Mount Massive Climber's Log

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Day Hiker

Day Hiker - Dec 28, 2003 1:05 am

Route Climbed: Main Range Trail to Mount Massive Trail Date Climbed: 04 August 2003  Sucess!

I spent a little bit of time trying to decide which peak was highest. I finally decided on the one at N39.18753 W106.47562 (WGS 84). It appears slightly higher than the one at N39.18588 W106.47505.


bdewoody - Dec 3, 2003 1:07 am

Route Climbed: East Slopes Date Climbed: July 00  Sucess!

A little long.


MrWasatch - Sep 26, 2003 12:07 pm

Route Climbed: West Slopes Date Climbed: July 5, 2000  Sucess!

Very enjoyable climb. I found this one to be prettier than nearby Elbert, depsite the longer length (also less crowded, had summit to ourselves).


notracks - Sep 20, 2003 11:42 pm

Route Climbed: Native Lake Trailhead Date Climbed: September 2002  Sucess!

This was an overnight ascent. We started from the Native lake trailhead. Spent the night at Native Lake. The folowing day we did a little tour du Massive. We reached Massive through the ridge that starts right from the summit Eastward. Then we went over Massive Green, North Massive, Point 14169, enjoyed the fresh snow on the glacier and climbed down all the way back to the trailhead. It was a very, very long day. Especially after you are done with the peak and have to hike out for 2-3 more hours with the heavy backpacks on.


Helga - Jul 13, 2003 6:24 am

Route Climbed: Standard route Date Climbed: 7.12.03  Sucess!

Great day for a hike! Windy above timberline, partly cloudy all the way up which made it easier then hiking under full sun. Interesting portion of climb before reaching the summit with breathtaking views, needless to say! Overall much prettier to hike then Elbert. Very windy on the top, hold on to your hats! We were low of drinks even we had packed plenty. Got to the summit sort of dehydrated. Filled up a bottle with snow which helped us make it back. Grateful for that snow! Had attempted this mountain twice in the past year but never reached the summit because of changes in the weather. Felt good to have finally made it. Now I can plan another Fourteener and pack MORE WATER!

John Styrnol

John Styrnol - Jul 8, 2003 5:25 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Massive Trail Date Climbed: 5 Jul 2003  Sucess!

Myself and 3 others made the summit. This was an awesome hike.

Peak Freak

Peak Freak - Jun 20, 2003 12:40 pm

Route Climbed: Southwest Slopes Date Climbed: June 15, 2003  Sucess!

A delightful day with fellow Sp'ers Aaron & Ellen. Southwest Slopes is my kind of route. Short & straight up. The summit ridge was beautiful. Glissading down the amphitheatre by the West Couloir was a real treat! Thanks, guys!


mtnhiker13 - Jun 18, 2003 6:23 pm

Route Climbed: West Slopes Date Climbed: June 15, 2003  Sucess!

West slopes - very long sustained steep climb up tundra. Climbed with my favorite climbing partner Aaron and fellow SPer Eileen from Vancouver. We had the summit to ourselves. Weather was perfect. We had a great time glissading down a very long snow field. We went very very fast and had a great time. I would climb Massive again via this route in early season.


Speedy - Jun 13, 2003 1:58 pm

Route Climbed: Massive TH Date Climbed: 9/6/02  Sucess!

Long hike, fun ridge walk, false summit, no summit register, and cold and windy on top. What a great day.


Diggler - Mar 11, 2003 9:49 am

Route Climbed: either Mt. Massive Direct or Mt. Massive Trail Date Climbed: summer, 1991(?)  Sucess!

My 2nd 14er, climbed with my dad during a family trip up to Leadville one summer. We did it the day after climbing Elbert. Don't remember exactly which route, but know that we parked at the same place as for Elbert. We passed a Boy Scout Troop from Kansas, that we'd seen the day before as well (unfortunately, I don't think they made it up either day). The weather was great, and we had a great day.


Grant - Feb 28, 2003 10:18 pm

Route Climbed: tour de Massive Date Climbed: sept 3 2001  Sucess!

bagged four fourteen thousand foot pionts that day.

izzyvet - Feb 17, 2003 7:43 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Massive Trail/East Slopes Date Climbed: June 28, 1998  Sucess!

Left Denver very early in the morning. Started at 6:15 am. Solo with my dog Roscoe, a huge Rodesian Ridgeback 14er dog! Got to the summit at 11:35 am. Lots of other folks on the summit and on the ridge to the summit. Great ridge hike!! Still lots of snow during this spring. Snow was quite slushy by the descent though. Back to car by 3:30 pm. Long, beautiful, very enjoyable hike.

Martin Cash

Martin Cash - Oct 31, 2002 4:37 pm

Route Climbed: Trail Date Climbed: July 5, 2001  Sucess!

More like a trail hike than a mountain climb. Very easy dayhike to the top in just over 3 hours. Roundtrip in less than 5.

Hayesred - Oct 30, 2002 12:55 pm

Route Climbed: southwest slope Date Climbed: July 1999  Sucess!

steep hiking trail but a moderate hike overall


rmjwinters - Oct 6, 2002 1:45 pm

Route Climbed: Colorado Main Range Date Climbed: September 3 2000  Sucess!

This mountain is Massive. It took us 7 hours roundtrip. Great hike.

cmccall - Oct 2, 2002 3:32 pm

Route Climbed: Mt Massive trailhead Date Climbed: August 5 2002  Sucess!

A very long and tiring hike but worth it

Ed F

Ed F - Sep 14, 2002 11:24 am

Route Climbed: Mount Massive Trailhead - East Slopes Date Climbed: August 23, 2002  Sucess!

A long hike to the top. The final ridge to the summit over a few false summits was fun. Got chased off the summit by some black clouds rolling in.

Get an early start on this one.

Bryan W

Bryan W - Sep 10, 2002 1:53 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Massive Trail/East Slopes Date Climbed: 9/6/02  Sucess!

A nice long hike to the top. A massive undertaking. My second 14er! Followed the trail to the saddle between Massvie and South Massive. After that, the trail is sometimes hard to find as you scramble and bolder hop to the summit. There are a few small false summits after the saddle. Keep going and you will get there quicker than you think. No summit register however!!! We decided to just go right down the southeast face instead of going back to the saddle. Not too difficult of a descent. It was obvious that many people do this.


hasue - Aug 8, 2002 3:31 pm

Route Climbed: west couloir Date Climbed: 8/5/02  Sucess!

Wonderful trail into the heart of the wilderness, camped in a glacial ampitheatre at 13,000 ft. Next morning was a steep scramble up a couloir that took us right to the very top! Tons of fun and a confidence builder!


kilimanjaro1 - Jul 22, 2002 7:21 pm

Route Climbed: East Slopes from Mt Massive TH Date Climbed: july 15, 2002  Sucess!

A fun climb. First half was pretty tame and flat ... then some uphill and a bit of route finding over the rocks at the end. Overall a very fun climb.

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