Novice Climbers, What to Climb in Argentina?

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Novice Climbers, What to Climb in Argentina?

by sleepertoy » Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:04 pm


Use the site all the time for beta on different peaks but now I have little more open ended question that I hope someone might provide a suggestion for:

Headed to Argentina for work in November and am playing with the idea of checking out the mountains. I won't have sufficient time to acclimatize or the funds for a guided trip (so far as I can tell) so something like Aconcagua is out of the question. I figure I may have about 5 days. One idea I had was to hike into basecamp and pick an easy peak nearby but logistically, I'm not sure that is feasible since it would mean bringing all the food etc as well?

What about other places that I could fly to from Buenos Aires with a buddy (who has climbed on rock a little but has no snow/ice experience? I can easily lead something in the three to four range and don't mind employing crampons/ice ax here or there but probably looking more for something on the less technical side.

FWIW: I plan to return and hit the big A some other time when I can commit the time and funds to it so this may be more of a scouting mission which I realize. Just looking for recommendations for what to do that involves being in mountains. Even just cragging would be fun.

Me: Speak some Spanish, Climb about 5.9ish just starting leading easy rock, decent fitness level (I run half-marathons, hike and climb easier peaks in the Cascades and Rockies (with extra gear for photography), gym climb at least once a week and usually twice)
Climbing Partner: Getting back into shape, teaching him what I can about climbing, he can follow 5.7 or so but untried on things with a lot of exposure, has done no multi-pitch climbing, no snow/ice skills yet (I plan to lead all pitches as long as it's easy climbing)

Thanks in advance to all.

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