the glissade is KILLER!


littlefrantz - Jan 5, 2007 1:15 am

South with Splitboard  Sucess!

Awesome ride. A bit icy at the top.


Clevelander22 - Nov 15, 2006 5:52 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2005

South Spur Solo  Sucess!

First climbing experience! Decided Sunday that i wanted to climb adma's and so i bought an ice axe and crampons monday in hood river, and then soloed tuesday. Camped at cold springs, left at 6 a.m. and then summited at 11:30 a.m. Amazing weather and glassaiding on the way down was awesome. Fun climb!

mar C - Nov 2, 2006 9:42 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2006

South spur route in a day  Sucess!

I had a perfect solo one-day-hike/climb to the summit of Mount Adams. Started at 7a.m. from Coldsprings Campground and reached the summit at 1:30p.m.. The weather was very good all the time, but on the summit it became a little bit cloudy and the view was not too exciting. I had crampons and I was happy to have them; saw a lot of people climbing with inadequate shoes and clothes :-(

Nevertheless, a great tour on a great day.
Came back to the campground at 4p.m.


briand97 - Oct 27, 2006 4:36 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2000

Southern route  Sucess!

Fun Climb


TheBootfitter - Oct 9, 2006 11:43 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2006

Changing Conditions!

Went with a group of four. Two were first-time climbers. We experienced quickly changing conditions, including snow, sleet, thick heavy white-out conditions, and beautiful blue skies. The trip was mostly about getting some experience for the newbies, and we accomplished that. Summit would have been nice, but we didn't play our cards right and missed our window. Turned around at 11K at noon in white-out conditions. Ended up assisting a disoriented climber find way back to camp. Fun trip!


RomaK - Sep 18, 2006 7:52 pm

South Spur Twice  Sucess!

Summited twice in July and August of 2005.


osatrik - Sep 2, 2006 6:12 am Date Climbed: Jun 24, 1995

OSAT Rendezvous - 1995  Sucess!

One OSAT team went up the South Spur, while another team of 12 did the Mazama. We met on the top. It is my only Adams summit, so I'm probably one of a small percent of climbers who have summmited Adams but never gone up the SS. Fabulous, world class glassade down the upper part of the SSpur before traversing back to the glacier to retrieve our camping gear.


dyscti - Aug 21, 2006 4:44 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2006

South Spur  Sucess!

Camped a little below the lunch counter next to the snowfield. Glissading was fun but I hit a couple rocks.


awilsondc - Aug 16, 2006 2:38 am Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2006

Route Climbed: South Spur  Sucess!

Climbed with a couple of first time partners, including this guy, Scott Haines (cover climber). We camped at lunch counter on Saturday night and delighted (or annoyed...) our fellow campers with a backpacking guitar I packed up. Summited Adams on Sunday with about 100 others and glissades down. Long glissade, but the surface was a little too gnarled to be super fun. Still, it was a fun although tiring trip.


jstownsley - Aug 14, 2006 3:14 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006

South Spur  Sucess!

Good trip with lots of sun. Slept at lunch counter, lots of rocks and gravel to cross but still great glissading from pikers peak.

Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Aug 13, 2006 6:36 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006

A Trying Break from OCHEM on the South Spur  Sucess!

Went up with three friends as a break from summer school even though I had a Organic Chemistry mid-term two days later. It took us longer than we thought (8 hours to the summit from Cold Springs) because we were out of shape. The glissade down was awesome and the last one below the lunch counter gave us the biggest thrill of the day.


sshankle - Aug 12, 2006 3:35 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2006

South Rib - Solo  Sucess!

Climbed the S. Rib car-to-car in about 11 hours. Snow fields below the lunch counter were low angle enough to climb without crampons, but the snow was very firm for the entire ascent. Crampons were needed for the snowfield above the counter.

After climbing the route, I rounded the false summit and a big lenticular was formed up on the main summit. I traversed into it, over to the saddle between the two summits. Visibility was pretty poor, I waited for about 15 min. before deciding that climbing and descending the last couple hundred feet of crappy scree in poor visibility didn't sound like much fun, and I wouldn't be able to see anything from the main summit anyway. This was close enough for me.


BSPclimber - Aug 2, 2006 5:07 am

South Spur Date climbed: June 1988  Sucess!

Went with a Mazamas group. Camped short of the lunch counter. Great weather. Had a great glissade down from Pikers Peak to the lunch counter, what took 2 hours up was 5 minutes back down!


mcmedved - Aug 1, 2006 11:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2003

Route climbed: South spur

This trip got me hooked on the mountains. My brother Doug convinced me to try my first scramble/climb.


Gumpie - Jul 30, 2006 1:23 am Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2006

South Climb - skiing S-W chutes  Sucess!

Windy day kept the hot temperatures down. Skied down the south-west chutes of Pikers Peak. Excellent snow conditions that day, suncups were no issue. Long hike back from the end of snow to Cold Springs Campground.


Pawkala - Jul 29, 2006 3:11 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2006

South Spur - Ski SW Chutes  Sucess!

Started out at Cold Springs at 6am with ski on our backs and 66 degree temp. Soft snow the whole way with no need for crampons or ice axe. Passed a large group of women who are cancer survivors (good job if you are one of them). Tagged the Summit at 12:30 and enjoyed a near windless sunny day. Skiied from the summit to the plateau and then down the SW Chutes. Great day had by all.


TheBootfitter - Jul 26, 2006 2:40 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2003

South Spur  Sucess!

My first ascent of a snow/ice covered mountain. Fantastic experience, even if it took us far longer than it should have!

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