Jerry L


A Little About Me

"Descending from the heights we met the first blade of grass and the first flower, and finally the slopes were hairy with sage brush. Perhaps our passage from the cold upper reaches to the familiar earth had been too rapid; as I looked back at the lonely peaks, then at the huts and fields below where people groped their whole lives away. Torn between contentment and longing, caught between two worlds, one that possessed me, yet could never be more than a passing phase, and that other which is a part of human existence, I yearned to retain my dual identity." George B. Schaller........Stones of Silence, Journeys in the Himalayas

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Profile Photo : My oldest son and I climbing in Ecuador, 2003. I have two sons and they're my best friends.
Plans For 2007: Climbing in New York's Adirondacks in January (done); Ice Climbing in New Hampshire's White Mountains in March (done); Climbing in the southwest desert area (Arizona, New Mexico, & Nevada) in April & May (done); Hiking in the southeast (N.C, S.C., Georgia, & Tennessee) in July (done); Climbing in the Adirondacks again, then off to Bar Harbour, Maine to climb (a little) & hang out, & then a climb in Vermont in October (done).
Plans For 2008: Climbing in Peru, Chile, & Bolivia in January & February (done); Scrambling around Great Falls, Va. in April (done); Climbing, cycling, & kayaking in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Washington, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, and Alaska in May, June, July, & August (done); Cycle from Atlanta, Georgia to Asheville, N.C. (333 miles over 6 days) in September (done).
Plans For 2009: Purchase and rebuild a cabin February thru May (done); Climbing trip in the Rockies June thru August (done).
Plans For 2010: Dealing with cancer the first half of the year (done with that stuff !!); Trip to Quebec, Labrador, New Foundland, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island & Nova Scotia hitting some peaks along the way in August and September (done). Travels in China in October and November (done).
Plans For 2011: So this appears to be the year of giving back. I've spent the year at my cabin fostering dogs for a volunteer organization called Lab Rescue and have also taken in a Burmese college student who I am helping get through college. Hopefully next year will allow me to get back out (done).
Plans For 2012: Just sold my cabin and have decided to go homeless for a bit.........actually will be living in my truck camper with my 2 dogs. Will be driving the RV out west to the Grand Canyon (done) , then north to Montana where I'll be working as a volunteer at Glacier National Park in July (done) ; then traveling and climbing through the western states July through October (done).
Plans For 2013: Leaving in late June and returning late October for the backcountry of the upper Michigan penninnsula.Then headed west again to climb, hike, and kayak in the Rockies in Montana and Wyomimg, and further south (done).
Plans For 2014: Plan to spend June, July, and August going back out west to Montana and Wyoming, then going north into Canada,,,,,,,,,,,British Columbia and Alberta.......hiking, climbing, and kayaking (done).
Plans For 2015: Plan to spend March and April in Nepal hiking the Annapurna Circuit and then touring the country (done). Plan to spend June through September traveling in my truck camper, headed to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean (Prudhoe Bay), hang out in Alaska, then head back to the lower 48 hanging out in Washington, Montana and Wyoming (done).
SP'ers I've Climbed With: Alan Ellis, Eric Hendere, Hillman, Freespirit, Steve Ball, CBakwin, Vic Hanson, ClimbHighNow, and Ianc82.

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