Mount Massive Climber's Log

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Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Nov 24, 2009 12:15 am Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2019

Long hike  Sucess!

Very long hike but oversall it was nice hike.
2nd time July 04, 2019


Darren9 - Nov 6, 2009 11:21 pm

fun ski

Winter ski mountaineering attempt that ran out of time. Beautiful peak!


JHH60 - Nov 2, 2009 11:29 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 1977

Big Day  Sucess!

Last big climb on a 30 day Colorado Outward Bound school course. Woke up at 4, climbed Massive, came down and broke camp, and then hiked out to COB base camp in Leadville.


mattpayne11 - Oct 19, 2009 12:51 am Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2009

via SW slopes  Sucess!

A ton of snow, but a ton of fun. No clouds, minimal wind, awesome views.


Spindle - Sep 22, 2009 1:10 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2009

from the main trail  Sucess!

Started just before dawn. My second 14er.

Some snow from a couple hundred feet from the saddle. Wind and slushy snow up to the summit. Was socked in a cloud up top, which cleared as I was descending. Back to the parking lot just before 3pm. Great climb.


vanman798 - Sep 21, 2009 11:05 am Date Climbed: Sep 19, 2009

SW Slopes aka North Half Moon Trail #1451  Sucess!

Quick easy walk. Up in three hours, down in 1.5 hours. Nice views in all directions.


JustinShapiro - Sep 11, 2009 9:20 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2008

Both summits  Sucess!

Lovely day on Massive. We acidently made a right at the ridge and went 1 mile round trip out of our way to do South Massive. haha, I'll never forget that day.


jpvt - Sep 7, 2009 12:13 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2009

Mt. Massive TH  Sucess!

standard route up massive. excellent hike, did it as an overnight.

Ken Dammen

Ken Dammen - Aug 18, 2009 9:23 pm Date Climbed: Aug 18, 2009

Tour de Massive  Sucess!

I started out at 0530 at the North Halfmoon Trailhead. Trail was very nice all of the way up to Massive Summit. I made it to the Massive Summit, then traversed to Massive Green, North Massive and Point 14,169. Nice scramble between Massive Green and North Massive. I returned back the way I came out. I then headed to the summit of South Massive. I made it back to my car at about 2:30. It snowed a little during the morning, but nothing to turn me back. I only saw ten or so people throughout the day. This was a solo trip.


cftbq - Jul 29, 2009 11:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2009

Massive Mania--almost  Sucess!

Last peak of the day, after hitting all the ridge points to the north, starting from the Windsor Lake TH. Bailed down the east slopes trail as thunder boomed and graupel moved in. Windy most of the morning, but still a great day on the summit ridge.


strudolyubov - Jul 27, 2009 1:52 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2009

Tour de Massive  Sucess!

Climbed SW route from North Halfmoon Creek TH. After summit of Mt. Massive went to North Massive over Massive Green. Returned the same way. Climbed South Massive and descended SW route. Fun scramble between North Massive and Massive Green. Nice weather, awesome views!

08/11/2013: Tagged the summit of Mt. Massive on a traverse to Mt. Oklahoma. Nice weather, great views.

Liba Kopeckova

Liba Kopeckova - Jul 8, 2009 4:36 am

from Mt. Massive trailhead  Sucess!

easy hiking, nice weather, lots of people on the trail.


pittbrownie - Jul 7, 2009 10:14 am Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2009

standard route  Sucess!

Nice hike, snow is almost all gone on the standard route. PBR and cigars on top!


JB99 - Mar 31, 2009 8:25 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2008

Tour de Massive  Sucess!

Great way to climb Massive, includes N. Massive which rises 280 feet from the connecting saddle and if it were ranked would be the 5th highest in the state.


COhawkeye - Mar 18, 2009 1:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2008

SW Slope  Sucess!

Steep slope with rewarding views.


punchline - Mar 13, 2009 7:52 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2008

Long Day  Sucess!

Nice climb - 2nd of 4 on our "marathon" week in Colorado - beautiful state. Photo61Guy's flatulence problem on Elbert seemed to have remedied itself today, PTL.


SarahThompson - Jan 19, 2009 12:09 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2004

3x, 3 seasons  Sucess!

8/1/04 - Climbed the short but steep SW Slopes route from North Halfmoon Creek TH. My first solo 14er.

10/8/05 - Started at North Halfmoon Creek TH, climbed Mt. Oklahoma, and then traversed via the interesting ridge to the Massive massif. Finished off with Massive Mania - hitting all 5 summits above 14K. Great fall day!

1/26/08 - Winter ascent of the east ridge from the Leadville Fish Hatchery with the legendary Ken Nolan. Traversed to North Massive a well.


mkim822 - Nov 24, 2008 1:03 am Date Climbed: Oct 19, 2008

southwest slope  Sucess!

boy was that a steep hike or what! nice day, but very windy up top. last 14er for 2008!


Dropmo40 - Oct 31, 2008 1:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2005

massively stoned  Sucess!

i cant remember


MattK - Oct 13, 2008 6:35 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2008

All the "Massives"  Sucess!

Wife, dog and I looped all the Massives.

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