Last time I climbed the mountain it seemed that the crack on the pinnacle base was wider. I was surprised by your comment that a big chunk went flying by. It always seemed to be very solid rock. WE will be climbing at the end of August. I keep returning to this one, my first mountain and its always a fun one. BTW, if you go up the ridge line you miss most of the scree on the climber's trail.
7/27/2013 Climbed via the standard West Ridge route. The appearance of Mount Thielsen looming before you looks very intimidating but the approach is very straight forward and the final 80 feet up the summit pinnacle is not too bad at all. The biggest scare was on the way down the talus slopes, dodging a "mini fridge" sized boulder, dislodged by a climbing group above. It seemed to have it's tractor beam locked on us.
adamschneider - Jul 29, 2013 2:05 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2013
Easier than I expected
Our group of three brought some climbing gear, but when we got to the bottom of the summit pinnacle, I was like, "We brought a rope for THAT?!" It was a fun rope-free scramble to a surprisingly roomy and non-sketchy summit, and it felt like a piece of cake compared to the nasty scree we had to slog through on the way up.
ScrambledLeggs - Oct 30, 2012 8:53 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2012
I climbed Thielsen as a side trip during my thru hike.
Lots of folks out on mountain despite the hazy conditions due to the nearby forest fires. Brought a rope and some gear for the summit pinnacle and happily used it to quickly bypass a party with a fixed line by climbing around them up slightly more technical terrain on the left (felt like low fifth class). Would likely be OK without rope on the standard variation, but why not?
Actually , I have climbed Theislon a few times. I did it solo and with no ropes the first time. Second time was with a group and we used a fixed line. Going again in August with a group I will be leading. Its a very fun climb always. The veiw is amazing and standing out on the pinnacle is quite thrilling. It a long ways down. It is a easy climb but a mistake will have some serious consequences.
I asked Thor and Zeus to each keep their lightning spears away while I was at the mountain. ;-)
The Mount Thielsen Trail was easy, then the climber's trail was enjoyable and scenic, and then the last 80' ascent was the icing on the mountain cake. First successful summiter of the day, and solo. The summit views were spectacular in all directions. At the ledge I enjoyed the company of Marie and Gene (the latter of whom summited right after me), and I had several great conversations with climbers during the descent. Several of them convinced me that I should visit nearby Mount Scott while I was in the area, and that I could not hope for better weather. I became convinced to tag another Top 100 peak that was not on my original "to do" list for this trip. But, ultimately, Mount Thielsen was the highlight of my weekend.
This was the fourth (and, in my opinion, the best) of seven Top 100 peaks summited in Oregon during a 3-1/2 day timeframe.
nicozone - Jul 23, 2012 3:08 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2012
Mazama Climb
Went on a Mazama climb for this one. The weather couldn't have been any nicer; blue skies without a single cloud. We roped up for the summit pinnacle, since we were a group of 10 and the club policy says you have to. But I don't think I will rope up again next time I go on my own.
Troy B - Jul 15, 2012 6:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2012
West Ridge
Watched the sunrise from the top, excellent climb up.
Nick Turtura - Jun 4, 2012 11:42 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2011
Double Header
Bringing gear next time.
vanagon2 - May 13, 2012 1:22 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2006
Fulgurite out
wasn't feeling the last bit, but was peaking well enough to enjoy the trip
santanoni - Jan 13, 2012 11:44 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2011
Not too bad
Looks hairy from the base, but the pitch at the end is not so bad. Looking down the north face though, now there's some exposure.
bedellympian - Oct 21, 2011 1:41 pm Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2011
great tip
Friend in Ashland told me to go for it since I was headed North through Crater Lake. Exhilirating scramble.
klwagar - Sep 19, 2011 12:09 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2011
fun hike
easy slog up some scree and a nice bouldery pitch to the end, great views
sprosseda - Aug 11, 2011 11:51 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2011
Very nice summit
Heavy snow year, so some of the trail in woods was lost in the snow. Solo trad lead 1 pitch to summit and anchored rope for others coming up later on. Great view, great day, fun class 4 rock. Bathed in Diamond Lake afterwards. Very enjoyable!
Only one car in the parking lot, guy was going down as I went up. I didn't have any information about the trail or climb except the map at the trailhead, so I wasn't expecting to make the summit. Snow on the trail through the trees, absolutely NOBODY around, made it up the ridge and scouted the summit. Went up one way and saw certain death on the NW ridge, then went around the SE side and Class 4ed my ass up. Definitely some exposure but the holds are nice. Super stoked to make the top. Nice day with incredible views, a little over 3 hours up. The decent included face planting in the snow after sliding on my feet a little too fast, and losing the trail in the snow, but getting back on with about a mile to go.
ClarenceV - May 29, 2011 1:57 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 1988
My future Wife
I climbed Mt Thielsen with my girlfriend and her dad and sister. Her love of outdoors, amoung other things, convinced
me I should make her my wife. And married we were!! Yes we all summitted, I will always this climb.
triyoda - Sep 6, 2013 12:24 am Date Climbed: Aug 31, 2013
Fun finishI guess a little easier than I thought, I would say Class 4. Brought a rope and harness and did not need it for up or down.
rick6003 - Jul 30, 2013 1:13 pm
Re: ThielsenLast time I climbed the mountain it seemed that the crack on the pinnacle base was wider. I was surprised by your comment that a big chunk went flying by. It always seemed to be very solid rock. WE will be climbing at the end of August. I keep returning to this one, my first mountain and its always a fun one. BTW, if you go up the ridge line you miss most of the scree on the climber's trail.
scgrant - Jul 29, 2013 3:09 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2013
Thielsen7/27/2013 Climbed via the standard West Ridge route. The appearance of Mount Thielsen looming before you looks very intimidating but the approach is very straight forward and the final 80 feet up the summit pinnacle is not too bad at all. The biggest scare was on the way down the talus slopes, dodging a "mini fridge" sized boulder, dislodged by a climbing group above. It seemed to have it's tractor beam locked on us.
adamschneider - Jul 29, 2013 2:05 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2013
Easier than I expectedOur group of three brought some climbing gear, but when we got to the bottom of the summit pinnacle, I was like, "We brought a rope for THAT?!" It was a fun rope-free scramble to a surprisingly roomy and non-sketchy summit, and it felt like a piece of cake compared to the nasty scree we had to slog through on the way up.
ScrambledLeggs - Oct 30, 2012 8:53 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2012
Via PCTI climbed Thielsen as a side trip during my thru hike.
JoelSkok - Sep 13, 2012 10:15 pm Date Climbed: Sep 11, 1979
West Side from Diamond LakeClimbed Thielsen half a dozen times in '79 and '80. Spectacular mountain, dramatic climb. Surprisingly easy despite wicked appearance
AlexeyD - Aug 27, 2012 2:56 pm
smoky!Lots of folks out on mountain despite the hazy conditions due to the nearby forest fires. Brought a rope and some gear for the summit pinnacle and happily used it to quickly bypass a party with a fixed line by climbing around them up slightly more technical terrain on the left (felt like low fifth class). Would likely be OK without rope on the standard variation, but why not?
rick6003 - Jul 26, 2012 12:26 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2011
Mt Theilson, so much funActually , I have climbed Theislon a few times. I did it solo and with no ropes the first time. Second time was with a group and we used a fixed line. Going again in August with a group I will be leading. Its a very fun climb always. The veiw is amazing and standing out on the pinnacle is quite thrilling. It a long ways down. It is a easy climb but a mistake will have some serious consequences.
Redwic - Jul 24, 2012 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2012
Blue Skies, No LightningI asked Thor and Zeus to each keep their lightning spears away while I was at the mountain. ;-)
The Mount Thielsen Trail was easy, then the climber's trail was enjoyable and scenic, and then the last 80' ascent was the icing on the mountain cake. First successful summiter of the day, and solo. The summit views were spectacular in all directions. At the ledge I enjoyed the company of Marie and Gene (the latter of whom summited right after me), and I had several great conversations with climbers during the descent. Several of them convinced me that I should visit nearby Mount Scott while I was in the area, and that I could not hope for better weather. I became convinced to tag another Top 100 peak that was not on my original "to do" list for this trip. But, ultimately, Mount Thielsen was the highlight of my weekend.
This was the fourth (and, in my opinion, the best) of seven Top 100 peaks summited in Oregon during a 3-1/2 day timeframe.
nicozone - Jul 23, 2012 3:08 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2012
Mazama ClimbWent on a Mazama climb for this one. The weather couldn't have been any nicer; blue skies without a single cloud. We roped up for the summit pinnacle, since we were a group of 10 and the club policy says you have to. But I don't think I will rope up again next time I go on my own.
Troy B - Jul 15, 2012 6:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2012
West RidgeWatched the sunrise from the top, excellent climb up.
Nick Turtura - Jun 4, 2012 11:42 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2011
Double HeaderBringing gear next time.
vanagon2 - May 13, 2012 1:22 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2006
Fulgurite outwasn't feeling the last bit, but was peaking well enough to enjoy the trip
santanoni - Jan 13, 2012 11:44 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2011
Not too badLooks hairy from the base, but the pitch at the end is not so bad. Looking down the north face though, now there's some exposure.
bedellympian - Oct 21, 2011 1:41 pm Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2011
great tipFriend in Ashland told me to go for it since I was headed North through Crater Lake. Exhilirating scramble.
klwagar - Sep 19, 2011 12:09 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2011
fun hikeeasy slog up some scree and a nice bouldery pitch to the end, great views
Infected Mushroom - Sep 18, 2011 11:07 pm
x2Awesome climb.
sprosseda - Aug 11, 2011 11:51 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2011
Very nice summitHeavy snow year, so some of the trail in woods was lost in the snow. Solo trad lead 1 pitch to summit and anchored rope for others coming up later on. Great view, great day, fun class 4 rock. Bathed in Diamond Lake afterwards. Very enjoyable!
Icemansurf - Jul 18, 2011 8:41 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2011
SoloOnly one car in the parking lot, guy was going down as I went up. I didn't have any information about the trail or climb except the map at the trailhead, so I wasn't expecting to make the summit. Snow on the trail through the trees, absolutely NOBODY around, made it up the ridge and scouted the summit. Went up one way and saw certain death on the NW ridge, then went around the SE side and Class 4ed my ass up. Definitely some exposure but the holds are nice. Super stoked to make the top. Nice day with incredible views, a little over 3 hours up. The decent included face planting in the snow after sliding on my feet a little too fast, and losing the trail in the snow, but getting back on with about a mile to go.
ClarenceV - May 29, 2011 1:57 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 1988
My future WifeI climbed Mt Thielsen with my girlfriend and her dad and sister. Her love of outdoors, amoung other things, convinced
me I should make her my wife. And married we were!! Yes we all summitted, I will always this climb.