The Hat


The Hat
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title The Hat
Manufacturer Turtle Fur
Page By tarol
Page Type Feb 10, 2006 / Jan 22, 2007
Object ID 1597
Hits 4450
This soft, two-layer fleece hat is a classic. You can fold it up or fold it down to cover your ears. It comes in many colors but one size fits most. It is machine-washable, durable, it retains heat well, and it's fast-drying. It is made in the USA.



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tarol - Feb 10, 2006 12:16 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I've had my Turtle Fur hat since 1998 and it's still the hat I use the most! I expecially love wearing it at night when I'm all bundled up in my sleeping bag. When it's so cold that my nose is freezing I can fold down this hat to cover my nose leaving just the nostrils exposed. My hat has been very durable and has been washed many, many times. It is still very soft and the color hasn't faded.

Grampahawk - May 2, 2007 5:33 pm - Hasn't voted

This hat is good to 40 below
I've had my turtle fur hat since the early 90's. I'm wearing it in the photo. Mine is slightly different in that it has an opening for your mouth and eyes when it's folded down. Great for sleeping. The lowest temps that I encountered were in January 2001 on Mount Washington where it was reported that it was 43 degrees below 0, without wind chill! My head stayed toasty. I find that it's actually too hot when being very active so I carry an set of earmuffs also. As mentioned in another post this hat is great for sleeping. I never get itchy. It's very comfortable and durable. It retains it's warmth when wet but drys quickly also.

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