Mount Nebo Climber's Log

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Outdoorpartner - Jun 18, 2007 11:31 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2007

Still snow in June

Still a snow cap on the immediate top that you need to traverse around. The snow is so soft that if you begin to fall, it is very difficult to self arrest with an axe. I turned around due to time restraints (after one scary slide), but within a few weeks Nebo should be clear of snow.

Jeremy Franchow

Jeremy Franchow - Jun 1, 2007 9:06 am Date Climbed: May 31, 2007

Route climbed:North  Sucess!

Reminded me of Timp, with the trail going all the way to the top. One nice glissade off of the ridge north of North Peak, but almost no snow left along the entire trail. 1000's of ladybugs shared the summit with me, where I also found some interesting invertebrate fossils. Neat!


seanpeckham - Jun 1, 2007 3:14 am Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2007

all three summits  Sucess!

I did the south summit in July 1996, armed with outdated information as to which summit is the highest. I have now (as of Aug 25 2007) also done the north and middle summits from the north side. I went with the Wasatch Mountain Club this time. There were some outstanding views and lighting once it became partly cloudy, and some fun easy scrambling at a couple of points between the north and middle summits.

Bruce Christensen

Bruce Christensen - May 28, 2007 4:09 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2006

Beautiful day  Sucess!

Climbed with my friend John to the north summit on a beautiful sunny day. Ran into a group of Boy Scouts kicking around up there. Also passed a couple of fellow BYU students who were climbing pretty recklessly. There were hunters out that day, and we heard several shots. Made me a little nervous, and made me wish I was wearing bright orange. :)

We took the north ridge route to the north summit of Mt. Nebo. We started at 9200 feet from the trailhead that's about 1/2 mile down a dirt road at the Monument Trailhead parking lot and then followed basically the same route described by Hyrum Wright at Round-trip distance was 9.2 miles; gross elevation gain was 3800 feet, while the net elevation gain was about 2700 feet. We didn't cross any snow, and there were no sections that were very tricky, although we did need to use our hands in a couple places.

Trailhead around 7am, summit 11am.

My pictures are available at

mtn runr

mtn runr - Apr 29, 2007 4:42 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2007

It was a bluebird day  Sucess!

Near record temps for our annual late April Nebo hike. We go via a little used route beginning NE of Mona on the Mona Pole Road. Starting at the mouth of Pole Canyon gives you over 6000 feet of vertical, but because the road had been graded recently, Lee drove 1.7 miles and 1600 vertical feet up canyon before parking!


LonePeakFreak - Apr 27, 2007 1:32 pm

A love-hate relationship

Attempted several times, only to be turned around thisclose to the summit each time. I love it when I'm there and hate it when she tells me no. But I'll always go back.


weeds19 - Feb 27, 2007 7:47 am Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2003

North Route  Sucess!

We had a group of 6 people along with us for this climb. The climb was uneventful and the views were spectacular as many of the Aspen trees were showing off their Fall colors. We camped near the TH that night and enjoyed a nice campfire and camradarie.

toryander - Nov 13, 2006 12:00 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2006

Great Climb  Sucess!

I climbed with my son and a friend. We are rank amatuers so this was a good, climb and a little scary in places. That long, sharp ridge on the North route is amazing. What a wonderful feeling to come out on top at almost 12,000 ft. We couldn't stay long as thunderstorms were rolling in. We no sooner got down to the 10,000 foot saddle than the peak was covered in clouds and the rain started to fall. The thunder rolled, one after the other, for most of our trip down. It was a great day. I drive by this peak every day on the way to and from work. It's great knowing I've been up there.


Outdoorpartner - Oct 5, 2006 5:50 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2005

Good training hike  Sucess!

I climb Nebo every year as a training hike


apachedino - Oct 4, 2006 9:07 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2005

Route Climbed: North peak

Came along the Nebo loop road and climbed via the north peak route, very steep scree slope towards the end was killer, but overall we had it easy by skipping out on most of the possible elevation gain on the drive. Need to come back to actually summit the North Peak as I am now (but not then)trying to get all of the Wasatch 11,000's. Huge avalanche debrie on the first part of the trek, couldn't believe the size of the trees layed out.

April 2010, summitted via Pole Creek with splitboard and rode the gorgious wide north coulior down and out. Not to be missed.

John Styrnol

John Styrnol - Aug 28, 2006 2:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2006

North Peak Route #89  Sucess!

Climbed this one today with a friend. Alot steeper than I thought at first. Very nice cool day, we had the summit all to ourselves, the group ahead of us was already down when we got there. Nice views as well.


mtn_pika - Aug 3, 2006 11:12 pm

South Summit via Andrews Ridge  Sucess!

Climbed the south summit via Andrews Ridge trail with Susan in August 2005. Stunning wildflowers and a variety of wildlife -- lots of humble bees just below the ridgeline. One of my favorite Wasatch hikes.

Dennis Poulin

Dennis Poulin - Jul 25, 2006 5:00 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2006

Nebo Bench Trail  Sucess!

Another beautiful hike. Still a few patches of snow on the route.

marauders - Jun 25, 2006 10:33 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2006

Route Climbed: North Route  Sucess!

What a great time of year to be on Mt. Nebo. Nice temps and lush greenery everywhere. The hike was wonderful. Fun mountain to climb, but the summit views aren't as astounding as more centrally located peaks in the Wasatch. The views appear to be better in the winter.


Tracy - Apr 6, 2006 5:54 am Date Climbed: Oct 22, 1983

Route climbed: north ridge from North Peak  Sucess!

I soloed this one in perfect snow conditions on the first day of the deer hunt. There were three huge bucks on the summit as I approached the last 400 yards. Coming down was great. The 4-6 inches of snow absorbed my footsteps on what otherwise would have been loose shale. Weather was clear and sunny.

Rocky Alps

Rocky Alps - Mar 4, 2006 8:39 am Date Climbed: Oct 15, 2005

North Route  Sucess!

Two months earlier my roommate Gabe and I attempted to go up the north ridge trail, but instead got sidetracked (we followed a cow trail from the paved parking lot instead of driving a bit farther on the dirt road to the north where the trailhead is, and after several hours of bushwhacking were too tired to attempt the summit). I tried finding others to try it again with me, but after 2 months I decided to just do it on my own. I didn't have any snow gear on this solo-hike (a bad idea to be alone in the first place), but everything turned out okay. The views along the north ridge were nice (town of Nephi is 7,500 ft. below), but very different compared to other places in the Wasatch since there are no other mountains of comparable size nearby.

I came back to do the north route again on 9/26/09 with my brother Chris (see "Last Hike of the Season" trip report for details), and then again with my son Matthew and friend Bret on 8/10/19.


eigerkidd1 - Dec 6, 2005 10:04 pm

Route Climbed: Cedar Ridge Date Climbed: Feb 2001  Sucess!

This is the climb that got me addicted to mountaineering. It's a long climb to the South Summit, but a wicked glissade down is well worth the effort.


rockhop23 - Oct 8, 2005 9:14 pm

Route Climbed: Willow Creek (Mona) Date Climbed: August 22, 1998  Sucess!

One of the toughest hikes I've ever done. Endless pounding of the legs. I'll take the North route the next time and save 2,000 feet of pounding. Awesome views - a must do for all local peak baggers.

Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - Sep 30, 2005 10:59 pm

Route Climbed: North Date Climbed: July 17, 2005  Sucess!

I know there are a lot of people in Utah who are in awesome shape because of all the outdoor recreation available, but I again have to question their judgment about routes-- how is this a Class 3 route? It's not even 2+ unless you TRY to make it so. Still, good hike with some stunning ridgetop views.


mfox79 - Sep 26, 2005 4:36 pm

Route Climbed: north route Date Climbed: 9/24/05  Sucess!

One of the most beautiful climbs of my life summited in crazy weather after a late (10:00am) start summited in 3 hours with very worrisome clouds through out the day. Allot more people out climbing then I was expecting. All and all super fun route.

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