Mount Rogers Climber's Log

Viewing: 181-197 of 197

mtsptfam - Dec 15, 2004 5:32 pm

Route Climbed: AT from South Date Climbed: August, 1999  Sucess!

My wife's 1st backpacking trip and my 1st hightpoint of a state. We were unaware that this highpoint was here until we past the sign for it. We were backpacking the AT with 4 teens from my youth group. That night right below the summit on the bald knob that is most pictured as Mt. Rogers a major storm rolled in. We were holed up in tents all night while lightning flashed all around us. The lightning was so frequent that from inside the tent it seemed like a fire was flickering right outside the tent. The Lord protected us and no one was injured. The morning unveiled a canopy of fog, sunlight and nature. It was beautiful. God is so good.


Tbacon251 - Dec 6, 2004 12:08 pm

Route Climbed: AT Date Climbed: 12-04-2004  Sucess!

Started out at the trail head when it was 18 degrees. Made it to the summit in 2 hours. It was a great hike (not much of a summit view).


jomal - Oct 29, 2004 4:02 am

Date Climbed: Many Many  Sucess!

This is my favorite area in the East, I've walked just about every trail and a lot off trail in this area. Keep going back though because it's just so incredible.


climber404 - Oct 8, 2004 1:18 pm

Route Climbed: AT loop Date Climbed: April, 2003  Sucess!

art of a 50 mile loop around Mt. Rogers. Two buddies and myself. Great trip that turned bad, then epic.


jenniferdenoya - Oct 6, 2004 10:54 am

Route Climbed: AT Route Date Climbed: October 12, 2003  Sucess!

We barely beat the rain, but it was a really great hike. There isn't a view at the summit, as its enclosed by forest, but it's still a super way to spend a Sunday. The folks in Damascus are the salt of the Earth!


elementalphotos - Sep 29, 2004 4:18 pm

Date Climbed: May 11, 2003  Sucess!

Part of a weekend backpacking trip with some co-workers.

Smalltimeclimber - Sep 13, 2004 9:25 am

Route Climbed: Appalachian Trail/Elk Garden Date Climbed: 12 September 2004  Sucess!

A pleasant, easy hike although rather muddy.


lostman - Jul 7, 2004 1:24 pm

Route Climbed: AT from the Scales Date Climbed: May 2002  Sucess!

Beautiful hike in May! Saw very few people but a LOT of friendly ponies.


mposner - Feb 23, 2004 10:52 pm

Route Climbed: AT Date Climbed: September 22 2002  Sucess!

Fun hike to a no view summit. The wild ponies and the open alpine like fields are the attraction here.


petersbike - Dec 15, 2003 6:37 pm

Route Climbed: AT Spur from Massie Gap Date Climbed: 31August2003  Sucess!

Excellent Hike.Done as solo overnight.Massie Gap to AT headed south towards Deep Gap.Ponies hanging around in the shade in Grayson,real friendly.Probably looking for handouts. Camped in awesome open meadow halfway between Mt Rogers spur trail and Deep Gap. Next day backtracked to spur and up to Mt Rogers. Summit was somewhat disappointing. Knew there was no view,but it was also kinda claustaphobic. This of course was made up for previously by the great views on the Wilburn ridge. After leaving the summit backtracked to the intersection of Pine mountain trail and followed that down to Scales and back on the AT and took that south back to Massie Gap Parking area.


urmindseye - Nov 29, 2003 7:09 pm

Route Climbed: All of em! Date Climbed: All the time  Sucess!

The summit isn't anything to brag about other than saying you have been there, done that, bagged it. It's tree'd in and has absolutely NO view what so ever. But just the same, it's a summit to record. The rest of the area is beautiful. ie...Rocks that you can boulder on, Ponies that you can watch and relax in the grass with, open air walks and hikes thru forest and covered trails. I am up in this area every year and can almost walk it with my eyes closed. I Have hiked nearly all the trails and still to this day enjoy all of them. The winter time is my favorite as you can see from the pictures I have posted. There are less people, animals and critters except for the ponies which again, I love seeing with frost or ice on the manes. It is an excellent place to bring first time people to, when trying to introduce them to the outside. Within 2 miles of the parking lot, you will climb, see ponies, walk on a ridge that overlooks the whole area, feel like your on top of the world (at Wilburn Ridge), and all the while, keeping it simple and fairly easy. I go here alot because I am close, but also because I just plain love the area! ;) ~t

Jerry L

Jerry L - Aug 24, 2003 7:55 pm

Route Climbed: AT / Spur Trail Date Climbed: August 22,, 2003  Sucess!

This is very nice hiking in a beautiful area. Well worth the time and effort.


vbeckman74 - May 30, 2003 8:31 am

Route Climbed: AT spur trail Date Climbed: September 2000  Sucess!

This is our 6th summit on the AT. Dy and I think it was the most beautiful, though there is no view from the summit. Perhaps it's because you can't drive to it, like many on the AT summits.


climber46 - Apr 26, 2003 3:22 pm

Route Climbed: AT from Grayson Highlands State Park Date Climbed: May 28, 2001  Sucess!

A nice easy hike although the day I did it was cool and windy with fog. It opened up a little bit and so I did see some views. I also saw cattle, wild ponies, and a deer.


peakbagger - Aug 2, 2002 4:59 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Rogers summit trail/AT spur trail Date Climbed: July 28, 2002  Sucess!

Enjoyed this easy hike, mainly because I was able to do it with my father, who does not hike regularly and had never done any backcountry camping before. I would definately recommend this trip to any beginners out there who want to get taste of the Virginia highcountry, and a bit of the Appalachian trail to boot.

The views are beautiful and the high, rocky meadows reminded me of Scotland a bit... Wild ponies everywhere and very tame. Not crowded at all and awesome camping.

Markeymark - Jul 17, 2002 9:34 pm

Route Climbed: AT from Grayson Highlands State Park Date Climbed: June 17, 2002  Sucess!

State highpoint #11.

The ponies at Rhododendron Pass were a nice surprise.


Josh - Jan 5, 2002 4:56 pm

Route Climbed: Spur off of AT Date Climbed: Summer, 1995  Sucess!

Bagged this one along my 1995 AT thru-hike. I don't remember anything about it...just that I visited the summit!

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