13 year-old on Everest

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by Hotoven » Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:14 pm

My bad squishy, I thought I heard you say you were a republican once. I guess I struggle with internet sarcasm more than I thought. :? My excuses, PNP has been gone for so long, I forget what everyones personal opinion is.

squishy, I stand corrected. (I know you like to hear that, and now that my pride is hurt, I'll go craw up in a corner.)

damn, I guess Neophiteat48 and I have to hold it down by ourselves then...

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by Marmaduke » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:15 pm

Smoove910 wrote:

how the parents should be prosecuted and how horrible of people they are.

but I can already see you gloating if something tragic happens. Which I foresee the thread will take a turn to the 'I told you so' undertone.

Good times!

Firstly- prosecuted if something horrible happens up there- there are and should be laws to protect our youth. I know we don't agree and that's fine, but to insinuate that I will gloat if something tragic happens........you are a sick person. Sorry to be so direct but that is a statement that is totally ignorant.

Secondly- If something tragic happens to this 13 year old BOY (not man), I hope you and others who feel there is NO PROBLEM with the parents for backing this and NO PROBLEM with a 13 year old BOY attempting Everest, will learn from the tragedy.

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by Marmaduke » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:45 pm

squishy wrote:
Hotoven wrote:damn, I guess Neophiteat48 and I have to hold it down by ourselves then...

I need to take the guy out climbing (I attempted too already)...I enjoy hanging out with repubs, they produce good jokes...

Wait a minute, I get all my jokes from the liberals. And one day I'll climb with ya'- some here feel an impressive resume is needed to voice an opinion, as stated by some buffoon earlier in this thread, so I'll enhance my resume and make that climb.

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by colint » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:33 pm

Seems pointless in this determinedly pointless thread, but just wanted to wish the kid good luck.

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by Marmaduke » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:44 pm

colint wrote:Seems pointless in this determinedly pointless thread, but just wanted to wish the kid good luck.

I earlier said to pray for him and people gave a whole lot crap. Not pointless at all, I wish him good luck as well.

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by MoapaPk » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:45 pm

A more interesting article:

(I'm neutral.)

Edit: for the 2007 study in Sci Am, note this point:
"The sample, though not large, was represented by thirty-five men, aged 22-46, split between {sic} four expeditions, and all eschewing supplemental oxygen."
Last edited by MoapaPk on Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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by Hotoven » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:48 pm

squishy wrote:
Hotoven wrote:damn, I guess Neophiteat48 and I have to hold it down by ourselves then...

I need to take the guy out climbing (I attempted too already)...I enjoy hanging out with repubs, they produce good jokes...

haha and by good jokes I'm sure you mean listening to how we (republicans) think things should be done. :wink:

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by Marmaduke » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:03 pm

Dingus Milktoast wrote:
Neophiteat48 wrote:
Smoove910 wrote:

how the parents should be prosecuted and how horrible of people they are.

but I can already see you gloating if something tragic happens. Which I foresee the thread will take a turn to the 'I told you so' undertone.

Good times!

Firstly- prosecuted if something horrible happens up there- there are and should be laws to protect our youth. I know we don't agree and that's fine, but to insinuate that I will gloat if something tragic happens........you are a sick person. Sorry to be so direct but that is a statement that is totally ignorant.

Secondly- If something tragic happens to this 13 year old BOY (not man), I hope you and others who feel there is NO PROBLEM with the parents for backing this and NO PROBLEM with a 13 year old BOY attempting Everest, will learn from the tragedy.

Learn what from this tragedy that hasn't yet happened? What lessons will be ripe for the plucking???


The very first word was IF. So then at that point if there was, meaning obviously it happen- then the latter part of the paragraph then would be proper as I wrote it. I HOPE, I PRAY & wish him ALL the best!! For most all of you against my point of view, you can only dissect a word or two out of paragraphs to try to dismiss my opinion. And the tragedy NOT this tragedy, as you quoted me, minor slip

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by Marmaduke » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:11 pm

Dingus Milktoast wrote:I asked you what lessons after you said you hoped I'd learn a lesson. Its not that I have failed to understand your points. I am not missing something due to my lack of education or cognitive abilities. I am getting what you are saying.

I just don't feel like the whole worlds needs vanilla safety.

And I would be pleased if someone would address Marshall's observation that there are 13 year old porters on Everest and no one is crying over them. Will those young porters all learn this valuable lesson? WHat about their filthy rich clients?


Lesson- well I believe 13 years old boys are too young for this, I hope I'm wrong but the results of this Everest attempt may show that. A 13 year old mine at 25,000 plus feet is likely not going to react to adversity like that of an adult. I truly hope for the best for him however!

The parents and their repsonsibilities to their JUVENILE kids. Again, I hope ALL GOES WELL for this boy, but if tragedy strikes. I don't believe for a second there won't be second guessing.

And what will happen with future decisions of other parents based on this attempt? When will someone say, "well maybe 10 years old is too young?" At what age does it stop?

Lack of education... I was in no way inferring that, only correcting some missed points.

Vanilla safety I think taking the highest peak in the world and with a 13 year old attempting to summit that peak, calling into question the ethics, responsibility, the logic, safety, etc is not being vanilla.

And the 13 year old porters.... There are practices all over the world that we would not adopt. I know this is extreme but China killing baby's if they come out of the womb as girls. But to say what another nation has as a traditional practice and use it as reason for that to be the arguement doesn't fly. Bangladesh has some extremely poor work conditions that the country ignores, not a reason we should adopt those practices.

I hope in the worse way he comes out of this healthy, regardless if he summits or not. But regardless, this choice by his parents and himself starts something that will have negatives ramifications for years to come- In my opinion.

Last edited by Marmaduke on Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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by Patrick B » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:13 pm

woodsxc wrote:
billisfree wrote:1993, 129 summitted and eight died (a ratio of 16:1); in 1996, 98 summitted and 15 died (a ratio of 6½:1)

That's a misleading statistic... the correct value to use is the number of deaths divided by the number who SERIOSLY ATTEMPTED the summit.

If one used the number that actually summited, one is getting a skewed figure.

Imagine... 200 people attempt, one makes it and one dies. That's a 50% fatality rate.

The correct value in this case should be odds of making it (0.5%)

and the odds of dying (0.5%)

Not at all.

We're not looking at percent of people who died, but rather the ratio of successful summit bids to deaths. To get the death rate of climbers on Everest, your method would be correct, but that's not what Patrick was talking about. He's comparing the number of people who died to the number that reach the highest point on earth.

Actually, this is the only type of fact I could find. There are no facts (I think) on the amount of attempts vs. deaths. Sorry about that.


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by Hotoven » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:06 pm

Dingus Milktoast wrote:And I would be pleased if someone would address Marshall's observation that there are 13 year old porters on Everest and no one is crying over them. Will those young porters all learn this valuable lesson? WHat about their filthy rich clients?


You can compare those young porters to this young climbing, but its still a little different. In the U.S. where would you see a 13 year old working like that? We have Child Labor laws which many countries don't have. Also many other countries don't have as many safety precautions as the U.S. does. If the U.S. had big Mountains, I don't think you would ever see 13 year old porter. Those porters are just making money to survive, this American boy is just trying to set a word record. There's a big difference, and even though I disagree with both situations, I can be a little more understanding towards the young porters for their situation. At least they are out and about and not in a sweat shop. I doubt those young porters go above base camp too. Just trying to throw a different perspective on it. :D

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by MoapaPk » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:35 pm

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by Hotoven » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:42 pm

seems like 13 sure is the lucky number these days!

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by Day Hiker » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:15 am

woodsxc wrote:I think it's a load of bull that the kid won't miss anything in 8 weeks of school. If we were talking about pulling a 3rd grader, that's one thing, but around 7th or 8th grade, you start learning useful stuff again.

It's been quite a while, but that's what my memory tells me. I do remember for sure that when I was 11 and 12, I was in 7th grade learning algebra, and when I was 12 and 13, I was in 8th grade learning trigonometry. (My birthday is part-way through the school year.)

Those were just the math classes, of course.

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by Smoove910 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:14 am

Let's change gears slightly here.

For all who disapprove the 13-year old climbing Everest, do you not hold the sponsors partially liable for funding the trip? I believe it to be a valid point, especially if someone decides to press charges for whatever reason

Everest Premiere Sponsors

Network Innovations
Smith Optics
Team Duke (John Wayne Cancer Foundation)
Glycemic Research Institute

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Energizer Batteries
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Raw Revolution
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