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Minimally moderated forum for climbing related hearsay, misinformation, and lies.

A slalom between sheeple

Skiing on a busy weekend: A slalom between sheeple
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Bad Day At Black Rock Bad Day At Black Rock

Guess this falls into the "Spray" category... or perhaps "Misinformation" (LOL). :roll:

There I was, atop the "Dominatrix Without Mercy"---not the killer boulder problem out near Cochise Stronghold in AZ, and not the somewhat scary gal I occasionally visit, but the premier route found on Black Rock, the 500' granite spire hidden amongst project buildings in the Lower Bronx---and I was looking to set up a ...
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New rules for profile pics

No more profile photos of you top roping. Thanks for your compliance.
Read more : New rules for profile pics | Views : 14509 | Replies : 14

The Miniaturization Of Climbing

The Miniaturization Of Climbing ... -climbing/

"a whole shitload of teenagers are hiking unbelievably hard boulder problems 15 feet high, an entire generation of climbers focusing on difficult, but short, climbing routes. If this ethos continues, when someone climbs V21, it could potentially be a one-inch-high boulder problem."
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Why did Herrligkoffer send a red rocket on Nanga Parbat?


One important fact of the famous and disastrous climb of Nanga Parbat in 1970 where Reihnold Messner lost his brother Gunther, is that the expedition leader Herrligkoffer erroneously fired a red rocket which indicated bad weather, instead of a blue which would have been appropriate.

I do not accept the explanation that it "was a mistake". Such mistakes are not made on expeditions at this level. There must have been a reason. (Maybe one ...
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100 Ways to Say Jacked...

A little vocabulary expansion for the mind training G spot of your indoor climbing gym soul..
100 Ways to Say Jacked...
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CAC fund raiser

Me and my class mates at the college i attend are doing a fund raiser to raise money for the charity Climber Against Cancer (CAC), the event will consist of 9 of us collectively climbing the height of Mt Everest, we will be accepting donations through paypal with the email adress ""(dont ask, not my email). We have currently raised about £200 ($330) and am hoping to get a few more donations just before and ...
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PSA: If you must skip school...go to the crags..

Kiddies.. If you must skip school..please don't go to the beach...go the crags..

Thank you Australia... :D
Set Yourself Free
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how am i doing

i have been climbing for about 4 months now and climbed a 6c the other day, how am i doing? Now i do admit it was in a gym but British weather dose not give me a whole lot more options so please don't scorn me. :P
Read more : how am i doing | Views : 25636 | Replies : 24


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