Arc Light


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Arc Light
Manufacturer Black Diamond
Page By Chucky
Page Type Jul 29, 2002 / Jul 29, 2002
Object ID 429
Hits 6180
The lightweight, narrow shaft never fatigues grip even with bulky gloves on. The teeth are plenty aggressive for climbing and for self-arresting. The adze is narrower than most which allows for better penetration in hard snow as well as making it easier to cut fast and solid steps. As an all-around mountain tool, this axe has zero weaknesses.


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Chucky - Jul 29, 2002 12:48 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I purchased this heavy duty work horse of an ice ax from Adventure 16. Mine does not have a rubber grip, however, I did add a leash. It is not the lightest ice ax, but like its description says, it has no weaknesses and can work all day. I have used mine with no complaints. This is a straight forward ice ax designed for sustained use. I have no doubts or concerns about relying upon it to keep me or my climbing partners alive. UPDATE: On 13 September, I used this ax to help get to the summit of Mont Blanc du Tacul. It worked great!

Martin Cash - Oct 31, 2002 8:09 am - Voted 3/5

Untitled Review
This is Black Diamond's older model general mountaineering / self arrest ice axe. This axe is very durable and is available in lengths up to 80 cm for us tall guys. Works great as a walking aid on sideslopes (Oops, did I say that!). This axe performs all of the required self arrest, boot axe belays, and self belay techniques very well.

Downside: This axe is very heavy.

Do not buy this version with the handgrip. It makes plunging the shaft of the axe very difficult, and it will come off.

Ed F - Jan 22, 2007 10:45 pm - Hasn't voted

Arc Light
I call this axe "The Broadsword." It's a heavy duty axe that can take a hell of a beating. Of course, this all means that it's heavy.

jrnpdx - May 1, 2016 8:00 pm - Hasn't voted

Solid Axe
I have dragged this axe up several Cascades volcanoes. It's a solid performer. I used it to self arrest once when I jumped out of a glissade chute on Mt Adams. It brought me to a quick stop. Some people complain about the weight, but your axe is the life LINE of the mountaineer. I would rather carry an extra pound and not worry about my axe performing.

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