Mount Marcy Climber's Log

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SLinehan88 - Jun 7, 2009 2:36 pm Date Climbed: Jun 6, 2009

First Up  Sucess!

Spent half an hour on the summit by myself.

BlackForrest - May 30, 2009 5:09 pm Date Climbed: Feb 4, 2008

winter ascent  Sucess!

Very cold wind on top


Eleutheros - May 17, 2009 12:04 pm Date Climbed: May 15, 2009

Dangerous Melting Snowdrifts  Sucess!

Climbed the blue trail through Indian Falls and descended the yellow trail through Tear of the Clouds Lake. Both sides were drenched in feet of mud, torrential runoff and dangerously weak snowdrifts that made this trip slow, dangerous and challenging - much more than expected for a peak this size! The Adirondacks in May can be nothing short of WILD.


VermontMike - May 16, 2009 1:10 am Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2003

Avalanche Pass is great  Sucess!

When I'm back in the 'dacks I'm heading for the Gothics . . . looked fun but didn't have time last time


Hotoven - Apr 20, 2009 2:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2006

Best Weekend trip ever!  Sucess!

My dad brother and I had a nice weekend trip to the Dacks. The hike was great but rained almost the whole day. It was worth the trouble though. Great fun hike. It was fogged in at the top. I would do it again any day though.

BAMFclimber - Apr 1, 2009 10:10 pm Date Climbed: Mar 14, 2008

winter ascent  Sucess!

Beautiful, clear day with great views from the summit. Was able to wear snowshoes all the way to the top.

adventurebug - Mar 25, 2009 6:38 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2008

Fun!  Sucess!

Took Avalanche Pass up, Van Hoevenberg Trail down. Great climb.


friday - Mar 15, 2009 11:49 am Date Climbed: Mar 14, 2009

Scary fall during icy conditions  Sucess!

Great day of weather. Not a cloud in the sky with views as far as Mt Washington from Marcy's summit. The summit was very icy due to ice storms a few days earlier. Winds were strong, but not intolerable.

I fell. On my descent, right after the summit top, my snowshoes slipped, causing me to slide down the ice in a northerly direction from the trail towards the steeper northern slope. I was flipped over after hitting a rock (or a tree, dont quite remember) and became airborne for a few feet (from what others said. I don't remember this either). After sliding at a very quick rate for 15 seconds or so, attempting to grab anything I could to stop my fall, I ended up being miraculously stopped by a small, ice covered tree. If I slid any further, I would not be typing this now.

I want to thank the hiker who came to me right after I stopped and helped me get back up on my feet. He also helped me find a glove that had slipped off during the fall and he found a ski pole of mine. And, thanks for the motrin, it really helped. I owe you a million.

Dartmouth Hiker

Dartmouth Hiker - Mar 5, 2009 6:44 pm Date Climbed: Feb 28, 2009

Winter climb with PERFECT weather!  Sucess!

Came back 8 years after my first time up Marcy, this time with a college group. 5 hours up, 3 down. Had a scary experience or two near the summit thanks to not having the right equipment on at the right time. Nonetheless, had an amazing time, and views that extended all the way to snowcapped Mt. Washington 130 miles away!!

May post a TR soonish...


Rockscaler - Feb 3, 2009 6:08 pm

Hp#3  Sucess!



MtnLdr - Jan 4, 2009 1:10 pm Date Climbed: Dec 30, 2008

So Close

Made it as far as the saddle between Marcy and Haystack. Late day, shitty conditions, and stopping to smell too many proverbial roses added up to make it more enticing to head back and get in the sack, then to face 50+ mph gusts and a long walk back in the dark. I'll be back this winter!


Narendra - Dec 21, 2008 10:19 am Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2004

Solo  Sucess!

Great day hike with a long approach. Suggest bagging this one during a weekday to avoid the crowds

Patrick B

Patrick B - Oct 13, 2008 7:42 am Date Climbed: Oct 12, 2008

Great Hike  Sucess!

Slept in the car after a four hour drive with my dad. Got up at 7:00, made it to the trail head, and got on the trail at 7:40. Made it up in an easy four hours. Great views from the summit. The fall foliage was amazing. Made it down in another 3 1/2 hours. Total time - 7 1/2 hours. Distance - 14 miles HP #8


Alpinist - Oct 12, 2008 3:17 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2008

Van Hoevenberg Trail  Sucess!

Climbed 8 hours R/T from the South Meadow TH. I couldn't ask for a better day with clear skies, temperature in the 50's(F), and the autumn leaves in full color. Met fellow SPer Palflax near the summit. My 27th state HP.

Note to self: Never, ever, ever drive up from NYC on a Friday afternoon. The 5 hour drive took 8 1/2 hours.


Lips74 - Sep 28, 2008 8:11 am Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2008

Perfect first day in the Daks  Sucess!

Got a very late 1PM start on the Johns Brook Trail but made excellent time and was on top by 4:30PM. Planned on camping at slant rock but was moving so fast that I continued back to my car which I reached in the dark around 8:30. Kind of upset I lugged 30lbs of overnight gear up and down but the day was ideal. Extensive views with temps on top around 50F with warm late afternoon sunshine.


sskeep - Sep 9, 2008 8:58 pm Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2008

MT Marcy - John Brooks  Sucess!

Great day climbing, We could hear thunderstorms on other mountains but no rain on us! After Mt. Marcy we summitted Haystack, Basin and Saddleback. Long day but a lot of fun.


kavak - Sep 3, 2008 10:18 am Date Climbed: May 25, 1999

Van Hoevenberg Trail  Sucess!

Sometimes you have only one day to do a climb when traveling. My day included rain and then snow at the top. The visibility was 30 feet and the wet rocks on the trail nasty. But I persevered and was the only one on the summit. Strange for such a mountain. I descended the wrong trail in deteriorating conditions and had to reclimb 500 feet to find the correct one. Still it is a fond memory.


BCJ - Aug 30, 2008 8:07 pm Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2007

Nasty conditions  Sucess!

Climbed it in a sustained, heavy downpour and wicked winds. The trail was more like a stream and we were completely soaked through. The views from the summit were nil and the wind was knocking us down. My partner and I agreed that it was the most miserable hike our our lives. Other than that it was great.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Aug 13, 2008 1:44 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2008

South Meadow  Sucess!

3 h up.


Tahawus - Aug 11, 2008 1:49 pm Date Climbed: Oct 22, 2005

Mount Marcy  Sucess!

Climbed via the Van Hoevenberg Trail from the Adirondack Loj. Stabilicers were a must this time of year. Made it up to treeline in shorts but was blasted with cold winds and freezing temperatures upon reaching the alpine zone. My first mountain over 5000' and my first state highpoint as well!

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