More Muztagata Permit Misery

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Johan Heersink

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More Muztagata Permit Misery

by Johan Heersink » Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:48 pm

It has been discussed here more than once before, but its time again to bring the matter once more under attention as the news is not particularily good.

As insiders will know an investment company from Beijing, Zhong Kun, obtained the rights for exploiting Karakol lake establishment, and the base camps for Muztagata and Kongur, two years ago.
Already last year Zhong Kun started to charge sharply increased fees for climbing Muztagata. But by using a base camp more to the South that gives access to the original, first ascent route on Muztagata, independent local organizers were able, in the 2005 season to still offer quite fair prices for climbing the mountain by this way. Things now seem to change for the worse!

Zhong Kun has announced that it is no longer willing to deliver tailor made packages and will only sell full service packages including cooks, interpreters, liaison officer, (which already for years were no longer obligatory for Muztagata), and will charge full regardless if use such services or not.

What is even more alarming is that they have announced that in 2006 season they are also going to charge the same amount for those who climb from the new base camp and on the alternative route. This is outright illegal as the base camp is outside of their control area and is nominally the bussiness of Tash Kurgan Mountaineering Association. It remains to be seen however, if something effective can be done about it.

If not a change for the better will occur this means that Muztagata will become off limit for small groups, that want only limited services as permit and transport to base camp. The full service package for 2006 which they try to make obligatory may cost well in excess of $ 2.000,- regardless the number of members in the party.

In the long run such policies, based on pure greed, will prove themselves stupid and contraproductive, as already now many who were considering climbing the peak this year are having second thoughts and are looking for alternative possibilities. For sure, South Xinjiang is very rich in high mountains and the better local organizers should have no problem in coming up with alternative goals for a more realistic price, but it remains a pity that the two highest of the region seem to get sacrificed on the altar of greed.

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Re: More Muztagata Permit Misery

by Johan Heersink » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:59 pm

Here something from Zhong Kun companies "program", which you can find at: <a href="">Zhong Kun Company</a>

<i>"3.2 Southern Xinijang: Zhongkun Tourism has taken over all the key resorts in the four states and districts in Southern Xinjiang (Kal, Karshgar, Aksu & Hotan), covering an area of more than 600,000㎡. It has by now developed a dozen of special tourism series, and decided to build 10 holiday hotels, some of which has already been in the working."</i>

<i>The Goal of Zhongkun Tourism

1.Before the end of 2008, there are the following goals to be put into practise by Zhongkun Tourism:

1.2 To make the mountaineering and skiing in Xinjiang international <b>brands</b>;
1.2.1 To make Muztagata a <b>famous brand</b> in mountaineering at home and abroad;
1.2.2 To make Chogori, (K2 - authors note) a <b>famous brand</b> in mountaineering at home and abroad;
1.2.4 To make Muztagata mountain skiing an internationally <b>famous brand</b>;
1.6 A the year of 2008, the total income of tickets in sceneries in Beijng, Huangshan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia etc. is to re ach 2 billion RMB, with an influx of 5,000,000 tourists, respectively 1.5 billion and 3,000,000 for Southern Xinjiang, 0.4 billion and 2,000,000 for Huangshan, and 200,000 for Inner Mongolia;
1.7 In three to five years, an investment of 30 to 50 million RMB will be put into the settlement of Zhongkun Criterion in the tourism industry, then in China, and at last in the whole world.</i>

.......Today we own Muztagata, tomorrow the whole world.........

Gentlemen: When its plain pocket lining, why not call it pocket lining, "minimal service, maximum charge"

Once Muztagata was a mountain which you could climb for say.....600, 700 USD, now it has to become a "famous brand" for which you have to pay say.......2.000,- $ ???

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Re: More Muztagata Permit Misery

by mh » Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:44 am

hi Johan. I think that is corporate bluffing. Whenever you and your costumers have a chance, tell everyone that being short-sighted and greedy won't do any good to make Muz a "famous brand", maybe a notorious one, and they will lose money. The company will listen to their wallet.

That was what we did for Shuanqiao Valley in Sichuan, which was to be similarly managed by a company with deep pocket a few years back. Then the co realized it wouldn't work, and stopped being silly. Now we don't get to pay a 50yuan/day "ice climbing fee" to climb water ice there.

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Re: More Muztagata Permit Misery

by Johan Heersink » Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:37 am

Hi mh, yes, i agree with you that in the long run the companies policy will backfire and few, if any, will come any more to climb Muztagata, already now, many turn their eyes to more affordable alternatives. What is scary however is that the company is seeking to control the entire Kunlun and Karakoram mountains of Xinjiang.

However, Zhong Kun is a large group and a hardheaded one, so it may take time for them to see the light. Another of their unsavory projects is wanting to built a 5 star hotel in Kashgar, while even the present 3 star ones have a hard time scraping out a little profit!

Sure one could have many critic on the good old CXMA boys, who did run things before, but at least they had a sense of love for mountaineering and a good eye for what was reasonable. However, the last word has not been said, as many of the independent local organizers are vigorously prostesting against the present policy with the local Xinjiang government.

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Re: More Muztagata Permit Misery

by Corax » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:33 pm

Sorry to disagree with yet another of your postings.

You mention there are local protests from the local agencies about the ZK development plans, prices etc.
Obviously they have had some effect as I the last week got confirmation from three local organizers they can arrange permits for the old prices.
These differs a bit depending on the agency, but say for a 6 person group they start at Euro 800 for a full package. If you find one of those which offer a bare bone package, without many of the services, you can still climb the peak for the old prices you mention. A fair calculation is you can get away with as little as 500-600 Euros.

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