Guide Axe


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Guide Axe
Manufacturer Charlet Moser
Page By GuitarWIzard
Page Type May 28, 2002 / May 28, 2002
Object ID 320
Hits 12752
If you are looking for one axe to last you a lifetime this is the one. The Guide Axe has a one piece forged head with aggressive teeth on the pick which offers secure placements even in the hardest ice. This axe will perform well in every environment from general glacier travel to steeper alpine ice.

Size: 60-75 cm
Weight: 1 lb. 9 oz (700 g)



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Richard Purchon - Jun 4, 2002 3:08 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
This is a very well balanced axe! Acording to Charlet Moser it is the New replacement for the Goulet which they have aparently stoped making. I got my "55 cm Guide" axe direct from Charlet for £45:00 GBP and i love it. It is one of the best investments i have ever made.

Glencoe - Oct 3, 2002 10:08 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
This is a really great axe. Good balance and an agressive pick that is forged one piece (unlike the DMM Raptor). It's a bit heavy though. This is good if you'll mainly be swinging it, as it adds a bit of heft, but not so good if you are just using as a piolet.

If you don't need the agressive pick I would recommend the Mountain Technology Glencoe.

Fred Spicker - May 7, 2003 8:33 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
After 7 times trusting my favorite ice axe (an old Chouinard) to the airlines on trips to Europe and then finding out that it is a valuable antique (one sold for about $300 on Ebay), I decided buy one there and just store it a my wife's mother's place thus cutting down on the packing as well.

I did major research and went to numerous shops in Switzerland swinging and fondling many different axes. I settled on the Charlet Moser Guide model and have been extremely happy with it. It is somewhat heavier than some others, but has excellent balance and just an overall great "feel" to it. I highly recommend it.

fmajor - Oct 10, 2003 11:01 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I love this axe. It's very heavy, BUT it has a single piece forged head that provides confidence inspiring "heft" in the swing. Have used it to chop SOLID lake ice for melting, as an anchor for my tent and most recently on a trip to the Presidential Range up Mt. Adams. Superb in all instances.

I use the 65cm length as i anticipate most of its use to be for going up steeper hills and don't find this shorter length a detriment. The angle on the pick is sufficient for self-arrest and maintains edge well.

Overall, an excellent, durable axe.

om - Jan 5, 2005 9:45 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
This product is not produced anymore.
You can find Petzl Cosmique ice axe in place of this one but you won't have a one piece polished head. Charlet has been integrated to Petzl company and there are less products now (but the quality don't decrease).

Rob Ricks - Oct 15, 2007 1:51 pm - Hasn't voted

Cosmique Ice Axe posted for review
The Cosmique ("T" rated and Light version) are posted for review in Gear - Ice Axes.

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