Electric Carpool Forming?

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by MoapaPk » Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:25 pm

I'm not against electric vehicles Pete; I just want to see more numbers run and reviewed independently. We're at a tipping point for technologies (fuel cells, hydrogen, hybrid); some are unknown. I just won't be an early adopter.

The things I've liked about the electric cars I've driven: instant torque, and no warm-up period. A lot of gas is wasted just when people fire up the car to drive down to the 7-11.

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by MoapaPk » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:25 pm

1000Pks wrote:
I just won't be an early adopter.

Me neither, the way it's going here.

Maybe I'll up my offer. But riders will have to pay more than the .03 per mile charging. I can't be subsidizing mountaineering for much longer.

Remember as a Nevadan, I can't join!

Perhaps the best way to save the earth, conserve, etc., with the simplest technologies and no complication, is to go with lots of friends, even in a gas hog. To me, that's one of the greatest uses of mountaineering clubs, especially out here where the last 10 miles of the trip may be on roads that would tear the crap out of the Tesla. Your individual, effective mpg will be quite high, and you are more likely to have a burly, comfortable vehicle that can hold a lot of gear, and doesn't have a terrible mpg tail-off when you ride over rolling hills on an interstate posted at 75 mph.

We used to take a Yukon on a lot of trips, when we knew the last miles were rough (for example, Troy Peak NV or Morey, NV). We could seat 4 people (with all gear in back) comfortably. Even though the car averaged just 15 mpg, our individual rate was 60 mpg. I have a lighter outback that will handle much of the same terrain, but with no more than one passenger -- so even if I'm getting 28 mpg in that car, I still lose.

Baby steps.

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by ksolem » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:38 pm

...with a new adventure dictated by the then chair of the peak section. You'd pay your money and follow to do as told.

Sorry Friend, that is not the way I roll...

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by MoapaPk » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:59 pm

Mea Culpa for giving more life to this thread.

When I read the starting post, I couldn't figure out who would hold title to this car, and who would lay out the initial costs, and where the car would be garaged. You said you didn't have the money, so I began to think you might be trying to get other people to buy 4/5 of the vehicle up-front. If you are trying to recoup costs just by charging the passengers $0.50/(mile*(# passengers)), you have a very shaky scheme for making the payments on time.

It is extremely hard for me to get the same 5 people together for 10 trips/year, even 5 in-shape retired people with sweet personalities. Synchronizing schedules is very hard. Let's say you just get x of those people together for 20 trips of 500 miles each year, and just arrange so the total payment per mile adds up to $0.50. You get $5000 from the per-mile payments each year (including you). That doesn't seem like it would be the way to finance this car.

And where will you meet? Unless you all live on the same block, it is likely people will have to drive gas-powered cars to the meeting point.

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by mrchad9 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:18 pm

I'm still confused as to how you make it 500 miles in a car that has a range of 240, and according to the website takes 4 hours to charge.

Nevermind that well all know that the greenhouse gas emissions aren't any lower, probably even much higher. Destruction of the planet, subsidized by the coal industry, and all for the enjoyment of the local enviro club. Say what you will, not the way to go by me!

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by Bob Burd » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:48 pm

Pete, I'm afraid you could offer completely free rides and have no takers.
It's not because people don't care about the planet.
It's not because no one cares to climb or peakbag anymore.
It's not because you are asian.
It's not because you live in Sacramento.
It's not because you are getting older and slower.

At some point you're going to have to own up to some personality quirks that drive people away. Work on fixing those and you'll find that you can enjoy a great many outdoor adventures with others. Look inward, not outward for the root causes.

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by lcarreau » Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:15 am

I think (as shown here), life is a bear, and then you die ...

What about bicycle power ... Isn't IT a clean form of energy ??? ??

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by phydeux » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:49 am

1000Pks wrote:
What about bicycle power ... Isn't IT a clean form of energy ??? ??

Even seriously, by the local enviro club, no. Bicycles require metals made from ores using electricity. GW. Rubber or nylon tires are also toxic. For many or most you lube with WD40, highly poisonous. Then the exercise itself generates greenhouse gases. And motorists complain due to forced right of way and other considerations, they have to use more gas to accommodate cyclists. Bike lanes, bike trails, all have to be built. Certainly no electric vehicles used to do that!

The local enviro club would have all of us lay down and die. Or feed ourselves to the sharks and crabs. Except for them, of course. They'd then inherit the planet, and all of the money. Why they are so popular in CA and elsewhere!

Do you seriously think the Tesla cars don't have the same issues you listed above, only in greater quantities? And don't forget the big battery array in the Tesla - lead, lithium, & nickel compunds, acids, etc; that's a huge environmental footprint! From my experience bicycling to the mountains might be more of an adventure that hiking and climbing in them.

Frankly, if I got hold of a Tesla, I'd be driving it to the mountains to drive it through the mountains. That would be one fun car to take up into the hills! Wouldn't have to bring a backpack either, just a extra pair of undershorts since I'm sure I'd 'soil' mine after a spirited drive on some twisty mountain roads! :twisted:


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