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Climbing, hiking, mountaineering forum


We’re planning to climb Baruntse via normal SE route and looking for info about conditions and difficulties. Has anyone climbed this beautiful mountain? Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Read more : Baruntse | Views : 918 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Asia

New NeoAir too good to be true?

That is sickkkkk. Thermarest has been truthful up to this point as far as i'm concerned. ItThe site says it comes out in April so there won't be any hands on experiences for now =(
This could be the one to change me from foam to air mattress. hmmmm
Read more : New NeoAir too good to be true? | Views : 17507 | Replies : 51 | Forum : Gear

Altitude sickness

During a recent trip to Mexico I climbed Orizaba and I used the drug Diamox to help with the altitude. I had a good trip with a healthy appetite, no sickness what so ever. I come from 850ft. environment and didnt want to take a chance.

I am now planning a trip to Aconcagua and was considering using the Diamox again. Has anyone had any adverse reaction to this drug or think of any reason ...
Read more : Altitude sickness | Views : 4467 | Replies : 23 | Forum : South America

Anybody Do Winter Climb of Mt. Yushan/Jade Mountain,Taiwan?

:?: hey guys i'm interested in doing a snow/winter climb of mt. yushan aka jade mountain in taiwan so just wanted to hear from those that have done this before?

it seems like there are lots of hoops to jump through like getting a class A permit if your going above 3,000 meters($80 buxs! through a guide co. i hear) plus park entry fee? just wanted to ...
Read more : Anybody Do Winter Climb of Mt. Yushan/Jade Mountain,Taiwan? | Views : 2245 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Asia

tips to guides and staff in bolivia

hi !

i am going mountaineering in bolivia this summer and i was wondering what was the average tip for guides and staff ? we are going to be 2 climbers and were planning 3 ascents, 4 days, 6 days and 8 days all with the same agency but separated by days off in laPaz. So what would be a good tip for the 2 of us for each trip(considering we are not super rich ...
Read more : tips to guides and staff in bolivia | Views : 3403 | Replies : 3 | Forum : South America

Banff Ice climbing season? Places to stay?

Hello there,

I'd like to know more or less how long into the season does a regular ice climbing year get in banff. Is late march usually climbable?

Read more : Banff Ice climbing season? Places to stay? | Views : 5356 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Canada and Alaska

Any suggestions for June.........Austria maybe

I have to drive from the UK to Kosova in mid June (two of us). We have time to stop and do a Mountain/route. Does anyone have a good suggestion for that time of year may be 2nd week of June. I know its not quite summer. Good Via Ferrata or Normal/PD type route on a Mountain. Cheers. John
Read more : Any suggestions for June.........Austria maybe | Views : 1942 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Europe

Scanning paper maps for Europe

Does anybody in Europe scan paper maps into a GIS or something like OziExplorer? I'm sick of these proprietary half-baked solutions for individual countries. I've decided to just buy and scan paper maps. That way I've got one solid system for trips to Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, etc.

But I'd love to hear the voice of experience. I'm looking at software (Panavue) to make it easier to stitch large maps together, but I also need ...
Read more : Scanning paper maps for Europe | Views : 949 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Europe

How do I get started in the Karakoram/Himalaya Range?

To the folks that have climbed internationally in the Karakoram/Himalaya Range, do you have a second to share on how you got started? Do you just have friends that climb in the Ranges or did you join a commericial expedition? Do you have any recommendations on how I can get on an expedition or where I go to look for one? I can make the time, committed to training and financial able to join an ...
Read more : How do I get started in the Karakoram/Himalaya Range? | Views : 2337 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Asia


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