Mount Ogden Climber's Log

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Josh Behunin

Josh Behunin - Aug 24, 2023 9:10 am Date Climbed: Aug 23, 2023

Short run coming up snow basin  Sucess!

It was very easy coming up snow basin, I made the summit in less than an hour and a half. Lots of views but I didn't stick around long because weather was moving in.


technicolorNH - Sep 26, 2021 6:46 pm Date Climbed: Sep 26, 2021

needed an easy day  Sucess!

Flying out tomorrow from SLC so a simple no bushwhack peak was called for. Two hours and twenty minutes up the mountain from the operations building near the ski lodge, although my navigation on the numerous options was probably suboptimal.


ericnoel - Sep 11, 2021 5:41 pm Date Climbed: Sep 11, 2021

Ogden  Sucess!

Gondola and then up the cirque to ridge run.


brekgrover - Jun 17, 2021 9:26 am Date Climbed: Jun 13, 2021

Beus Canyon down to Snowbasin Parking Lot  Sucess!

Hot day. Summitted with Danielle Hess, Brandon Stanger & Jackson Stanger


utahjimk - Jun 30, 2019 4:32 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2019

ridge run  Sucess!

as part of a ridge run starting from Snowbasin base, Strawberry Peak north to peak 9061. With Wasatch Mt Club-Akiko, Stanley, Michi, Paul and Barb.


Scott - Sep 26, 2018 4:18 pm Date Climbed: Sep 23, 2018

Mount Ogden  Sucess!

On our way back from Boise, Kim and I stopped to climb Mount Ogden. I still hadn't climb that peak, which is a rarity for me in the Wasatch Since we were pressed for time we took the tram part way up and then headed for the summit. It was cool and cloudy, but the weather was good. We took a 4wd track down, but this turned out to be a mistake since we missed the tram by quite a bit and had to climb back up the mountain.


brekgrover - Aug 6, 2018 6:17 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2018

Via Bues Canyon  Sucess!

Climbedvia Bues Canyon with Brandon Stanger, Liam Grover and Kaden Robinson. Great day, but tons of smoke in the air!


Outdoorpartner - Jul 1, 2018 6:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2018

Beautiful day - had peak to myself  Sucess!

From Needles lodge Snowbasin


brekgrover - Apr 8, 2018 9:47 am Date Climbed: Mar 11, 2018

From Allen Peak Tram  Sucess!

Hiked over by myself from the Allen Peak Tram at Snowbasin to ski the race start chutes. Beautiful, warm day. Tough booter over with some deep postholing.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Jan 15, 2018 5:24 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2016

7 Peaks  Sucess!

With Willard Peak, De Moisy Peak, Floyd Iverson Ridge, The Needles, Bountiful Peak & Black Mountain.


LazyJSkwires - Nov 12, 2017 9:04 pm Date Climbed: Nov 12, 2017

Late in the season  Sucess!

I keep thinking the hiking season is going to end and I keep being proven wrong. Came up from Beus Canyon, saw a couple hunters and that was about it. Walked back down in shorts and a t-shirt


bdz132 - May 30, 2017 1:07 pm Date Climbed: May 29, 2017

Mount Ogden via Taylor Canyon  Sucess!

This was my first ascent of Mount Ogden and I chose to start at the Taylor Canyon trailhead. The weather was warm, but there was still a lot of snow above Malans Basin. To avoid the snow, I climbed up to the ridge on the south. I don't think it saved me any time because the ridge is more rocky than it looks, but it made for a fun variation.


BKiser90 - Jul 12, 2016 11:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2016

Up from Near the Ridge  Sucess!

Came up here while mapping weeds. Started about a mile and a half below the peak on the Snowbasin side. Great peak!


brekgrover - Mar 19, 2016 11:48 pm Date Climbed: Mar 19, 2016

Skimo from Snowbasin  Sucess!

Hiked over from the Allen Peak tram. It was warm Liam and I rested on the summit in the sunshine for about an hour before skiing back to Snowbasin via the race start chutes. Super fun day


stokel - Jun 14, 2015 8:36 pm Date Climbed: Jun 13, 2015

Mt. Ogden via Malan's  Sucess!

With Colin, Katie, and Neil.

dude14 - Jun 7, 2015 1:51 pm Date Climbed: May 30, 2015

Beus Canyon  Sucess!

A great trip, took about 4 hours to the top. Not terribly long or difficult and was a fun first peak for me.


brekgrover - May 31, 2015 10:51 pm Date Climbed: May 31, 2015

Beus Canyon  Sucess!

Great hike up with my son Liam. Tons of snakes along the way. Two Gopher snakes, two Rubber Boas, a Garter snake and a fat Rattler in the upper ferny section of Beus Canyon. Nice and warm on top. Ate lunch and took a little nap. Great day.


Crystalcarpenter - Dec 13, 2014 6:17 pm

Mount Ogden from Snowbasin  Sucess!

Gorgeous fall colors.


yadahzoemtn - Apr 13, 2014 1:07 pm Date Climbed: Apr 13, 2014

Beus Canyon Route  Sucess!

#1 04/13/14 w/ Brent. We ran into snow around 7500. We tired of the traverse across the snow fields so we ascended a head wall with perfect consolidated snow. When we reached another traverse we decided to stick to the ridge and go over the top of all the bumps. This made for some extra vertical gain. Beautiful day.

07/05/24 w/Michael. We started at Snow Basin and followed the ridge from No Name, Allen, Mount Ogden, Needles, Demoisy and Strawberry.


scgrant - Oct 23, 2013 9:19 pm Date Climbed: Oct 23, 2013

Mount Ogden Massif  Sucess!

10/23/2013 From Snow Basin, I gained the saddle between Strawberry and DeMoisy. From Strawberry Peak I followed the ridge over DeMoisy Peak, The Needles, Mount Ogden, Allen Peak, and "No Name Peak". From No Name, I followed the service roads back to the Snow Basin parking area.

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