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Discussion of medical or rescue topics related to climbing and mountaineering.

Interesting new injury

...or maybe not. Is to me, at least. I tore a calf muscle about 3 weeks back and the thing's taking forever to recover. Any suggestions on things that've helped any of you? If I had to guess I'd say it's a grade 2 tear... swelling but no bleeding, lots of pain but the muscle's not bunching up or hanging. Getting better but really slowly and flexing still hurts. Ideas?

Thanks -
Read more : Interesting new injury | Views : 11321 | Replies : 13

dexamethasone in first-aid kits?

Some recent events cause me to wonder if dexamethasone should be in the first aid kits of those going to altitude. I'd appreciate comments on this point.

I realize this a prescription, potentially quite dangerous drug, and one would have to be fairly certain of the diagnosis.
Read more : dexamethasone in first-aid kits? | Views : 6442 | Replies : 15

naughty dogs

Well it's a MB topic, but very SP related. Your advice ?
Read more : naughty dogs | Views : 7667 | Replies : 34

ACL rehab

Hi guys,

I did a search on "ACL" and it appears that a few of you guys have had torn ACLs and gotten back into climbing not long after your surgery. I have a surgery coming up on Friday Apr 9 and was wondering if you could talk a bit about the kind of rehab you did that had you climbing again?

Going in to the surgery, I have strong legs. For example, I was ...
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total body MRI

squishy wrote:oh I get it, you're a bot...

bad robot...go away...

I kind of like this guy, he's topical.
Read more : total body MRI | Views : 1972 | Replies : 0

A practice and a question

I want a strong training program for every day that my body is stronger.
I want my legs and lungs will be strong and firm. And volume of the wrist and abdominal muscles strong to me.
I need a strong program daily.
I am also search and rescue team and must always be ready.
And a question: :oops: What effects on semen out of breath and energy ...
Read more : A practice and a question | Views : 2172 | Replies : 2

Small medical mystery

Starting a few years ago, I ran into an oddity while out hiking, where I get a tingling/numbing sensation in my fingers (to start) but soon escalates to include the whole arm, face, sometimes chest. Not a lot different from the sensation of certain drugs (N2O comes to mind).
It doesn't happen all the time (maybe three times a year), mind you, and doesn't seem to be dangerous (no loss of coordination, consciousness, or anything ...
Read more : Small medical mystery | Views : 6466 | Replies : 15

Subjects with HAPE history located in California needed!

UC Davis graduate student is looking for male subjects ages 18-55 who have had HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) before. Study consists of two separate visits for a total of about 6 hours. There are no funds for travel, so anyone who is in California and close to Sacramento is needed!!! We are having an extemely hard time finding individuals who have had HAPE before, so if you know of someone PLEASE HELP!! Study will ...
Read more : Subjects with HAPE history located in California needed! | Views : 1915 | Replies : 0

cold injury question...

today i had a close encounter in the backcountry. id rather not get into the details, but i managed to lose a glove on my way up on a climb at which point i abruptly turned around. it was pretty windy and cold and before i knew it my hand was numb. my hand was exposed for a good 20 minutes trying to climb down before my buddy let me borrow his glove and warm ...
Read more : cold injury question... | Views : 2638 | Replies : 4

Black toenails and drilling

I had a black toenail from a trail run Wednesday, followed by a snowshoe Saturday. A big toe was seriously throbbing and inflamed, so today in desperation, I tried a trick that even my internist recommended: I drilled holes through the toenail.

I started with a hot paperclip (red hot initially), and when I felt the pain of the heat, I stopped and finished with a small drill bit turned by hand (after treating the ...
Read more : Black toenails and drilling | Views : 34616 | Replies : 19


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