Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality ending?

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by fatdad » Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:20 am

Thanks for the pendantic comment sunnybuns, and the old 'well, you don't really know what you're talking about because you haven't been around the block as much as I have' spiel. I'm 54 and self employed, so I have to pay for my insurance out of pocket. So I have to pay what I have to pay. $2,400 is a sick amount, particularly since I rarely use it. But that's the result of crossing one's fingers and hoping that the "free market" will act on its own to lower the cost of insurance. News flash: It won't. That's just what the Republicans claims to appease the industry and their many lobbiests.

BTW, I used to work in insurance defense, so I know what health insurance is.

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by fatdad » Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:49 am

Sunny Buns wrote:Anyway, enough of the politics. It's depressing. Everyone have a safe, happy holiday season and new year!

Thank you sunnybuns. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you too.

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by hgrapid » Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:22 pm

From the comments here pertaining to the original question, and from what I have learned elsewhere, it does appear that:

1) The repeal of net neutrality rules are still being litigated, so there won't be any immediate changes;

2) Changes will more likely affect high-bandwith content providers, so while videos posted on Summitpost might end up being slowed down, there won't be changes to seeing content or loading pages (except maybe for those pages that are very long with many photos that take a while to load;

Therefore, I am not too concerned at this time. However, I do suggest that if anyone notices any changes to the site that indicate a slowdown that we look into it further.

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by Aaron Johnson » Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:11 pm

It's off-the-rails threads like this one that convinced me to move on from SummitPost. It's a classic example of being run off, out-shouted, derided, called names and eventually censored entirely by a gang of leftist thugs that can't endure reading another's opinion. Snowflakes indeed. SummitPost was successfully overrun and commandeered by the left employing political Saul Alinsky tactics. As an administrator, I law lots of people leave SP because of it. They had conservative views and paid for it with alienation. I wasn't political at the time, in fact, I was a liberal Democrat. I couldn't believe how badly people with a left perspective were capable of treating others here at SP. It was right about that time I started considering changing my political affiliation and have since engaged on a very enlightening journey. Interesting that President Trump was once also a Democrat.

The coup worked on SP, but the American people are seeing through the Saul Alinsky socialist bullcrap, and that's why we're in the state we're in as a nation, and it's why we have Donald Trump as our president. As I see it, the blame can be squarely placed on the Democrats. Their demented behavior (creepy hairy guys in girls' bathrooms-sorry-NOT) brought us Donald Trump and convinced me to vote for him. Like Hillary, the left can't get over the fact she handled her campaign so badly (to say nothing of her treachery against the security of the country) and she LOST THE ELECTION. Crying like spoiled brats to this very day.

This deep division will continue because the Democrat party has veered so far left right off the edge of a cliff. Results are apparent in the debacles that are California, Portland, etc. (and Denver, where I live is well on its way there too). Sidewalks lined with excrement and needles, trashed out tent cities lining public walkways and water courses, high taxes and inflation, high crime, etc. Places that have been under Democrat rule for over a hundred years now utterly destroyed, gun free zones now full of violence and antifa thuggery: Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland (they even run off relocated Californians there), Seattle, and so forth. Enough on that.

I left SP in 2009 and became an independent voter. In 2012 I became in a Republican because of the nightmare Democrats had become during the Obama administration. And while I think Republicans are almost as bad a Democrats (they're all swamp creatures to some extent), the further away I position myself from Democrats the better. In 2014 I took the required training and became the proud owner of two Ruger hand guns to protect my home and family with, and while I wouldn't stand a chance against a bear, I carry everywhere I go. Born a liberal Democrat, I'm now a conservative, and I still climb mountains, proudly positioned as far as I can manage from the DemonKrat party.

I'm often asked about SummitPost. I still recommend it because it's one of the best information sites for climbing on the internet. But I warn against the forums and to avoid them because of the venomous exchange folks will encounter. Sadly suffers from the same situation, although it's generally restricted to more of the climbing genre there. There's an arrogant and elite snootiness there as well from folks on the left.

I was on SP today simply because I was notified about a nice new page by Bob Sihler. So I checked it out and thought I'd have a look around. I'm not sure about the new format. I'm not a mobile user, but on my computer it seems to be OK.

It's sad that nothing has changed in the SP forum (although I concede a perverse pleasure of being entertained :lol: ). The bullies of the so-called tolerant (and hypocritical) left maintain their stranglehold here. Rail against me all you want. It won't matter because I quit caring long ago and I visit SP MAYBE once in a blue moon :o (oops, now I'm an anti-feminist xenophobic racist jerk too).

As for net neutrality, Ellen and I view lots of video content and we've seen no change. It's just another in a long line of over-reactions from the hypersensitive -you hurt ma feelin's! :oops: - left. I for one am glad that big government doesn't have an intruding stanglehold on every aspect of my life.

Sunnybuns: You have way more patience than I do. While management and owners may wish otherwise, the left has a deathgrip on SP, but in the real world, for them it's going to be a very long 6 years. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Keep fighting the good fight. We'll keep winning, they'll have debilitating Trump Derangement Syndrome, for which apparently there is no cure. :( (unless they too leave the DemonKrats, which many have done).

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by ZeeJay » Fri Dec 07, 2018 7:40 pm

AAron, you come back and complain about a thread being off-the-rails that is almost a year old and then you go on a full page rant about stuff that isn't relevant to the thread. You complain about name calling yet you call others "leftist thugs" and "snowflakes". Ironic. Your post would be well received in the "The Fook That's Going On" forum and should have been made there.

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Re: Is Summitpost going to be affected by Net Neutrality end

by freakyclimber » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:15 am

Lol, yet another unhinged rant from the guy who some years ago said I deserve to be punched on the mouth because of the opinions I expressed.

What a shocker he is a conservative now.


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